HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-30-74 .v CITY ~F LAP.Ft~ILLE SPECIAL CQUATCIL MEETING DECEl~+IDEft 30, 197+ The meeting was called to order at :f'~ P.M. by Mayor Jensen, Flag pledge Followed. Present; Bra~?des, Mako, Jensen, Emond and Clarkson. Also `present; Pat Farrell and Roger Knutson, City Attorneys and Richard Hogan, Citp Administrator. Mr. Jansen had called the meeting For 7 P.M. to discuss the perfox~aanee of the City Administrator. Mr. Jensen did. not fecal that the admiaia~trator dome the things that were expected of him. It was decided that there should be s meeting between the Council and the Administrator to discuss what i8 expected of him. Mr. Egad presented a plaque to Mayor Jensen in recognition of his service on the Cotancil. The wage schedule was. reviewed. 7+.725 Motion by kind seconded by Msko to adopt the wage schedule ass changed and with the exception of the tt~ Larsons, schedule attached. Brander, Mako, Jensenn, Emond and Clarkson pays«, motion carried. 7~+.724~ Motion by Emoad seconded by ~3randes to adopt the Resolution Eutabli~hing Compensation, ate. as corrected, copy attached. Mako, Jensen, Fond, Clarkson and Brander "ape", mvti.on carried. The suburban Rate Authority ~esvluti.ors was discussed and the Attorney stated that somewhere in the Future each community could be assessed For. the coat of the rate authority and other Fees. 7.725 Motion by Mako seconded by Brandes_to adopt the resoluti®n Authorizing Participation in the Suburban Rate Authority, copy attached. Emend, Clarkson, Brander anct Mako "aye", Jensen apposed, motion carried. The hearing to consider the making of a city parking lot was .opened. A liet of interested property owners present is attached. Mr. Farrell reported that he had had the two properties appraised. N,[rs. Grace Sorenson asked whp this property should be taken and root some other o:a main street. Mr. Farrell said that the 1®~al notice had stated the designated area to be assessed and that this could alrota4ys be cut back from the. larger assessment district.. Mr. VanValkenburg asked if this. could be putofF for a short time as the t~ parties concerned v?ere aL~aost in agreement on the dollar aunt For the 3arenson property. Mr. Nerd said that they would need. to know the appraisal value of this property and that they.. have not been able to come to any agreement on the Heller property. He said that it is urgent to obtain this property as soon as possible and asked the Council to set immediately. Mr. Farrel said that the Council should proceed to the end if condemnation of this property is ordered and not let someone move in while this is being acquired. ~f-:this property is needed for a public purpose, this i~nprove~ent should be ordered as designated. A resolution authorizing condemnnation is ae8ded subject to an agreement wtith the fixe businessmen, Mr. Mordsaid he would like some indication as to time table iavoived. Mr. Farrel said that 24~daps notice would have to be served'on property owners beforea hearing could be held in district court. He felt that a minimum of 6tD days would be needed before the .award sad up tc? 7~ days for <possea~sion.` The City may have to pay some relseation expenses. Mr. Sorenson did not feel that this is progress to get rid of some downto: businesses. Motion by Jensen that project as presented For Heller property be approved and attornep proceed with condemnation proceedings subject to agreement re assessment. This motion was ~v:ithdrawn. 7.726 Motion by Clarkson seconded by Effiond to split this improvement project into two prvjeets, one the Heller property and two the Sorenson property and that the hearing on the Heller property be closed and the hearing on the Soren~n be contnuedxntil 9:~ P.M. on the ljth of January. Eauand, Clarkson, Brander, Mako and Jensen "aye", motion. carried. 