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« ~ • VILLAGE OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEE`I'IlVCr • ~ 1~+, 1973 The meeting was called to order by Mayor J ezeen at 8 P.M. Flag pledge followed. Present; Friedges, Mako, Jensen, Emond and Edwards. Also present; Pat Farrell, Village Attorney and Robert Frigaard, Village Attorney. 73.266 Motion by Friedges seconded by Mako to accept the minutes of the May 7, 1973 meeting as corrected. Friedges, Mako, Jensen, Emond and Edwards "aye", motion carried. The Building Inspector presented his report for April. Mr. Ackerman also reported 1-,o the council on various matters that had been discussed previously. 73.267 Motion by Emond seconded by Mako to authorize .the purchase of a camera at a cost of approximately $50. Mako, Jensen, Emond, Edwards and Friedges "aye", motion carried. The Water & Sewer Committee minutes for May 2, 1973, were presented. 73.268 Motion by Friedges seconded by Jensen to authorize the council utility committee. to cheek into the purchase of 6 acres of land in Section 18 to aecomodate the ten million gallon water storage facilities which are planned. Jensen, Emond, Edwards, Friedges and Mako "aye", motion carried. The Aquarius Swimming Pool building plans were presented to the council. 73.269 Motion by Mako seconded by Friedges to f'o11ow the. recomanendation of the Planning Commission and approve a building permit for the addition to Aquarius Swimming Pool Company. Emond, Edwards,=Friedges, Mako and Jensen "aye", motion carried. Dick Johns'Yon, Wes Megalis and Mx°. & Mrs. Ainsworth of the Lakeville Booster Club presented a proclamation proclaiming May 1~+ through May 31, 1973, Lakeville Boosters. Club Membership Week. Chuck Groth of Peoples Gas explained his company's plan for installing new line. He said that. the holes would be closed up the same day of the excavation. 73.27C Motion by Jensen seconded by Emond to approve the plan of the gas compax~y to install anodes. Edwards, Friedges, Mako, Jensen and Emond "aye", motion carried. A representative from Mutual Capital Corporation asked for per~.ssion to rough grade some roads in their addition of which the preliminary plat has been approved. 73.271 Motion by Jensen seconded by Friedges te+ issue an excavating permit to Mutual Capital Corp. Friedges, Mako, Jensen, Emond and Edwards "aye", motion carried. Doug Henry and Bi11 Jackson appeared before the council with the final plat for Jackson Heights 2nd Addition. Mr. Jackson had a copy of the minutes containing the resolution to vacate about two blocks of a street to the Dawson property. Wes Bailiff stall objects to the property lr~.e and feels it is not right and mentioned taking legal action in this matter. Mr. Farrell said the remaining street should be vaeateci. and that if the legal description is presented to him, he will see that .this is published in the paper. 73.272 Motion by Mako seconded by Jensen to table a decision on Jackson Heights 2nd final plat until next week. Jensen, Emond, Edwards, Friedges and Mako "aye", motion carried. 73.273 Motion by Friedges seconded by Mako to set up a public hearing for vacating the road in Jackson Heights 2nd.: Addition. Mako, Jensen, Emond, Ecixards, and Friedges "aye", motion carried. The public hearing on the street improvements on Iberia Avenue was ogened tl) • VILLAGE OF LAKLVILLE COUNCIL MEETING ` 1~+, 1973 at g P.M. Mr. Frigaard gave a resume of the preliminary report for the improvements. A list of interested persons present is attached.. Mr. Charles. Wren asked why the council had not honored the agreement made with him in connection with this road. Ie mentioned other agreements that had of bee grr,~ore ~ ~--a~..~ry ~~,~~~.~P-~~~--.~,~'~%~ Mr. Farrell mentioned that to his recollection the agreement had been to bring .the rcaad up to grade and provide class 5 gravel and also to give Mr. Wren the surplus dirt for the donation of the.: street to the Village of Lakeville. Mrs. Evelyn Kre,jce felt that Mr. Dennehey was required to pave the street as a requirement of receiving a building permit for his apartment. Pat Wren asked how this would be assessed and felt that the apartments should pay more as there would be so many more units than there are houses on this street. 