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w ~ ~r CITY OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL..MEETING DECEMBER 9s 197+ The meeting was called to order at 8;00 P. M. by Mayor Jensen. ,Flag pledge followed. .Present; Brandes, Mako, Jensen, Emond and Clarkson. Also present; Robert Frigaard, City Engineer, Robert Pulscher, Financial Consultant and Richard Hogan, City .Administrator. 7~+.671Q~ Motion by Mako seconded by Clarkson to approve the minutes of the December 2, 197+ meeting as presented. Brandes, Mako, Jensen, Emond and Cla rkson "aye", motion. carried. Mr. Pulscher explained to the Council that he would like to_postone the bond sale due to-the high interest rate at the .present time. He also stated that he would like to reset the date for December 30. 74.672 Motion by Emond seconded by Brandes to adopt the resolution cancelling the public sale of $1,x+75,000 improvement bonds of 1975 and ~320,D00 general obligati-ion. water revenue bonds of 1975 and calling for public sale of $1,460,004 temporary improvement bonds of 1975, resolution attached. Mako, Jensen, Emond, Clarkson and Brandes "aye", motion carried, Mr. Robinette reported that the roads in the Hobby Farm are now up to standard. except for the ditches. He feels that the City should maintain and plow these roads.. Mr, Mako said that he would like to receive a letter of intent from Mr. Todd that he is going to take care of the ditch problem. Mr. Robinette also advised the Council that the State Highway Deptartment would like lights at the intersection of Highways. 50, 64 and Dodd Blvd and one a:>~~.hort way down from the intersection of Highway 50 and H©lyoke Ave. 74.673 ~ Motion by Emond seconded by Clarkson to authorize the Public Works I~ireetor to install the two lights as presented. Jensen, Emond, Clarkson, Brandes and Mako "aye", motion carried. Mr. Ackerman presented his building report for November. 74.674 Motion by Emond seconded by Clarkson to authorize Mr. Langord to attend the building and plumbing. inspectors conference. Emond, Clarkson, Brandes, Mako and Jensen"aye", motion carried. 74.675b Motion by Mako seconded by Clarkson to pay Clinton Zweber X1700 for the moving and the labor of moving a corn crib on his property in connection with the .building of Highview Avenue project. Clarkson, Brandes, Mako, Jensen and Emond "aye", motion carried. 74.676 Motion by Jensen seconded by Brandes to authorize the attorney to take whatever action is necessary to clean up the old farmstead at County Road 46 on Donnay .property. Brandes, Mako, Jensen, Emond and Clarkson "aye", motion carried. 74.677 Motion by Jensen seconded by Emond to authorize Mr. Ackerman to do whatever is necessary to clean up behind the creamery. Mako, Jensen, Emond, Clarkson and Brandes "aye", motion carried. The engineer presented his report. 74,678 Motion by Mako seconded by Emond to accept the preliminary report for the water and sewer extensions to Dakota Heights and Oak Hills Additions as presented. Jensen, Emond, Clarkson,.Brandes and Mako "aye", motion carried. 74.679 Motion by Brandes seconded by Mako to set a public hearing on the water and sewer extensions to Dakota Heights Additions and Oak Hills Additions for the 20th of January at 9:00 P.M. Emond, Clarkson, Brandes, Mako and Jensen "aye", motion carried. 74,680 Motion by Mako seconded by Clarkson to adopt the resolution stating intent to participate in cooperative community development funding and designating Mr. Hogan as the designated representative for the City, resolution attac..hed. Clarkson, Brandes, Mako, Jensen and. Emond "aye", motion carried. The Park & Recreation minutes for Nov. 27 were presented. ~1) • CITY OF LAKEVILLE'COUNCIL MEETING DECMEBER 9, 1974 74.681P~ Motion by Mako seconded by Emond to follow the recommendation of the Park. and Recreation Committee and approve the schedule for the warming. houses as presented: 5 P.M. to l0 P,M. on week nights, 9 A. M, to 10 P.M. on Saturday,- T P.M. to 9 P.M. on Sunday. Christmas holiday schedule to vary as determined by the Park & Recreation Director. Brandes, Mako, Jensen, Emond and Clarkson. "aye", motionearried. 74.6824 Motion by Mako seconded by Emond to follow the Park & Recreation recommendation that the pleasure skating on Orchard Lake beat Orchard Lake Park and to allow the storage shed at Aronson Park be moved to Orchard. Lake for a changing house. Mako, Jensen, Emond, Clarkson and Brandes "aye", motion carried. Mrs. Jeniee Lange was presented to .the Council for an int eeview, 7~+.683i~ Motion by Clarkson seconded by Mako to follow the recommendation of the Park and Recreation Committee and appoint Dee Christoffers and Jeniee Lange to complete the unexpired terms of .Martha Erickson and Rchar LeRoy and to appoint them for the three year terms beginning on January 1, 1975. Jensen, Emond, Clarkson, Brandes and Mako "aye", motion carried. The Planning Commission minutes for November 29 were presented. 