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VILLA(rE ~F I~KEVZLUIdCIL .FETING ' FEBRUARY 1973. The meeting was Bailed to order at 8 P.M. by Mayor Jensen. Present; Friedges, Mako, Jensenaad Emend with: Edwards arriving.:.,.at 8s15 PM. Also present; Robert Frigaard, Village Engineer. 73.96 Motion by Etr~?ud seconded bg Mako to appro~re the minutes of the Feb. 12, 1973: meeting as presented. Friedges, Mako, Jensen and Emend "aye", motion carried. 73.97 Motion by Fredges seconded by Mago to pay the claims'against the Pillage. ~#'s 9352 thru. 9505) copy attached and 844 thru 831. `PAako, Jensen, Emend and Friedges nays", s~tian carried. 73.9$ Motion by Emc>nd seconded bg Friedges tc> peg the Liquor claims, {~'rs~7bl t2aru x+843 and 892 thru g©5). Jensen, Emond, Friedges cad Mako "aye", motion carried. The Water & Sewer Committee report for Feb. 7, 1973,' was presented. 73.99 'Lotion by Emond seconded by Mako to accept John ~Iren's resignation. - Emond, Friedges, Mako a~d.Jensen "age„, motion carried. The Plann;.ng Coa~missio~a report fmr Feb. 8, 1973 was presented. 73.1®~ Motioh by Emond seconded by Fredges to table the Handers Diesel Repair variance application uhtil the 5th of P+tax°ch.; Fredges, Mako, Jensen, F~aond and Edwards.: "ayes',.motioncarried. 73.101 Motion by Mako seconded by_Friedges to approve the. variance regc~ st of Paul Krause for Kingswood Estates subject to the: engineer's reeammendaton and approval of the Village attorney. Makca, Jensen,.:Emond, Edwards and Friedges "age",' motion carried. 73.102 Motion by Emond seconded~by Mako to follow the Planning Commission recommendation and grant a rezoning to Paul Krause from 4-B to R-1C for the following described prcpertya all that part of S~ of the Sw ~ of See 1, T11~, R21, with t exceptions.: Jensen, Eawnd, Edwards, Friedges and Mako "aye°f, motion carried. Mr. Radermacher explained to a group of"interested citizens from Glena.Addtion what had bean done about the rat situation in Glenn .Addition. The eentnu~d hearing on the G1e~ Addition street impr©vements was opened. Maa~y interested property owners were present. Questions that were asked were generally the same as at the hearing except that there was'a request that .the Village pick up more than th~.3a~ oi' the cost which was planmed. One question. asked was whether or not there.. would ever be ire assess®nt ixi the future and will this storm sewer take. care. of the pr®blem. 73.1G3 Mahon by Mako seconded by Friedges to order the Glenn Addition street improvement using the rolled`u~forffied curb and authorize-the extgzsraer to prepare theplat~s ~d epees far this paro,~ect with the Village participating in 3t~ of the cost of 247th Street. Emvnd,`Edwards, Friedges, Mak~e+ and Jensen "aye", motion carried.. Mr. Bassett .requested that the council great him permission to post. part of the recommended bond so that he can start building on Bassett's'3~ec®nd Addition.. 73,10 Motion by seconded bg Friedges to grant Mr. Bassett permission tc build ort Lots 8 and 9 Biock 2 and all of Block 3 and ~ upon the receipt of of` .the .:street bond for the entire. addition sub~eet to the ~sttox•t~ey' s approval . Edwards, Fredges, Mako, Jensen and Emond "aye" u~otion carried. Mr. ©smondson appeared before the council again requesting advice in regards to a road that was needed into so~Ylend that he had purchased. He is now going to purchase the land along the `remaining portion of road so that a 6D f©ot road .may be constructed. Mr. Jensen advised Mr. ~smundson that he would like to see ths,a land replotted so that the read would be recorded at the register of .deeds but that the council would make some eonsessions as to the bl~cktopped roads and parks if this is done. 73.105 Motion by Friedges seconded by Emond to follow the Building In,epectar's recommendation and purchase carpeting, chairs, tables. and build a platform as presented for the new Cou~a.cil chambers and the Village hall. Friedges, Mateo, Jensen, Emond and Edwards "aye", motion cax^ried. 73.106 Motion.-by Emond seconded by Friedges to have. Mr. Sloan of 1~TSP do a study for a street lights in Clay'`~s Acres and come back with a reeomEaendaton. {1) • VII~S,AGE QF 7,dxFttT'~tt.F C~TJ1tiTCIL MF.E'~ING _ FEB~RIIAFtY 24, 1973 Makc?, Jensen, Emond, Edwards arad Fredges "aye", motioh carried. A letter regarding the. Cedar Ave. Bridge. was read. 73.107 Motion by Friedges seconded by Mako resolved that the Village of Lakeville supports irr~mediate action to construct a new Cedar Avenue Bridge( resolution to be prepared by Mr. Farrell.) Jensen, Emond, Edwards, Friedges a~.d Mako "aye:", motion .carried. 73.1x8 Motion by Emond seconded by Friedges to approve Change ©rder No. 1 for the Riverside Sand and Gravel for the Airlake Sewer attd Water Extension--Pro~eat Ato. 72-7 in the amount of X12,118.75. Emand, Edwards, Friedges, Mako and Jensen "aye", motion carried. 73.1c)g Motion by Friedges seconded by Emond to adopt the resolution as passed by the Village of Apple Valley in regard to the proposed dowritn, stadium in the City of Mizaneapolis. Edwards, Friedges, Mako, Jensen a~td Emoted. "aye", ffiotion carried. A letter from the emgineer regarding the storm sewer study for the entire Village was presented. 73.110 Motion by Edwards seconded by Jensen to approve a studg of the drainage area west of Valley Park with ~e eantour ~pp~g and requesting a recommendation, from the Water and Sewer Committee on-how to proceed with the. remai~ader of the Village on a 3 to 5 year:~study. Friedges, Mako, Jensen, Emond and Edwards "aye", motion carried. 73.111 Motion by Emond seconded by Edwards to advertise for two men, Z for the utilitg department and 1 far the street department with the applications to dose An the 12th day of March, 1973• Mako, Jensen,.,Emond, Edwards and Friedges "aye", motion carried. 73.112 Motion by Emond seconded bg Friedges to authorize the plans and specs to complete ~'illges Park terrace 3rd addition, 3rd P.se,~ Jensen, E~ond, Edwards, Friedges and Mako "aye" motion carried. ?3.113 ~!totion by Emend seconded hy..Edwards to authorize the engineer to prepare the preliminary report for Phase III water and sewer extensions. Emond~ Edwards, Friedges, MakA and Jensen "aye", motion carried. Motion by Dsond seconded by Jensen to adjourn carried unanimously. Respeetftzlly submittcad, ..a CLERK MAYS