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` Y' CITY OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEETIl~TG NOVEMBER 12, 1974 The meeting was called at $:00 o'clock P.M. by Mayor Jensen. Flag pledge followed. Present; Brander, Mako, Jensen, Emond and Clarkson. Also present; Pat Farrell, City Attorney, Robert F'rigaard, City Engineer and Richard Hogan., City Administrator. 74.647 Motion by Brandes seconded by Mako to .accept the. minutes of the .November 1974 meeting. as presented. Brander, Mako, Jensen, Emond and .Clarkson "aye", motion carried. Mr. Ackerman presented his report for ~etober 1974. Mr. Frgaard presented his current report and advised at what stage each project has. reached. Mr. Hogan presented his recommendation re the bank depository. 74.648 Motion by Mako seconded by Elaond to follow the recommendation of the administrator and appoint the First National Bank of Lakeville City Depository and appoint the following additional banks as depositories for investment flexibilitys American National Bank, First State Bank of Apple Valley, NW National Bank of Mpls and Midwest .Federal of Lakeville. Mako, Jensen, Emond, Clarkson and Brander "aye", motion carried. The hearing on establishing. a Traffic Violation Bureau in Lakeville was opened. Mr. Cross and. Mr. .Walt King, Jr. were present. This bureau would eliminate. the position of Justice of the Peace. Mr. Cross and Mr. King felt that.. the justices were needed as there are many couples utili-zing their marriage services. Mr. Farrell said that this bureau would be set up in the City offices with a part time clerk who would collect .traffic violation fines. This matter will be further reviewed by the attorney who will return w3.th :his findings next Monday. The hearing on the Crystal Lake improvements was opened. Mr. Farrell advised that the notices had not been sent out in time. so he felt this hearing. should be continued until another meeting. 74.649 Motion by`Mako seconded by E~ond to continue the hearing on the Crystal Lake Storm Sewer Laterals and Street Improvements until December 2, 1974 at 9:30 P.M. Jensen, Edmond, Clarkson, Brander and Mako "aye", motion carried. Dennis Winston of Crystal Lake asked how these improvements related to the work which is now going on. Mr. Farrell advised the Council of land on Highview Avenue belonging to John~Hoffman, Mike Hoffman and J. Stark which has been appraised for the new road. He said.. that there are many Oak trees on this land and advised the Council to pay X3500 for easements and right of way and the appraisel fees of about X500.00 or a total of $4,000. 74.650. Motion by Emond seconded by Brander to follow the recommendation of the Attorney and pay John Hoffman, Mike Hoffman and J. Stark for their land and trees and tapay for the appraiselr on this land a sum of about $4©00. Emond, Clarkson, Brander, Mako and Jensen "aye", motion carried.. Mr. Farrell also advised of the progress made to settle with James Larson for property on Highview Avenue. Mr. Farrell told the Council that Mr. Quist would like to have his payments on the land taken. for the reservoir made in three payments, $7000 before the first of January.. The "Open Meeting" ordinance was read and will be on the agenda for the 18th. 74.651 Motion by Mako seconded by Emond to name the Ritter farm "Ritter Park". Brander and Emond "aye", Clarkson, Mako and .Jensen"nay", motion failed. {1) a CITY OF LARt'VZLLE COUNCIL M~'I'ING NOVE~ER 12, 197 7+.652 Motion by Clarkson sec©nded by Jensen to name the Ritter farm, "Ritter Farm Park". Mako, Jensen and Clarkson "aye", Brandes and ~nond "nay", motion passed. 7.653 .Motion by Mako seconded by Clarkson to authorize the attorney tc> prepare an Ord7.Tianee to increase the Mayor and Gouneil salaries and schedule for the proper times. The proposed increasesare X240 for Mayor and $135 for Council. Mako, Jensen, ~nond, Clarkson and Brandes "aye"~ motion carried. It was decided to make an effort to recruit members for the Human Rights Committee and tc~ revamp the Industrial. Commission. The parking and fishing bridge on the service lane was discussed. More recommendations are requested and"this will be discussed later. Interview dates for planners was discussed and the 26th of November was set for this. 7+.654 Motion by Emond seconded by Clarkson to grant the Nisgood Company a garbage hauling license. Jensen, fond, Clarkson, Brandes and Mako "aye", motion carried. An unsafe intersection at Dodd and Foliage was discussed. Motion by F~nond seconded. by Glarkson to adjourn was carried unanimously. Respectfully. submitted, t.--~--~ GLERK t~