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CITY 4F LAKE4TILLE SPECIAL Ct?UNCIL MATING AUGUST 26, 197+ The Wresting was called tca order at 8soo P.M. by-Maypr~3gesma. Flag pledge followed. ,Present; Brander, Mako, Jensen, Emond and Clarkson. Also present; Roger Knutson, City Attorney, Richard Kogan, Gity Administratcar ar~d Rmbert Frigaard, City Errgginerr. Mr. Qlemn Nord, repressnteng the Del Norte Horse Center, stated that there are rbers present of the H'ew Market Townbosuci and that Mr. Kent Reisgraff of the Scott County Zoning and Planning had tEa attend a meeting in Scott-County. Mr. Nord told the Council that 3cntt County had granted the Horse Center a conditional use permit which should be adec;raate to, proceed through phase 3 of the ~~liopment. John Castellvi said that the roof of the. barn. meets all the loading requirements. Mr. Nord also stated. that ldr.-Reisgraff could see no problems and that the New Market Townboard agreed with this. Mr. Art 41eon of the board said this is true. Mr. Mahoney of Dorsey, Marquart, Windhorst eta1, said that he had reviewed the law-that authorizes bonding by cities and that building outside ©fcities sad the bonding is na obstacle. He stated that in case of a default, the truster r~auld take the necessary Wreasux~s to enforce the law. J~ Race of Rice Research told the Council that he had made a feasibility stud and ehawed the economic pro~sctions for this project. Mr. Y~rnCleve spoke a.a favor of this pro3ect as he felt th3.s ~iro~ect is necessary for~ahe continued interest in horse shows ixt this area. IKr. Petrie, principal .owner of Stearns ~c Co. said that th+e state had given verbal .approval of this project. ~lfr. Peter Friedges appeared and said that he and mat~pt others. were oppased to the City approving bonds for projects outside the City limits. tdako made a motion to grant ~relimi. ap royal to Rancho Del Norte whi.ceh was withdrawn. 74.79 Motion by Mako seconded by Jensen to adopt the Resolution giving Preliminary Approval to a Project Under the Mubicipal Industrial Development Act, Rs~errdi~g the Proposal to the Department of Econcmric Development for dpproval, and Authorizing preparation of Necessary Documents for tR~xrcho Del Norte Project. Mako and Jensen "aye", Brandss, Emond and ClarkBOn " ",.motion failed. The ,point .powers agreement was discussed. l~r. Knutson said.. that lhx~. Logan is willing to sign a waiver of hearing. .The other landowner, Mr Purcell, said that he is not willing to sign. a waiver. 74.48tt Motion by Land .seconded b9 Brander to authorize the engisreer to prepare a .feasibility st? for the small storm sewer and street i~asrovement pro,~ect in Crystal Lake. I~sako, Jansen, Emond, Clarkson>~and Emond "aye", nation carried. The asrendment tca the Cable Ordinance, No. 51, was read atui reviewed with soWm suggested changes mentioned. Mr. Xettsncanp of Cable rev was also present fore this discussion. Mr. xako would like to see 100y6 cable. drop in .the citT. A decsi®n an t1~is amsnd~ent will. be made on 3eptsmber 3. The attorney advised the Council that he felt th~.Cciuncil had acted in accordamoe with. the l~ixrnesota statutes in regard to the Election Ox~dinanee. l~[t~. John Pieraall dti.ll is not convinced that the ordinance is .constitutional and felt that a petition would bs ineffective at this time. He .also felt twat the Council should give the voters a chance to q®ts on even or odd year. elections. Members c+f the Council were advised by the attorney t3iat there is sot time. to place this on the next election. The Council dediied that there is nca ob~eetion tc placing this on the ballot but it should have been dons prarl.ous to this;tiar~. R~ere will bs ao further action taken. The lighting request of the School District for lights at Orchard Lake School wns discussed.. 74.481 2~ition by Jenssa seconded by Clarkson to instruct the Public Works Director to take a look at the situation with Dakota County E~7.ectrie for lights at the two entrances at t3rehard Lake School aTUi at the viaduct intersection and report back ~l) s CI~€ pF S,~rcT s•~'• SPECIAL CO~iCIL 1wII+~ETIl+It3 AII~IIST 26, 19'j~ to the co~cil. Jsnaes,` ~a©nd, Clarkson, Brandes and A~Iaako "aye", ma?'tiDn carried. G & t~ B1drs ~tpparared 'tc+ request a change in the bonding regh3.re~ts for. Lateridge Additi~. The Cvnncil discussed the ~eat'tsr awl instra+eted arehaska~. to return with a ree tics at the nezzt Council meeting. A representative fer.R®b~~-t I~adduaax asked the:Cc~~metil if it ].d consider: handling the water ind eeNer ligea i.8 Woodbury Plot as an asseaameat prQ~ect. He was advised. to request f©r this i.~rovet at a regularmeeting 7+.482 I~ti~ by seccs~ded by E~uond resolved that; Whereas it has been braught to the City's attention t1?at the Crn~nty is eta~iderix~g getting rid of the Rs~ad aid Bridge levy but i.e not ebb the preset policy; Be It Itesalved 2~eret®re tit the City 4= Sralceville goes on record opposing that ehat~e. , Bharkson, Brander, ' Makc? aid Jensen "are", mQtioa -carried. 74.483 Motion by Mako aeconcied by Br~endes to change the regular. aaeeeting of the 16th of 3epta~ar t~ the 17th of September. Clarksca, Brander, Maker, Jensen and Hmioaad "aye", ,mc+tion carri*d, Mc?tioae by End seconded 'kxy Clarkse~n to ad~aur~q. carried ~ananimaualy. Respectfully scatted, n P t~..