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` ~ * ~ . VILLAGE OF L~EVILLE COUNCIL MEETIldG • MARCH 12, 1973 The mes~t~.ng was called to order by Mayor Jensen at 8x45 P.M. Flag pledge followed. Present; Friedges, Malco, Jensen, Esssond and Edwards. Also present; Brad Limberg, Village engineer.. 73.13+ Motion by Emond seconded by Edwards to approve the minutes of the March 5, 1973, meeting as read. Friesiges, Mako, Jensen, Emons and Es~wards ".aye", motion carried. James Robinette was sworn in as a member of the Park and Recreation Comsana.ttee. The minutes of the special Planning Commission meeting of March 12, 1973, were presented. 73.135. Motion by Friedges seconded by Mako to follow the Planning Commission recommendation and grant the rezoning of the following property for Glenn Klotz from B-~+ to R-1A subject to percolation test and 1 sere or larger late: tri~.ngular piece of property, SE of Orchard Lake, bounded on the south by 172nd 3t. W and sin the East by Mp1s., Northfield & Southern R. R tracts, Sec. 12,'T11~FN, R21W. Mako, Jensen, Emond and Friedges "aye", Edwards opposed, motion carried. Karl .Foote appeared before the council to explain his reasons for having a mobile home at ~rehard Lake. He felt that the home was far enough back son the property to be hidden from sight. He also felt that he should. be allowed time to fix this home up for resale. Mr. Gralow and Robert Purnell felt that this home is an eyesore from the laks~ and asked that it be moved. 73.136 Motion by Emond seconded by Friedges to grant the mobile home permit to Karl. Foote until Sept. 1, 1973• Jensen, Etuond, Edwards, Friedges and Mako "aye", motion carried. The Sewer and Water Committee minutes for Ma~eh 7, 1973, were presented. 73.13? Motion by Mako seconded by Fredges to adopt the rates as proposed on the minutsss of the Sewer and Water Committee. of Feb. 21, 1973, to become effective immediately. Esgond, Edwards, Friedges, Mako and Jensen "aye", motion carried. Donald Fanum, Harry Clarkson and other interested persons asked the council if the penalty date could be changes3 a.s it caused unduehardship on people. It was stated that the bills had been already printed and this would have to be considered at a later date. 73.13$ Motion by Mako seconded by Esgond to follow the Water & Sewer recommendation and charge 5~ penalty on all past.. due bills / ,Edwards, Friedges, Mako, Jensen and Emond "aye", emotion carried. and to approve the Wallace & Tierna~a. contras ! for X316. Mr. Evans appeared for the`Chart House and showed a drawing of the sign which will be placed over the Chart Houss3. He explained that this sign will be about 48 feet high. He skid that there will be spot lights. on the rigging. 73.139 Motion by Mako seconded by Edwards to grant the variance to height of sign to the Chart House. Friedges, Mako, Jensen, Emond and Edwards."ale", motion carried. Glenn Klotz requested the council for information regarding closing a road in some. property he owns. He was advised to see the Village inspector to get this taken care of. Donald Fanum and Richard Johnson and other interested property s3wners in College Park requested the council to fix their streets so they w©uld be passable. 73.1~F0 Motion by Mako seconded by Edwards to empower the engineer to take the necessary steps to improve this situation on the whole project and. to notify Mr. Fischer of the same and to bill him for the work. Mako, Jensen, Emc~d, Edwards and Friedges "aye", motion carried. Mr. Durocher and Roger Poseh from Foredt Rills asked the council if something could be done about the water situation out there as their basements are being flooded and they are unable to use their bathrooms. The Village inspector and the street supervisor will cheek this out. The park location in Jackson Heights was discussed with many interested persons from Jackson Heights and Lakeville Hills. (1) VILLAQE OF LAKE{TILLE COUNCIL MEETING MARCH 12, 1973 73.141 Motion by Jensen seconded by Emond`to dewy the request of the purchase of the lot in Jackson Heights and ask the Park & Recreation Committee to look at the situation in Lakeville Hills to see if there is something suitable for a park. Jensen, Emond, Edwards, Friedges and Maka Faye", motion carried. 73.1~+~ Motion by Fried~es seconded by Emond to ceept the bids for the remodsli~g Qf the old maintenance building. Emond, Ed aids, Friedges, Mako and Jensen "aye", motion carried. ~.e engineer recommended that the low bic~ be accepted and that the councilinelude; the base bid for the .painting. 73.143 Motion by Mako seconded by F+'riedges to let the bid to the low bidder, Earl Weikle Sons, Inc., whale bid wa8 X18,993.00 with the alternate No. 3. #5(30 extra for painting. Edwards, Friedges, Mako, Jensen and Emond "aye", motion carried. 73.144 Motion by Friedges seconded by Edwards to approve change order no. i for K1a~n Plumbing do Heating Co. in the amount of X184.00 for removing the existing duet, installing two elbows and a horiaontal run and inata].ling a vertical duet. in the new location. Friedges, Mako, Jensen, Emond and Edwards "age", motion carried. 73.145 Motion by Mako seconded by Friedge~ to return cheek no. 1585 from Bradley Assoc. in the amount $12+6.15. Mako, Jensen, Emond, Edwards and Friedges "aye", motion carried. 73.146 Motion by Mako seconded by E?~nd to empower the mayor to sign. the settiament and release: regarding the dog shooting and to sign #75 cheek made payable to Micheal Jennings. Jensen, Emond, Edwards, Friedges and Make "aye", motion earriecl 73.147 Motion by Emond seconded by Friedges to accept the Petiti+~ for street improvements from John Dennehey and Reuben I. Hovland. Emond, Edwards, Fredges, Matra and-Jensen "aye", motion carried.. 73.148 Motion by Emond seconded by Edwards to close the job applications. Edwards, Friedges, Mako, Jensen and Emond "aye", motion carried. 73.148 Motion by Edwards seconded by Friedges that the Village of Lakeville opposes any altering of County Road g/ Dodd Boulevard as it is felt this will e4entually become `a vital part of Lakevlle's road system. Friedges, Mako, Jensen, Earoad and Edwards."aye", motion carried. 73.150 Motion by Emend seconded by Mako that Lakeville will not participate in the Crystal Lake outlet project. Mako Jensen, E~ond, Edwards and Friedges "aye", motion carried... 73.151 Motion by Friedges seconded by-Emond to post"no parkingn~aignsfrom Howland Ave. east to the alley on 207th St. W. Jensen, Emond, Edwards„ Friedges and Mako "aye", motion carried. Various letters were'pr~sented to the council. Motion by Friedges seconded by Edwards to adjourn carried unanimously. Respectfully submitted, G~1~2.~a'~~~ C ~ YOR /_s~