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I ~ CITY 4F LAKEVILLE COtAdCZL MEETINQ AUGtTS2 5: 1974 The meeting was called to order at 8:00 P.M, bq Mayor Jensen. Flag pledge followed. .Present; Brander, Jensen .and Clarkson. .A.bsent; Mako and Emond. .Also present; Robert Frigaard, City ~igineer and Pat Farrell and Roger Knutson, City Attorneys. 74.421 Motion by Brander recorded by Clarkson to approve the suinutes of fair July 15 and special July 22, 1974, meetingr. Brander, Jensen and Clarkson "aye", motion carried.. 74.422 Motion by>Brandes seconded by Clarkson to pay: the claims against the City, lists attached. Jene~en, Clarkson and Brander "aye", action carried. The Water ~c Sewer mutes for July l0 and July 23 were presented but there was no Council action needed... The Park dt Decreation minutes for July 10 and July 24 were presented. 7~+.~23 Motion by Brander seconded by Clarkson to approve the park rulsa as presented by the Park and Recreation Coasni.ttee for Antler's Park and Orchard Beach Park. ..Clarkson, Brander and Jensen "aye", motion carried. 74,$24 Motion by Clarkson seconded by Brander to follow the Park and Recreation rec dation and purchase an Aero bench for Maplewcx~d Park. Brandas, Jensen and Clarkson "ays", motion carried. The proposed Park. budget. for 1975 was presented tc> the Council. Mr. Pete Martin explained why he felt the extra added expenditures w~ers needed for his recreation programs. The Planning Commission minutes for July 11 and July 25 were presented. 74.425 lotion by Clarkson accorded by Brander to follow the roe tion of the. Planning Commission and great Gary V. (lronfor a variance 'tc> side-yard set back, 2 feet, to build a garage at 7188 168th St. W. Jensen, Clarkson. and` Brander "aye", motion. carried. 74.426 Motion b~+ Brander-seconded by Clarkson to follow the Planning Comamission recoa>asndatic+n and grant a conditional use permit to operate a restaurant with on-sale .liquor to Diehard L. Lewir the future restaurant r~hich will be located appro=imatsly l/4 mils north of Hiway ~'j0 on Service Lens 6~. Clarkson, Brander and Jansen "aye", motion carried. 74.427 Motion by Brander seconded by Clarkson to follow the Planning Commission recommendation and grant Vernon D. Steberg a special use perad.t for under- grauad tank storage of gasoline at 20275 Holyoke Ave. Brander, Jensen and Clarkson ".aye", motion carried. 74.428 Motion by Firandes seconded by Clarkson to follow the Planning Commission reccm~mendation and grant James McNearney a special use permit for underground tank storage of gasoline at hia home at 202nd St. and Aamburg Ave. Jansen, Clarkson and Brander "aye", auatzon carried. 74.$29 Motion by Brander seconded by Clarkson to place a moratorium on underground gasoline tank requests for a period of 60 days in residential areas and to request the Planning Commission. to review this matter and make rome recom~adations to the Gouncil. Clarkson, Brander and Jensen "sys", motion carried. 74.430 Motion by Clarkson seconded bq Brander to table the request for the rezoning from Mr.-Wendell Christensen until the 19th of August. at 8:30 P.M. when there will be a 11:11 Council. Brandes, Jensen and Clarkson "aye", aaotion carried. 74.~~1 Motion by Brander seconded by Jensen to grant Bernard Hofschulte of Berneo, Inc.. abuilding permit subject to colying with the ordinance by providing within 30 to 45 drays the evidence of clear title to three acres on which this building .will be situated and if this is not done, all construction will cease iamediately. Jensen and Brander "aye",.Clarkson "'nay", au>tion carried. ~l) ~ s CITY ©F LsKEYILLE CAUNCIL MEETING:. AUGUST 5. 1974 74.432 Motion. by Jensen. seconded by Brandes to authorize the attorney to commence legal action against Jens Casperson and the person operating the busaness on Mr. Casperson's Lake Marion property for the following reasons: 1' violation of the sign ordix~;nce, 2, ~oning• orc~inaaee 3, health nuisance sad ~F, illegal operation of camp site without permission from the state. Clarkson, Branties -and Jensen`"eye", motion parried. 74.433 lotion by Jensen seconded by Braadea to adopt the resolution`eatablishiag tdae position of City A,dministratc>r as prepared by Mr. Farrell., copy .attached. Brander, Jensen and,Clarkaon "aye", motion carried. 