73.27~F .Motion by Mako seconded by Fred.ges to continue .this hearing until g P.M. on Monday the 21st of May and postpone a decision until that time. Emond, Edwards, Friedges, Mako and Jensen "aye", motion carried. Mr. Lloyd Wetenkamp and R. B. Schlichter gave a summary of the mane matters that had to be taken care of in setting up the operation. of a cable T. V. Mr. WetenKamp said that the original Warne of Electronics Consultants had been charmed to Metro Cable but the company had not been sold. He also mentioned that one problem was obtaining permission from Dakota Electric to use its poles. 73.275 Motion by Mako seconded by Edwards tc~ authorize Mr. Fa~ell to investigate Metro Cable Inc. as to compliance with ©rdinanee 51 and toau orl~ir~ Pinscher of Springs-ted_Ir~c7°revew Metro Cable's financial condition and give a report on this matter. Edwards, Friedges, Mako, Jensen and Emond "aye,,, motion carried. Mr. Glenn Krejee reported that he could find nothing in the protective covenant regarding home businesses. A letter from Mr. & Mrs. Charles A Wright ob~eeting to this beauty shop was read. It was reported that most of the people in this addition object to these home businesses. A motion by Jensen to grant this permit died for the leek of a second. 73.276 Motion by Emond seconded by Edwards to deny the request of Mr. Glenn Krejce for a conditional use permit to operate a beauty shop in his home. Friedges, Mako, Emond and Edwards "aye", Jensen opposed, motion carried. Paul (~].ey gave a brief resume of the tornado disaster. He feels that a warning system is needed in the Village to warn citizens of future tornadoes. He also felt that a letter of thanks should be written to the many communities and organizations that. aided at the scene. ?3.277 Motion by Friedges seconded by Mako to acknowledge the claim of James P. Max for damage to his property due to work done by Fischer Construction. Mako, Jensen, Emond, Edwards and Friedges "aye", motion carried. A letter from Bruce Person regarding a_atrip of land ov~raed_by the Village on Orchard Lake was read. This matter will be checked put. Letter attached. 73.278 Motion by Jensen seeonded by Edwards to have. lights placed at Cedar and Dodd Blvd. 16©~ and Flagstaff Ave. and Cedar and 16ath St. Jensen, IIsond, Edwards and Friedges "aye", Mako opposed, mc3tion carried. Mr. Mako stated that he .felt. Lakeville needed an equitable .way to divide the cost of lighting on 1b4th St. and that Apple Valley should share in the cost. This will be checked by members of the council. It was also decided that a light at Highway ~+6 and Pilot knob Road would be requested of Apple Valley. E2) • ~ VILLAGE OF I~gKEVI~ COUNCIL MEETING i i MAY 1~+, 1973 73.279 Motion by Emond seconded by Friedges to send change order No. 1 in the amount of ~26,b98.16 to install water and sewer to the ITT building to Mr. Hitchcock for payment. Emond, Edwards, Friedges, Mak4 and Jensen "aye", motion carried. 73.28Q Motion by Jensen seconded by Emond to .approve the following permits for Dakota Electric .Associations To provide service to Iota 17 and 18 'of block 1, lots 1, 2, 3 and Block 3 and lot 1, Block ~ of the Logarto Addition To provide underground service to Kingswood Estates .Addition. Edwards, Friedges, Mako, Jensen and Emond "aye", motion carried. 73.281 Motion by Emond seconded by Edwards to approve the attendance of some members of the clerk's office to a course in municipal accounting. Friedges, Mako, Jensen, Emond and Edwards "aye", motion carried. An insurance policy of one million dollars excess liability at the cost of ~175o was presented. 73.282. Motion by Edwards seconded by F'riedges to approve this policy if the effective date is changed to 5J15/73. Mako, Jensen, Emond, Edwards, and Friedges "aye", motm~ carried. A meeting .was set up with the human Rights Committee for the 23rd. It was reported that George Grohoski wanted $25aG for the two lots in Lakeville kiills and the council felt that this was too much money. .73.283 Motion by Mako seco tided by Friedges to instruct the engineer to investigate Lots x+,5,6 and 7 in Lakeville Hills for the proper drainage and return with a recommendation. Jensen, Emond, Edcaards, F'riedges and Mako "aye", motion carried. Motion by Emond seconded by Edwards to adjourn carried unanimously. Respectfully submitted, cL~x PdAY4R F~