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NOVEMBER 21, 197+
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Jensen at 7:30 P.M. at the Kennedy
Grade School Flag pledge followed. Present; Brandes, Mako, Jensen,
. Emond and Clarkson.
Also present; Robert Frigaard, City Engineer and Pat Farrell, City Attorney.
.The hearing was opened on the Water .and Sewer extensions to Jacquard and
Iteri. A list of interested persons present is attached.
Mr. Frigaard reviewed the preliminary report and aswered questions from,.
the audience.
Mr. Joel Frank asked how. the per. foot basis has been arrived at and why
the difference"in the cost of the two streets. He also asked what had been
paid for in the. previous. assessment,. how many feet are assessed on his..
property and why he is charged for the full sewer line if it does not
extend to the middle of Highway #'(0.
He was told that the service benefits his lot as much as any other lot.
fat Harvey asked if there.. will be an additional assessment for street
surfacing and was advised that there would be.
Joel Frank asked how the driving area of the road had .been arrived at and
what the interest rate is.
It was explained that the road had formerly. been on the east 30 feet of
the right of way so had to be moved to the center of the 60 foot road.
7+.673 Motion by Mako seconded by Brandes to adopt the assessment rolls for project
No. 73.6, Jacquard and Iteri, as presented which provides that the property
owner may pay his assessment without interest if paid within 3() days, the
interest rate will remain at 8~ per annum on the unpaid balance of assessment
and that the clerk will certify this roll to the County Auditor within 30
days of this hearing. The assessment may be paid at the city hall without
interest if paid. within 30 days of thishearng.
Brandes, Mako, Jensen and Clarkson "aye", Ernond abstained, motion carried.
The hearing on the street improvements project No. 73-3, Howland, 205th and
Iberia. Streets, was opened.
A list of interested property owners present is attached. Mr. Friga.ard
reviewed the preliminary report for this pro3eet.
Mr. Robert McNevin stated that the City. had never assessed ea€~t-.west roads
to his knowledge.
Mr. Richard Whittier asked how these assessments were arrived at and if a
compaction test had been taken of the roads. He said that the .road had settled
and water does not drain off. This is a problem at the intersection of Hughes
and 205th.
Walter Seiber also stated that the water is a problem on this intersection..
It was asked. why the apartments did not pay more of_the assessment. Mr. Farrell
said that the assessments axe based on the property, not the number of units.'
using it.
Mr. McNevin asked how each lot was assessed and was told that only one half
of the side lot is assessable.
Arvid King asked why the driveways were offset from the garages.
Robert Mahowald asked when the assessment policy had been set up.
Mr. Don Tatge asked. when the interest rate starts.
Robert Alieh said that there is one spot on Iberia where the water does not
All .persons with complaints were told to see the assistant engineer as they
left the hearing to register their complaints.
74.67+ Motion by Emond seconded by Mako to adopt the assessment rolls for project 73,3,
Howland Avenue, 205th St. and Iberia as presented which provides that the
property owner may pay his~~~assessment without interest within 30 days, the
interest rate"will remain at 8,~ per annum on unpaid balance of assessment anal
that the clerk will certify these assessments to the Dakota County Auditor
within 30 days. of this hearing.
Mako, Jensen, Emond, Clarkson and Brandes "'aye", motion carried.
NOVEMBER 21, 1974.
The hearing on sewer and. water extensions to Aquarius on Cedar Avenue and
the restaurant on Highway. 50, Project 73-5. .There were no interested property
owners present.
Mr. Frigaard briefly reviewed the preliminary report.
74.675 Motion by Mako seconded by Emond to adopt the assessment rolls for Frojeet
No. 73-5 as presented which provides that the property owner may pay his
assessment without interest within~,30 days, the interest rate will remain
the same_at 8~ per annum on the unpaid balance of the assessment and that the
clerk .will certify these assessments to the: County AudiaQr within 30 days.
Jensen, Emond~ Clarkson, Brander and Mako "aye", motion carried..
The hearing on water and ewer .laterals to Lake. Marion,. Project 73-~+, was
opened. A.1ist of interested property owners present is attached.
Mr. Frigaard reviewed"the preliminary plan for this project.
John. Graff asked if this. included all land south of the railroad,
Tom Walsh asked how this property was-assessed. Tt was explained that each
building unit was assessed one unit... Mr. Walsh asked why he was assessed for
three units when he only.. has two services.
Richard Gephart said he hasfour lots, one is vacated 199th. St. and he has
only been... assessed for three. This will be corrected.
Joe Schweich asked if he could be assured of a building permit on his lots if
he pays the assessment on them.. It was .explained to him that it would be
difficult to refuse a buldingpermit on a lot that has paid for sewer and water
_or he could ask. for an_abatement of the assessment.
Curt Gunderson asked if the interest is figured from the date of this hearing.
George Warweg>asked about lots 1, 2 & M Antlers Park, he felt there is too :.much.
.water to use these'lats. He also asked how 'these were assessedd.
Wm Knutson asked how soon water. and sewer will be available for hookup. He
was told that .there are no laterals to this land and he must petition for the
Clark Johnson asked what building restrictions area he has three services but
his lots are only 50', 50~ and`65'~ he felt. this: should be looked at as two`
,units instead of three.
John Graff asked iwhen the water .pressure would improve and was told when the
water is looped.
Tom Wa,l~.ah asked the length of time aperson has before hooking up.
Tom Wahl asked if-he was: charged for one unit or two.
Tom.: Rasmussen asked hwytrunkportion was taken out of thus assessment and-was
old that 'this would be picked. up with future connections.
.Clark Johnson asked about blacktopping.
Mr. Warweg asked how the Bark had been assessed.
Tom Walsh asked if the sewer lines were low enough on lots 22, 23 and 24, block
12, Antlers 'Park and was assured that they were.
74.676 Motion by Clarkson seconded by Emond tc~ adopt the assessments rolls for. project
Not. 73-~+, Water & Sewer to Lake Marion, as presentedwhieh provides ghat the
property owner may pay his assessment without interest if paid within::;30 days,
the interest rate will remain!a,t 8~ perannum on the .unpaid balance of the
assessment and'thatthe clerk will certify these assessments to the County
..:Auditor within 30 days of this hearing.
Emend, Glarkson, Mako and Jensen "aye", Brandesabstained,.. motion carried.
The ordinance. to increase the Mayor and Council salaries was .read.
74.677 Motion ~y Clarkson seconded by Mako to adopt Ordinance No. 7$, An ordinance
°to increase the salaries of the Mayor-and Council, .Clarkson, Brander, Mako,
'Jensen and Emond "aye", motion carried.
74,67$ Motion by F~nond seconded by Clarkson to approve the on and off sale beer
license for John's Tavern. Brander, Mako, Jensen, Emond and Clarkson "aye",
motion .carried.
Motion by Emond seconded by Clarkson to adjourn. carried unanimously.
Respectfully submitted,