HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-15-73 '.4 i VILLAGE ©F L~AFi~;U'1~ CQT?NCZL MEETIlV'G J~NtJARY 15 r 1973 The meeting was called to order by Mayor Jensen at $s04 P.M. Present; Friedges, Mako, Jensen and Emcand. Absent; Edwards. .Also'.present;.Pat Farrell, Village Attorney. 73.x+6 Motie~n by Emond seconded by Friedges to approve the minutes of the January 8, 1973, meeting as presented. Friedges, Ma'ko, Jensexs and F~aond "aye", motion. carried. 73.47 Motion by Friedges $eeonded by Mako to pay the claims against the Village. (##92~+6-933a and 761-799) Mako, Jensen, E~ond and Fredges ff$geif' ffiotion carried.' 73.x+8 Motion by Friedges seconded by Make to pay the claims against the Liquor Stc3re. {#~71~-~76® and 813-$~7)- Jensen, F.~nond, Friedges and Mako "aye" motioh carried. Lane Esswein presented a report to the council regarding the coming snow festival in Valley Park. He requested that the council authorize'someone to clean off an"area for parking.. 73.9 M®ton by ~mond seconded by Fr3edges to provide. the neseesa~xy snow removal for the snow festival it3 Valley Park the 9, 1~th and 11th of Feb. Effiond, Fredges, Mako and Jensen fi$yeff' motion carried. Marianne .Curry, representing the League of Woffien Voters, presented a rough draft of-the survey that had been compiled by-'them.- 73.5© Motion by ESiond seconded by Jensen to order 5pp bruehu~seso~ the League of Women Voters. Friedges,'Mako, Jensen and Fond "aye", motion carried. 73..51... Motion by Emond se~onded:.by 1'~ako to designate 215th Street as a County Road from the intersection at 35w to Cedar ~ivenue Mako, Jensen, Eaaond and Friedges ffag~if ~ motion ,carried. VaJri©us letters were presented tc>-.the council: 73.52 A4otion by Emond seconded by Friedges to approve the abatement on parcel #2®933 B for Alfred & Mir Ann Mueller. Emond, Friedgas, Mako and Jensen "aye", ffiotion carried. 73.53 :Motion bq F,mond seconded by Mako to approve the taxi licenses for Ronald Haukos. Esmond, Friedges, Mmko and Jex~een "aye", motion carried. 73.5 Motion by Bmond seco~adecl. by .Jensen. to approve the excavating permit for Fischer Construction. Frieder, Make,. Jensen'and F7sond ffa3?effs motion carried. 73.55 Mt~ton by Bmond seconded 'by Mako to amend motionapprcevng Dakota geights ~4tla Additon to show that the ;.attorney :gave his approval of this plat. Mako, Jensen, Emend 'and Friedges "eye", motion carried. 73.}6 Motion bg ~i®nd seconded by Friedges tc> hire Clint Zweber for the Park Dept. on a 9D day trial 'basis. Jensen, E'mond Fred~es and Mako ".aye?,! motion carried. 73.57 Motion by Jensen seconded by Eteiond to pay Robert Raymond an additional l per hour :over .his government. pay. F,mond, Friedges, Mako and. Jensen "aye", motion carried. 73.5$ Motion by Friedges $eeonded by Jensen to hire C~raee Jaeger for the polices office at X2.75 per hour. Friedges, Mako, Jensen: and Emond "aye", motion carried. .Motion by Make seconded by Friedges to adjourn caxried unanimously. Respectfully. submitted, Cr: 'L..