7+.727 Motion by Jensen seconded by Mako to order the project as presented f©r the Heller property and authorize the attorney to proceed with condemnation subject to the assessment agreement with Lakeville Parking. .Clarkson, Brander tl) ~ ~ ~ CZTSC ~F LAKFVILLE SPECIAL CCCIL MEETING . ~ECn~BER 30, 197 Mako, Jensen and Em4nd "aye", motion. carried. 7~+.728~ Motion by Errand seconded by Clarkson to approve the Special Club License for the Chart House. Brander, Mako, Jensen, P~taond and Clarkson "eye", motion carried. 7.729 Action by 2~tako seconded by Emend to approve. the Special C1rab License for the V. F. W. A3ako, Jensen, Emend, Clarkson and Brandea "aye", ~tivn serried. Mr. Farrell read a letter from Instant Homes .and said he is holding a check for ~795a for partial payment oP all charges and said that they would have the remainder ix~ 3Q days. +srt~nded by end 7.73© A~vton by _A+takonto reject the offer of $795a for partial payment oP the -Instant domes charges and haves the attorney, advise Instant Homes of this. Jensen, Emond, Clarkson, Brander and Aiako "aye", rmation carried. A#!r.'Hogan reported that the police had received a iow bide from National Camara Exchange for a Bell & xowell prnjector with a one year.: guarantee, 1 extra lamp 1D carousel trays, 1 carousel and 1 screen for a total of $6fl4. 7.731 Asotion ~ Emond aeaconded by' 1~Iako tc~ approve the. purchase of the. pro3ector plea. aeceaac~ries for t2ae ptrchase price of Emond, Clarkson, Brander, Mako and Jenseen' "aye", cation carried. It is understood that this projeQtor may. be used by tither units of the City of Lakeville, A!Ir. $ogan gave _a resume of the progress on obtaining the budgetary program.` 7.732 1Kotaon by Errand seconded by Brandeas to'adoptthe R.eaolution.Am~nding sewer and Water Asreasmex~t,Jac~uard and Iteri Avemies. Resolution attached.... Clarkson,-Brander, Mako, Jensen and Emond Faye", motion parried. 7.733 Motion by `Clarkson seconded by Et~ond tv _adopt the Resolution Amending Sa~rer and Water Assessment, Lake A~'aric~n Phase resolution attached. Brander, A~Ia]EO Jensen, end and Clarkson "aye", motion carried. 7~.73~ lotion by Et~ond seconded by Mako to adopt the resolution regarding the gas tea, copy attm?t3hed.' A~lako, Jensen, EmDnd, Clarkson and Brandea "aye", motion carried. 7.735 Akrtion by Mapco seconded by Hnvnd ter acknowledge the. Petition .for Leave tc> firing Aetort from Alexander Construction Co., Inc. and authorize the attoz3sey to interpose an ansa~r. JeRnsen, Earond, Clarkson, Brander and Mako "aye", action carried. Air. Farrell reported that Mr. James.Larron was in the audience and went on to say that this relates to the Highview Avenue project and that he will have t0 get a Figure for the: trees taken.- The City could ©ffer some additional a~ox~ey or wait for an award from the court.. Mr. Farrell-also reported that of the residents. in Eureka are unhappy.... with the'propeeed annexation and he feels that the City should just go ahead with the small Airlake project at this time, It case reported that. there is a meeting on the lath of ~'anuaa~y in Bloomington for A~letx~ Development. 74.~36 torq by Clarkson aecoaded by Brander to establish any open work,sesri©n for 4;Da P,M, vh Friday. Ea~nd, Clarkson, Brander, A~ako and Jensen "aye", motion carried. - Don Cross asked it c~~t.~5 far pumping a septic tank when the City.. dose. not have any work to do in connection with the pumping. A4r, Jensen inforraeRd him that this is the only way to keep track o~ the problem areas where there are problems with cesspools anal fore the admi.niatrative costs. 7.737 Motion by Mako seconded by Em4nd to turn the pumping fee over to the mater and Sewer Committee-for the reevaluation of 'the ~5.€~ fee.. Clarkson, Brander, A+tsaso, Jensen and Emend "aye", a~Qtion earrieri. ,w w GITY QF iJ1RT+7tTTT T F` SPEC?AL Ct~tT~fCIL MEETING DEC~°~lBER 3a, 197 A~otion by Emomd aecomded by C1.arka9n ~tc> adjaurta carried unanimQUSly. Respectfully submitted, CI~.2K 1~Y(~R (3)