HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-21-74 ~ CzTY of I~AKEVILLE COtIgTCIL MEETING OCTOBER 21, 1974 The meeting was called to order at S:DO o'clock P.M. by Mayor Jensen. Flag pledge followed.Present; Brandes, Mako, Jansen, k]nond and Clarkson.. Also present; Pat Farrell .and Roger Knutson, City Attorneys, Richard Hogan, City Admi.ni.:~ta~m'~or, and Robert Frigaard, City ESngineer. 74.594 Motion by Brander seconded by Mako to accept the minutes of the October 15, 1974 meeting as presented.. Brander, Mako, Jensen, Emond and Clarkson "aye", motion carried. 74.595 Motion by Brander seconded by E~ond to pay the claims against the City. Make, Jensen, E~nond,`Clarkson and Brander "aye", motion carried. 74.596 Motion by E~ond seconded by Mako to pay the claims against the Liquor Store. Jensen, Edmond, Clarkson, Brander and Mako "aye", motion carried. 74.597 Motion by Mako seconded by Emend to accept the resignation of Richard LeRoy from the Park and Recreation Committee. Vinci, Clarkson, Brander, Mako and Jensen "aye", motion carried. The Planning Commission minutes for 0etober 10, 1974 were presented. 74.598 Motion by Jensen seconded by Mako to notify the City Planner .to resubmit his" contract. Clarkson, Brander, Mako, Jensen and Elnond "aye", motion carried. 74.599 Motion by E~nond seconded by Brander to set a public hearing on the HRA proposition far 9:44 P.M. o'clock on Tuesday, PTov. 12. Brander, Mako, Jensen, Hnond and.Clarkson."aye", motion carried. 74.600 Motion by Mako seconded by Branded to authorize. Mr. Farrell to acquire the assistance of Howard Dahlgren in rE the lawsuit of Gepharts vs. the City of Lakeville. Mako, E~nond, Clarkson and Brander "aye", Jensen"nay", motion carried. The Justice of Peace position was discussed. Mr. Farrell will cheek into having a Traffic Violation Bureau appointed for Lakeville. 74.601 Motion by Mako seconded by Clarkson to enter into a contract with Ackerberg ~ Assoc. with a preliminary fee of up to $1000. Jensen, Clarkson, Brander and Mako "aye", E~ond "nay", motion carried. 74.602 Motion by Mako seconded by Clarkson to authorize the Mayor to sign. the letter for Metro Cable Inc, as an instrument of the council. Clarkson, Brander, Mako and Jensen "aye.., Esmond "nay", motion carried. .74.603 Motion bq Clarkson seconded by Mako to accept the bids for projects 74.5A ~ B. Clarkson, Brander, Mako, Jensen and bnond "ayes", motion carried. 74.604 Motion by Mako seconded by Clarkson to follow the recommendation of the engineer and ward the contract for project 74.5A to the low bidder, Austin P. Keller whose bid was X504,545.00. Brander; Mako, Jensen, Esmond and Clarkson "aye", motion carried. 74.605 Motion by Clarkson seconded by Brander to follow the recommendation of the engineer and award the contract for project 7~+.5B to the low bidder, Widmer Brothers, Inc. whose bid was ~232,447.5c~. Mako, Jensen, Emend, Clarkson and Brander "aye",` motion carried. 74.606 Motion by Clarkson seconded. by Mako to set a public hearing for assessments for the 19th of November at the Lakeville High School at 7:30 o'clock P.M. Jensen, Emond, Clarkson, Brander and Mako "aye", motion carried. Mr. Brad Johnson's dump was.diseussed and it was mentioned that this is going to be covered with ~'iZ1. Mr. Hogan discussed the insurance specs briefly. ~l) CITY OF t,n~r-rr,r.F COUNCIL DING ..OCTOBER 21, 1974 74.607 Motion by Emend seconded by Brander to set a hearing for storm sewer laterals and street improvements Crystal Lake Area, for the 12th of November at 8:30 P.M. Emend, Clarkson, Brander, Mako and Jensen "aye", motion parried. 74.608 Motion by Jensen seconded by Clarkson to approve change orders 1, 2 and 3 in the amount of $44,853.07 for sewer and water extensions to Lake Marion. Clarkson, Brander, Jensen and Emend "aye", Mako "nay"~ motion carried. 74.609 Motion by Brander seconded by Clarkson to rescind resolution N©.74.306 of June 3, 197+ and.. authorize the contract with the school district with the deletion of the interest.. Brander, Mako~ Jensen, Emend and Clarkson "aye", motion carried. 74.610 Motion by I#nond seconded by Brander tc> authorize the payment of X22,500 to H. J. A. Const. Co, for the first payment on the tennis courts. Mako~ Jensen Emend, Clarkson and Brander "aye", motion carried. The method of financing internal water and sewer extensions to developments wad discussed. 74.b11 Motion by Jensen seconded by Mako to proceed with the internal-water and sewer lateral project~•t© 6oodbury lst Addition under a five year assessment program. 74.612 Motion by Clarkson seconded by Mako to amend the above motion to read " 3 years". Jensen Clarkson and Mako "aye", Emend and Brandes "nay", motion carried. Roll call was t}~en taken on 74.611 which is as follows: Clarkson, Make and Jensen "aye", Emend and Brander "nay", motion carried. Mr. Clarkson stated that he is only for this one project until a policy is adopted. 74,613 Motion by Clarkson seconded by Mako to authorize the engineer to advertise the water and sewer laterals to Woodbury 1st Addition for bids. Clarkson, Brander, Mako, Jensen. and Emend "aye", motion carried. 74.614 Motion by Make seconded by Clarkson to follow the attorney's reeo~mnendation and pay Wilfred Stommes X3,250 for his right of way, easement and damages to his propertyi.n re the Iiighview Avenue project. Brander, Mako, Jensen, Emend and Clarkson "aye", motion.~arried. Motion bg Emend seconded by Clarkson to adjourn .carried uxienimously. Respectfully submitted, J CLERK - MAY