74.684 Motion by Mako seconded by Clarkson to follow the Planning Commission recommendation and grant Mrs, Mazy Ann Mueller a special use permit to operate a pre-school at her home at 19759 Jersey Way with :the maximum number of children being 18 and the hours from 9;00 A, M to 9:00 P.M. with a time limitation on this permit to be June 30, 1974, Jensen, Emond, Clarkson, Brandes and Mako "aye", motion carried. 74.685 Motion by Clarkson seconded by Brandes to follow the Planning Commission recommendation and grant Ross Bassett a variance to garage-size for Lot 1, Block Bassett's Addition.. Emond, Clarkson, .Brandes, Mako and Jensen "aye",.motion carried. 7,6868 Motion by Clarkson seconded by Brandes to follow the Planning Commission recommendation and proceed to buy, two .map file sections and a stand for use at the Council Chambers. .Clarkson, Brandes, Mako, Jensen and Emond "aye", motion carried. Mr. Tom Cropp of-the Dakota Ambulance Service made a presentation to the Council, He explained the need for financial assis+.,ance from the municipalities and .that this service is a non-profit organization. Mr. Clarkson and Mr, Mako were appointed as a committee to review this. matter. Russ Ludtke of the Central Telephone Company explained to the Council why they could not remove a pole in front of the Heller property-at this time. The Council feels it imperative that this pole be removed if the downtown district is improved. The hearing for Minnreg's application for a special club license was opened. 74.687 Motion by Emond seconded. by Brandes to renew the Special Club license for Minnreg's Inc.. Brandes, Mako, Jensen, Emond and Clarkson "aye", motion carried. The hearing for Johri's Tavern application for set-up license was opened, 74,6888 Motion by Mako seconded by Emond to grant ,john's"Tavern a set-up license.. Mako, Jensen, Emond, Clarkson and Brandes "aye",?motion carried. 7+.689 ~ Motion by Clarkson seconded. by Emond to renew the rubbish license for Town and Country Disposal Service. Jensen, Emond, Clarkson, Brandes and Mako "aye", motion carried. Mr. Mako asked that a study be made to see how many homes have not installed their house numbers. It was suggested that these people be informed through the newsletter that. this must be done, Mr. Hogan gave a brief resume of the utility rate meeting he attended. (2) .CITY OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEETING DECE~IDER 9, 197 7~.690~ Motion by Mako seconded by Clarkson that the City Administrator be authorized to make up a_letter intent to support the proposed adversary roll of the Ad Hoc Committee on utility rate increases to be presented to the PSC'n January, It is understood that the Ad Hoc-Committee will consist of metropolitan and outstate communities in an organization to be set up through the temporary: chairman, Mr. Bruce Nawroeki, Mayor of Columbia Heights,.working in conjunction with '.the suburban rate authority which has pledged approximately $160,000 in funds and the State League of 'Municipalities. Emond, C1.a rkson, Brandes, Mako and Jensen, "aye", motion carried. A letter from Thomas_R. Davis was read. He states that his mother has. land for sale next_to Antler's Park and is offering the`City a chance- o purchase it. Mr. Brandes and Mr. Emond were. appointed to contact Mr, Farrell and proceed to investigate 'this matter.. Mr. Hogan. reported on the rate increase of Minnesota Natuzal Gas Co. The quotes. for printing of the .newsletter were presented. 74,691 Motion by Mako seconded by, Brandes to award the printing of the newsletter to the low. quote which was from the Dakota Tribune. The printing will be green on white. Clarkson, Brandes, Mako, Jensen "aye", Emond abstained, motion carried.. 74,692 Motion by`Clarkson seconded by Emond to acknowledge receipt of the letter from Joel Frank in which he=appeals his assessments on Jacquard Avenue, Brandes, Mako, Jensen, Emond-and Clarkson "aye'", motion carried. Mr. Jensen presented his letter of resignation which was read by the Clerk. 74,693 Motion by Clarkson seconded by Brandes to accept the letter of resignation from Mr. Jensen, Mako, Jensen, Emond, Clarkson and Brandes "aye", motion carried 74,69+$ Motion by Mako seconded by Brandes that: Whereas, Robert Jensen has served the community of Lakeville for 14 years'as a councilman and township member in a manner that is a credit to all elected public officials, and; Whereas, he has'' helped to_form anew city and to direct it from its very beginning. Plow herefor, We the Council of Lakeville uwould like to express an. official "Thank You" to him and his family for this service, Emond, Clarkson, Brandes and Mak© "aye", Jensen abstained, motion carried. 