HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-03-74 ' ~ • ..CITY Ql' ~Y.J VZJJ ~ti7 ~ 3. 1974 . The meeting wan called to order at 8140 4'clo~k P.M. by Mayor Jensen. Flag pledge followed. Present; Standen, Mako, Jensen,. Emond and Clarkson. A1.so present; Robert Frigaard, City Engineer and Pat Farrell-and Ringer Krtro~tson, City Attorneys and Richard Hogan, City .~dmiaistrat~r. 74.4$4 Motion by Mako seconded by Standen to accept the minutes of the August 19, 1974 meeting as .presented. Standen, Make, Jensen, Emond and Clarkson "aye", motion carried. 74.48 Motion by Standen seconded'by Emend tca accept the mirsutes of the Special August 26 meeting as amended. Mako, Jensen, Emond, Clarkson and.Brat~des "aye", motion carried. 74.486 P!~tion by o seconded b9 Standee to pay the claims against the City, list attached.. Jensen, mond, Clarkson, Standen 8Ad Marko "aye", ~tlon_carrled. The .Water and S~swer minutes for August 13 were presented. 74.487 Motion by Clarkson seconded by Mako to authorize the at~rney to set a hearing date fair the extension of sanitary sewer trunks and water trunks into the 0rehard Lake Drainaga District as outlined in the engineer's preliminaxq report of August 6. Emond, Clarkson, Standen, Mako and Jensen "aye", motion carried. 74.488 Dion by Emond seconded by Standen to table the decisi®n on the sewer extension to Schweich Addition until 1t~4 P.M. on Sept., .9 so that these ho~crtraers may be notified and t~iius ba able to attend the meeting.. Clarkson, Standen, Mako, Jansen and Emond "aye", motion carried. :74.489 ~ Motion by Mako seconded.. by Clarkson tc> follow the Water & Sewer idecomnendatic?x~ and authorize the engineer to prepare the preliminary report on laterals for the Dakota xeights area. Standen, Mako, Jensen, Emond and Clarkson "aye", motior? carried. The Park and Recreation minutes of August 14 were presented.. 74.490 Motion by .Jensen seconded by Clarkson to authorize the Public Works Director to obtain price goatee for 1 warming house, 1 hookey? rink aa~d lights fvr the Valley Park pmt. 6 park. Mako, Jensen, Emond, Clarkson and Brander "age", motion carried.. 74.491 Motion by Mako seconded by Clarkson that the Mayor designate someone to ~E~ on the Rosemount Sehm©1 Board agenda and present them with a review of what is being done in Valley Park No. 6 park and ask the school board what their intends is in this regard. Jensen, Enond, Clarkson, Standee and Mako "aye", motion carried. Mr.,Jensen appointed Mr. Clarkson, Mr. Ballinger and A[r. Len Nelson to appear before the 8osemount School Board. A discussion took place regarding four additional softball diamonds at Aronson Park. 74.892 Motion by Mako seconded by Clarkson to return this suggestion to the Park ~c Recreation C~ttee for further study with the City Planner as a resource and to .come back to the Council with aecompaendations and a complete drawing no later .than the 17th of September. Emtmd, Clsxkson, Standen, Mako surd Jensen ":aye", motion carried. The final plat for Woodbury Addition was presented. There was e..discussion regarding. sidewalks on the main streets. The developer, Robert Laddusaw,is asking that the City install the water and sewer. Mr. Farrell advised that Mr. Laddusaw should present a formal petition for these improvements and. the hearing could be waived as Mr. Laddusat~ is the only owner involved. The imgroveffient would be assessed against the benefitted property. The devl~pper would be required to enter intr. a d>stelopment contract for the sidewalks, streets, etc. 74.493 lotion by Mako seconded by Brander to table the decision on Woodbury Addition final plat until September 9 so that the bond can be refigured snd the attorney prepare the development contract. Clarkson, Brander, Mako, Jansen and end "age", motion Harried. 74.494. Motion by P~nond seconded by Standen to table the decision far the Wren, Inc. building permit until final decision is made on the vacation of the street. Standen, Mako, Jensen, Emond and Clarkson "aye", motion carried. ~1) • CITY CF r.ex~rrrr,R C4i1P~CIL M~T7NG 3~ 1974 74.95 Motion bar Make seconded by Clarkson to accept the petition for the vacations of a street from Wren Irtc. and set a hearing. date for 9:t~C? M. on the 17th of September.. Mako, Jensen, F~aond, Clarks~m and Bra:ades "aye", me?tion carried. The request for a building permit ofthe Saxton and their use of a roan road was discussed. 