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CITY OF ,nxr~rr•T:t,F CpUNCIL MEETING AUGiTST 19, 197 The meeting was Balled to order at $:4Q P.M. by Mayor Jensen. Flag pledge followed. Present;. Brander, Mako, Jensen, Emend and Clarkson. Als~a present; Robert Frigaard, City Engineer, Pat Farrel and Roger Rssitson, City Attox~eys and RiBhard Hogan, City Adm3.ni.strator. 7.462 Motion. by Brander seconded 'by Emend to approve the minutes of the August 12 meeting as presented. Brander, Mako, Jensen, Emend and Clarkson ""aye.", motion carried. 74.x+63 .Motion by Make seconded by Brander to pay the claims against the City, list attached. Make, Jensen, Em,and, Clarkson and ~s "aye", motion Harried. 7~.~+64~ Motion by Make seconded by Brandee to pay the claims against the Liquor Store, ....list attached. Jensen, Er+mond, Clarkson, Brander and Make "aye", motion carried. 7~.4~65 Motion by Emend seconded by Brander to authorize the Mayor and Clerk to eaeBUte the contracts for Highview.Avenu,e construction pro~eet. Emend, Clarkson, Brander, Make and Jensen,"aye", motion carried. Mr. Hogan advised the CotulHil on what he hopes to accomplish with the budget .and presented examples. He also asked that the Council approve the letter that had been sent to the Program Manager of the Recreation and Open 3paee. 74.466 Motion by Emgnd seconded by Make that the Council reaffirms its position and ratifies the letter that Mr. Hogan sent to Robert E. I~ethercut in support of the City ReB tion regarding land surrounding Weat Lake Marion and Aiorth of Lake Marion. A Bc~py of the letter. is attached. Clarks®ra, Brandes,'Mako, • Jansen and'.Emond "aye", motion carried.:.. Mr. Robinette presented a letter that had: been recreived from the Metre. Sewer. ..Board regarding infiltration in the .~.pple Valley plant. the lines gill be monitored •to determine :the problem.- Mr. Robinette also presented a request for security lights in Antler's Park.' 74.467 Motion by Smand seconded by Clarkson to follow the recommendation of the Public Worka~ Director and install two security lights at Antler's Park. Brander, Jensen, E~nond and Clarkson "aye", Make "nag", motion carried. l+dr. Robinette also stated that Rosemount would like to have Bill Hoffbeck show them hcsw to operate their new equipment and. the Council felt that thin would be alright. 7~+.~68 MAtiOn by Emend seconded by Make to approve the ICMA agreement between the Employer and the ZCMA Retirement Corp. regarding deferred compensation for the City Administrator. Make, Jensen, Er~ond, Clarkson and Brander "aye", motion carried. Mr. Farrell reported regarding the camping operation. at Lake Marion. He advised that Mr. Caspersen has Healed all operation and it would be ne~essaxy to have Mr. Ackerman or Mr. Robinette make a personal ixsspection to see that the health problem had been Bleared up. Mr. Farrell said that a conditiox~.l. use permit would be needed atad permits .from the .City. and State of Miaaatesota to operate a primitive car~.groundand to operate a boat rental.. 7~+.4~6g Motion by Make;aeconded by Emend to accept a petition presented tc> the Cour~Hil persons ~o have been using this ca~?ground, copy attached. densea, Emend, Clarkson, Brander and Make "aye", motion Harried. Mr. Robinette stated that there had been a problem with ~ rs in this area.. Mr. Farrell will write a letter to Mr. Caspersen on what is needed to, have such an operation at Lake Marion. 7~+.~+7a Motion by Brander seconded by Clarkson to follow the recommendation of the Planning Com¢~ission and grant'Wendeli E. Christensen a rezoning from R-1C to B-~+ for Lot 32, Argonne Farms, She. 12, T11~, R21W. Emend, Clarkson, Brander, Make'.and Jensen "aye", emotion carried. The heari~ag for G & G Builders was xeopened. Mr. Farrell presented a proposed ~l) CITY OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MINE AUGUST 191974 contract. for erasion control for this development which Mr. Knutson read. Mr. Loren Tucker, representing G & G Builders, stated that theg agreed in substance with-this contract and would like to see it finalized. Mariamne Curry and,Joe Williamson stated .:.that they were concerned about the backwater and the storm water runoff and asked where it would be diverted. Mr. Farrell advised the Council that it is a policy matter that would have to be made regarding which part of the improvements should be bonded for. Mr. Frigaard said that it would be a good idea to place a deposit on the building permits to insure cleaning up after the building on lots.. 7#.471 Motion by Mako seconded by Clarkson to adopt the resolution presented by Mr. Farrell approving the Lakeridge plat and to follow the bonding requirements but excluding the sanitaxq sewer, trunk and lateral; the water, trunk and lateral; and. the house services. Clarkson, Brander, Mako, Jensen and Emond "aye", motion carried. 74.472 Motion by Mako seconded by Emend to follow the recommendation of the Planning Commission and grant T. C. Distributors a building permit to extend their building in Airlake Park. Brander, Mako, Jensen, Emend and Clarkson "aye", motion carried. Jerry Maertz, attorney for the Horse Center, appeared in regard to this bonding project. He explained that Mr. Glenn Nord would take over in Lakeville now.