7~+.695~ Motion by Mako seconded. by Emond to extend the time of this meeting until the attorney for Eureka, Peter Smitz and the Eureka Town Board Chairman, Henry Larson, are finished with their presentation, Emond, Clarkson, Brandes, Mako and`Jensen "aye", motion carried. Mr. Smi.ta presented a rnap showing which areas will be annexed. in 1975 and which areas they would approve to be annexed to Lakeville in 1980 and in 1995. He stated that the building perm~a for Audio Research had been granted by the Town Board but he felt the Lakeville Building inspector should inspect this building to see that it is built to Lakeville specifications. 74,686$ Motonby Emond seconded by Clarkson to authorize the building inspector to to the inspection on the Audio Research building. Emond, :Clarkson, Brandes, Mako and Jensen rraye", motion carried, Motion by Clarkson seconded by Emond to adjourn .carried unanimously. Respectfully submitted, r ~ S ~ , ~ CLERK MA December 9> 1974 Honorable members of Lakeville City Council and citizens of Lakeville: This letter of resignation would 1_~robably never have been. written if ' it were not for tre appointmert of Bob ~?ensen to the S~akeville ~ohtr= ship board pn 1961. The resgr~ati~~n of my neighbor {Fred Yetzer), prom- ted tie townboard (George uuliit~an and ~yl.vester l'~ahoney) to ap~oi.nt' me `to fill Freds term. I did take tk-e appointment very s~:riously and Crave in these Bast 14 years tried y very best to do the things that were: in the besi: a interests of 'Lakeville and oar peoplel I feel I.have. been successful irr this endeavor and am very proud of Lakvillesgood reputation in Dakota Co~,xnty and 'State c;f l~~innesota.' Zt his been a lot o~' hard work.. It has 1~Farit;spending countless days and evenings away from hdrne aril my fjtanily, I~Ly wtBfe Bernice, has been probably as much responsible for any sucess I may,have had in the local"politeeal field as I. She has 4lways b en available to answer phones, take messages and of course do chorFs and milk cows for me while I took..care o~ mownship, vill.a$e and e~ty matters. Cur children havealso'had heir,part wn all ths• without ttreir help ancx cdol~eratiori in doing the farrr~ work` I coule~ not gave ~ad the tirr~e tc~ spend an gc~vernrlent affairs tl..:t it takes to do an effective job a. dither councilman or ma~ror. I consider Lrese `1LF. years ©~f service to the people of Lakeville the greatest experience of my life. It has beer everyt~.ing from funflled days~to .days" of frustration and anxiety and seer.~i~ glY hopeles. problems.. .somehow as time :goes an thefrustratio::s become challenges and problems be come0pp~ortunities. It is with this attitude thr:t many the ~.gs can be accomplished. r:e ha.~;~e all seen many things happen in Laaeville these past 14 years, It has taken Cite cool:eration of all to do them. Let ~ s keep up that` cooperative spirit: `help the council aqd the: cflr_rnittees where you can, they will appeecate your concern grid help. I have -undertaken a new po3itical vea~ture th~..t requites Ly reag- nation a mayor of the. City of La.~evlle. I have been sleeted to the Mate Legislature ss representative Cf District 53B whichineludes part of Lakeville as well as Burnsville,. parts of ~.p~le Ualley and Farmington. I ors looking forward to this op~crtunity to serve this position with much ir:terst and enthusiasm, I want..to ao this nww job well and will make every ef~ort to represent everyone of you to the best of my abilit~r, T wr nt to take this ~,,~~rtunity to thsnk each ar~d every person who has serves on my corrur~.ttee over the year ~~hen I ~~as mayor. It hGs trade t~e r.Gyors job so mush easier and we'accomplished so mach more with y~~ur generous help. Special thanks also to past and .present members of the city council`. .They have all been rerarkable merr to York with.,: George Sullivan, Fred Take, Fete'Friedges, Jerry Ciay, ~~ike :awards, Ed Niako, Harry :Clarkson,:.J~m Emond and Dick Brander are s1J man t~-~~ t h~.ve served as councilmen while have beer. mayor. To these men a special thanks' for trieir- cooperation axrd generous. offering of time and efforts This.letter shall ire condidered my formal resignation . 1~ffectve January_;1, 1.975. • • 12:(31 AM and sriall be entered as part of the city records as of this date.. December 9, 1.974 Sync*~rPly. ,~%i~.yJssJ~i rrf~`