February 1973
The meeting was Balled to order by AQtiag Mayor Ed Mako at 8a~5 P.M.
Preseht; Make; and Edwards. Absent; Friedges and ,Jensen.
Also preseat~ Robert Frigaarei, Village Engineer.
e ]ege,lxnotice for the public hearing was read.
Mr. Frigaard reviewed the project and explained the three diFFereat cost
su~ariea For tie three different type curbs. He also explained that a
petits@n had. been received requesting this irevement.
A list of interested persons-attending this ffieetiag is attached 'to these minutes.
Mrs. Schmidt asked what part of her lots would 'be affected by this im1'roveatent.
She also asked when this improvement would take place iF it is ordered.
Mr. Moebius asked whAt the basis was far the 3f~ which will be paid by, the
Village. Hs else waked if the council could order Chia pro,~eot without
a vote by the people.
Mr. Gunnick said that he was under the impression that these streets ware
ready to be paved sad what tonnage this road would be, He also asked
if the assessments would be divided up as they were for the water and sewer
project which did not seem fair to him.
Norbert Jay asked what would happen if thi$ project was not approved. He als®
asked how the people's wishes could be made ~snowa to the council.
James Mares asked if it would be possible tro install the storffi sewer and
not the blacktop. He also asked if the Village could pick up the cost of
the storm. Mr. Mares Felt that if the project was ordered, host of the
people would-prefer the rolled curb.
Mrs. Brisk asked if
it would be .possible to Fill the hole ~a the street
on 2a7th St.
Ronald Carrick also stated that he felt that the Village should pay for
the stox~.sewer.
Ed Knutson felt that he would prefer not having the i~rovement go in but
if it was ordered would prefer the rolled edge curb.
A letter from Engineered Specialties was read sad is made a part of these
73•Sg Motion by Emond seconded by Edwards to continue this hearing until Tuesday
February , at 9 P.M. in the Village .Hall.. Mako, Egad and Edwards "aye",
motion.. carried.
Respectfully subaaitted,
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