- byr. Nord requested that a special meeting be set so that the Cotauoil could be presented with new information regarding the Horse Center. It was felt that a member of ..the Scott County. Zoning board should be present along with members of the New Market tot~nboard. 74.473 ,c~ion by Mako seconded by Jensen to set a special meeting for the 26th of August at 8 P.M. to hear the new Information regarding the Horse Center subject to members of the Scott County Zoning board and the New Market townboard being present.. Mako, Jensen and Clarkson "aye", Emend and Brander "nay", motion carried. Mr. Nord will notif~;;~ti~~ clerk by Friday noon if the above members are unable to attend. Mr. Clarkson explained that he and Mr. Emend had reviewed the Rubbish Ordinance and feel that xio changes are necessary if the ordinance is properly enforced.. It was suggested that a newe release be prepared for the papers to publish the nacre i~ortant parts of the ordinance. Wage negotiations will be :set up for Ta~eday the 27th of Augast from 3 P.M, on. 74.474 motion by Mako seconded by Brander to adapt the Resolution.a.n the Matter of Establishinag a Deferred Compensation Plan for a Certain Employee, copy attached. Jensen, Eau>nd,.Clarkson,.Brander and Mako "aye", motion carried. The joint powers agreement with Burnsville was discussed. The matter of a small storm sewer project and street improvement was reviewed and it was stated that the land ownersshcauld have some agreement with this. The attorney will contact the one home owner who had not been .reached. regarding this matter and this will be taken up at the next meeting .again. .The hearing on the Gephart rezoning request was opened. Mr. Benison and Leonard Gephart stated that they had fmllowed up on the railroad crossing and stated.that it would take some timeto get this done end that the City would have tc~ write a letter req~eesting this crossing from the Commission. It wciuld also be necessazy for the City Engineer to make a traffic count of the other crossing. Mr. Bentson stated that the criteria for this request should be safety, traffic and feasibility and that. there is a tine element involved. Mr. VanValhenburg, representing the affected homeowners, presented a list of reasons t1~is rezoning should be rejected. Dr. O'Brien asked the denial of this rezoning would hold up .down town Bevel©pment. Mr. Clint Cross showed pictures he had taken of the proposed crossing and the ~2) • CITY OF LAKE'VnJ•F. CaUNCIL MEETING ~iTGUST 19: 197+ railroad riding where Gephart's merchandise is delivered. Mr. Greg Johnson does not feel that this crossing will help congestion and Mr. Beaumaster asked if there are certain performance standards involved.. Mr. Mako presented a compromise plan that he felt might be acceptable. Larry Au.sted asked why it is so i.mpo~rtant this warehouse be there. Mr. Beaumaster said hedid not feel the read should have anything tm do with therezoning. 7~+.#75 Lotion by Clarkson seconded by Emond tc> f©llow the recommendation of the Planning. Commission acid grant Gephart'r Inc. a rezoning from R-3C to B-~# ..for C}stlo~ "A" of Yung llddition. Emond, Clarkson~ahd Jensen "aye", Brander and Mako "nay", emotion failed as a ~/5th vote of the Council is necessary for a rezoning. Mr. Brander stated that he had voted fAr the denial for the following reasons: 1, spot rezoning, 2. detri~,est to health and welfare , 3. not in ccanformi.ty with g~i.de plan, property values and 5. does not become a pivotal point for downto~ra Lakeville. Mr. Mako stated that the reason he had voted against .the rezoning was because the developer had ref'osed to compromise.. 7~.~76 1!~tion by Emond seconded by Clarkson to follow the recommendation of the Public Works Director and install a light at 178th St. in Dakota Heights. Clarksona, Brander, Mako, Jensen agd Emond "ape", motion carried. 7~+.~77 Motion by Clarkson seconded by Brander to authorize the Geo. M. sen~Co. tc> do the yearly axxdit with the rate increase of 1(~. Brander, Mako, dermsemm, Emond and Clarkson "aye", motion carried. Lloj~~t Wetencamp of Metro Cable ~'V and Mr. Shea of the state eommssi©n appeared in regard to Proposed Franchise Provirions, c®py attached. :there will have to be an amendment to Cable 7.'V Ordinance. Mr. Shea stated that. an interim certificate could be granted utttil the an~ndment is published. Hiring of. the Park Aci~aministrat¢~r was. discussed and it is hoped a deciaion eau be made within a couple of weeks. Mr. Robinette presented a request for paving in front of and tc> the east of the fire hall. A request was also presented for paving the parking lot on the west end of tame hall. 7.478 Motion by Mako seconded by Brander to use Liquor Store fEands to blacktop the area in front of and to the east of the fire hall. Mako, Jensen, ~mond, Clarkson and Brander °a~e", action carried. Mr. Robinette and Mr. Hogan wi11 prepare a letter regarding the election ordinance for the paper... Motion by Clarkson seconded by ~enond to adjourn carried unar~imou$ly. Respectfully submitted, CLERK f~ c t r