74.434 Motion by-Clarkson seconded by Brander to authorize the execution of the contract between the City and the administrator with the starting date being.. August 6. Jensen, Clarkson sad Brander "aye", m©tipn carried. 7#.435 Motion by Clarkson seconded by Brander to adopt the "Resolution Re.~ectiag Proposed Supplement to Joint Powers .Agreement Between Lakeville and. wills" as presented by the attorney. Copy attached. Clarkson, Brander and Jene~ea "aye", motion carried. 74-.435. Motion by Clarkson seconded by Brander to turn-the Proposed contract with Mark Hux°d over to the sew administrator who will returnwith a rec tion. Brandea, Jensen and Clarkson "aye" mction.~arried. 74.437, A~oton by Brander seconded by Clarkson to adopt the Liquor Ordinance, Na. 73 with the corrections. Jensen, Clarkaonand Brandea "aye", motion carried. 74.43$ Motion by Brander seconded by Clarkson to authorise the-attorney tc> appeal the Quist award to the District Court aad to negotiate further with Mr. Quist` sad to report at the. next regular meeting. Clarkson, Braadea and Jensen "aye", motion carried. The appraisals of property in'.the.Phase Three pra~eet were discussed arui a meting will be set up with all property owners, Mr. Farrell, Mr. Began,.:.. Mr.-Ackerman and such members of the Council :who wish to attend. 7+4.E39 Motion. by Clarkson seconded by Brander to awardthe contract: for the eonsti-cicticn of Bighview Ave. to the low bidder, D. L. R. Construction Co., whose bid. was X6139,272. Braxutes, Jensen and Clarkson "aye", s~atioa carried. 74.44~#ry Motion by Clarkson. seconded by Jensen to accept the bids on the temais courts. Jensen, Clarkson and Brander "aye"! motion carried. 74.41 Motion by Clarkson seconded by Braades-tc+ award the bid far the tennis courts to IIdA Construction Co. Por four courts type A, alternate 8-1, at a east of $3~F,075. Clarkson,-Standee sad Jensen "aye", motion carried. 74.442 r~ticn by Clarkson seconded by Bramdea to approve the abatements as presented by the County Assessor and as ahoy on the atta+~hed lists. Brandea, Jensen and Clarkson "aye", motion carried. 74.443 Motion by Brander seconded by Clarkson to designate Richard Radermacher ae applicant For Miariesota Peace Offaaers training board reimburaemexit funds. Jensen, Clarkson and Standee "aye", motion carried. 74,x•44 Motion by Braxides see©nded by Clarkson to return the bid bond checks which were held by the clerk on the new maintenance truck and which are in the amounts of $1941.46 of Jim Baugen Ford-~Mer~ury, Ins. and $54C1.4~3 of Chas. Olson d~ Soae, Inc. Jensen, Clarkson and:Brandea "aye", motioncarried. :.74.445 Motion bs* Jensen seconded by Clarkson to approve the permit appiicati€~n from ~Tilliam H. I~nond for a well and to execute the same. Clarkson, Brsnd~as and .Clarkson i'aye~ motion carried.. 74,~~4b Action by Clarkson seconded: by,Braadea tca authorize the Mayor. and the.Clark to 'sign.. the seal coating contract. Brandea, Jensen and Clarkson "aye", m4tian carried. tZ) ~ r • CITY OF i„p~jjj,E COUNCIL MFE'PING AUGUST 5: 197 7~+.~+~7 Motion by Clarkson seconded by Brander to accept the petition from Mrs. Allan Casaen for a street light in Dakota Heights Addition. Jensen,. Clarkson ..and Brander."rye", motion carried. 7~+.~+~+8 Motion by Clarkson seconded by Jensen to refer the petition for s street light in Dakota Heights to the Public Works Director. Clarkson, Brander and Jensen "aye", motion carried. 74.49 Motion by Clarkson seconded by Jensen authorizing the clerk to write a letter oP thanks to Bonestroo, Rosene, Anderlik & Assoc. for the park donation in the amount of $250. Brander, Jensen and Clarkson "aye", motion carried. 74.450 Motion by Brandea seconded by Clarkson accepting the planr and space for the water reservoir on the Quist property and setting a bid letting date for august 29 at 2s00 P.M. Jensen, Clarkson sad Brander ".aye", motion carried. 74.451 Motion by Brander seconded by Jensen authorizing the attorney to participate in the appeals for condemnation cases on 215th St. Clarkson, Brander sad Jensen "sys", motion carried. Mr. Gail Davis reviewed circumstances involving his plat of Wildwood Ponds and it was decided that the attorney would review this matter and reply within the next ten days inn writing. Motion by Jsnsen seconded by Brander to adjourn:carried unanimously. Respectfully sul3mitted, erg MAYOR