74.49 b Motion by Clarkeos seconded by Brander tc> table this. building permit request until the 17th of September f+~r clarificatog from the City attc>rrtey se to .the use of the common driveway, who will pay .for the surfacing and the easeneat i'rom Saxton Co. Jensen, fond, Clarkson, Brander and Mako "aye", motion carried. 74.x+97 Lotion by Mako seconded by Clarkson to follow the Playing Commission recos~endaton and grant Wendell Christensen a buulding permit for .his pi°c~perty in Argonne Farms. Emond,.Clarkson, Brander, Mako'and Jensen "aye",.motion carried... The Brookyiew Park p~liuhar~r plat for Fhase I was presented. Tate development conttract was discussed sad the developer would approve this costraet ~'or the full 239 acres .although he ks only asking for preiimirtary approval of the first :phase of Phase I. 74.498 l~tiog by Jensen seconded by Finand to approve the first phase of Phase I Brookview Park preliminary plat subject to all. the conditions attached by all the eomaa.ttees and to instxvct the attorney and engineer to work on the development.. plait with the developer. All camwittee reports attached wh3.ch list the contditons. Brander, Mako, Jensen and Mond ':aye",.Clarks®n "nay", ~tioh carried. Mr. Mako said he would like it understood with the developer that he is in favor of sidewalks everywhere except .the cul-de-sacs. Mr. Farre7.1 said that he would like to amend the subdivision ord~.nsnee as to the attorney's fees. The Dees chaurged now are not adequate. The p!ublie hearing for tJte request for a liquor license by Mr. Richard Lewis was opened. Mr. Farrell said that everyth3.ng is is order, the investigation had been Made, the surety bond, money for building permit and availability charge attd the money for ~ year license had beerspresented. 74.499 I~?tion by Mako seconded by Brander to grant a liquor license to Mr. Richard Lewis. Braneies, Mako, Jensen., fond and Clarkson. "aye", motion carried. 74.5©D Motion by Mako seconded by Rmond to grant Mr. Richard Lewis a building p~ereait for "door Richard's" supper club. 74.5c~: Motion by Clarkson .seconded by Ra~ond to amend the above motion by addixtg " .with 1C' amide parking spaces". Make, Jensen, Emond, Clarkson and Brander "aye", .motion carried.: A vote was .then taken on nootion 74.4 ~ti.eh was as follows Jensen, mod, Clarkson, Brantdea a8d Mako "aye", motion carried. A group ®f Crystal Lake residents presented a proposal to the Council requesting that the three cities of Apple Valley, Burnsville and Lakeville meet.~wit~t the ixtttent of formitag a ,Toint Powers Agreement for setting a atuti.mo~t standard for water quality and ari orderly method of sharing coats of any project within the Crystal Lake .basin wYti.ch is necessary to ma9xttsti.n the ga:a].ity,and level of the lake. Thepetitiort is signed by lla residents of the Crystal Lake .area. 74.5p2 Motion by ~Iako seconded by Brantdes tc> aclcxtowledge receipt of .the petition from the Crystal Lake residents. Petition attached. E~ond, Clarkson, Brander, Mako and Jensen "aye", motion carried.. Mr. Jensen said that he wot.l.d try to set up a meeting with the three communities .for the week of the 23rd. (2} • • CITY OF L~I~:VI~S.E CQtTNCIL N~'II s~.c 3~ l97# Nr. Friga,ard presented the preliminary report for storm sewer laterals ax~.d street improvements to Crystal Lake 1~rea. 7~.~0'3 Nation ~ end seco~?ded by Clarkson to adopt the: nt to Ordinance Na. 51. Clarkson, Brander, , Jensen and Fad "aye", aa?tioa carried. 7~.50;~ Nation bar Nak® seconded by Brander to authorize the mayor and the clerk to sign .the cmntracts for the tennis courts. Branctes Mako, Jensen, Huox~d and C3axkson "aye", motion carried. 74.5m 5 Notion by fond z~econded 'by Cla~rksan to accept the bids ~ the water reservoir. Nalco, Jensen, mod, 'Clarkson argil Brander "aye", m<atian carried. 7~+.5©6 emotion by Nalco seconded. by C~ rksan to award the contract for the water reservoir `to the low bidder can baa~e bid na, 1, Brflwn MpTs. Tank Co.` whose bid was ~288,36E).4~. Jsnsea, Emaad, Clarkson, Brande$..and l+iako ".aye?', motion carried.. 7~#.5t?7 l~atiaa by Clarkson seconded by Brander to accept the petition from residents cm 21Ath Street per sewer services between. the N.N. & 3. R.R.' the west edge.of Clay's Acres and tuna.'it aver the ..water and Sewer 'ttee for a recomrrnendation. end, Clarksa~n, Brander, l~ako and Jensen "aye", motion carried. Nation by Jensen seconded by woad to ad~®urn carried ~snanimously. Respecti'~t7.Zy sub~,i.tted, 2v CL DR