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c SPECIAL MEETING-VILLAGE OF LAKE'VILLE COUNCIL 30 ~ 1973 The. meeting was called to order by Mayor Jensen at 8 F.M. Present; Mako, Jensen and F~nond. Absent; Friedges and Edwards. Also present; Robert Frgaard, Village Engineer and Pat Farrell, Village Attorney. The hearing on sewer and water extensions to the area in and around the eastern shoreline of Lake Marion was opened. The legal notice was read by the clerk. A list of interested persons present is attached. Mr. Frigaard gave a resume of the preliminazy report and said that there wi11 be much preliminary work to do before this project could go ahead. The water main would generally follow the sewer with some exceptions. There are .several problems which wi11 have to be solved, szach as access to the homes during construction. A temporary access will have to be provided. Dick Brandes asked how long would this project take. Mr. Frigaard thought about 3 months but. an access would have to be maintained. Mr. Brandes asked if this area would gravity feed but was told it would not and a. lift station will be part of this project. -Mr$,Lois Thomason asked when and where this project would be started. She was told that if the project is ordered, it could possibly be the 1st of .August before the project is started. Carl Lutgens asked how the property is assessed as many lots were wider than others and some had very little front footage on the road. He was told that .this would be done equitable as each person is beneftting the same from this project... Stan Brock asked about the pending assessments for this project and how does onvtell if there is one. Alfred Meuller asked how many years would. this assessment run anal was advised that it was usually for 20 years. Mr. Don Gothard asked how long the road would be tied up and was told that it was hoped not more than three or, four days. John Graff. asked if he would have to pay on a front footage basis if the lines only came to his property line. and was advised yea. George Warvteg asked how farm property is taxed. Joe Schweich asked:. if the. roads were going to be put in and was told that only the reads that are now in would be restored but not paved. Mr. Frigaard e~.~plained that the assessments would have to evaluated as there are many unique situatimns in .this area. Daniel Boenish asked if most people wanted sewer and water and was told that this is why this meeting is being held and that the preservation of Lake Marion was also in question. Mr. Farrell. explained to Mr. Thomasen that whether or not there are. pending assessments against certain property depended on whether one is the seller or the buyer. He felt that if a person is selling his home, the buyer should be advised if there. are hearings being held for improvements. Earl Larson asked where the .sewer and water lines would be loeatedin the road and was told that sewer would be in the middle and the water off to one side and across the property along the lake. Cecilia Davis asked when one would be obliged to hook up to water and sewer. Jim Blanchard asked if the council _decided to order this project, could it possibly SPECIAL-MEETING--VILLAGE ~LAKEVILLE CQUNCTL MAY 30~ 1973 be done by the. first of December and was advised that there is no target date set. Dick Wensmann asked if roads would be moved as they are not located as platted. He was advised that this a legal problem. Tom Rasmussen. asked for a description on how this is to be assessed and about releeation of 199th Way West. William Sellner asked if the seasonal dweller would be obliged to hook up gust as the person who lives therethe year around. Eugene Barnette felt that the people should be given a chance to vote. He said he opposed to this project. He alsea asked how the school would be serviced by sewer and water. The following persons are opposed to this projects Darlene King, J©anne Sellner, A4artha Clay and Jim Blanchard. The following persons .came out in favor of the projects Mr. Leonard Bentson who said he had petitioned for it, Mr. & Mrs. Foley, ~.nd Mr. Thomas Rasmussen, Earl Larson and Curtis Gunderson. The hearing was closed. 73-316 Motion by Emond seconded by Mako to continue ehis heaxing until June ~+th at 9:30 P.M. Mako, Jensen and Emond "aye:', motion carried. The hearing for street improvements to Lakeville Hills was opened. After the clerk read the legal notice, Mr, Frgaard gave a resume of his preliminary report on this pro~jeet. Mr. Ed 1~sbury asked when sewer and water eould,be expected in this area and if it was feasible to pave at this time. Gary Bauer and Ed Pieri told of having attended a meeting for the widening of County Road ~ and felt that maybe services for sewer and water could be provided by Burnsville. Mr. Pier also asked about assessments. Z'om Schaffer was concerned that these roads would be torn up to install sewer and water. He has water problems .and would just as soon put in the lines before the blacktop is installed. Leo Seikkula felt that these roads should definitely be blacktopped as this... road washes out every year.... Mr. Leonard Frohnauer asked where these roads would drain and was told to the lake. Gerald Moonen also felt that the installation of dry lines should be studied as it is too expensive to tear up a road to install sewer and water. John Jackson. said that he is in favor of the installation of blacktop.. Roger Michalski asked about the assessments on a corner lot if one side is inaceessable. Mr. Farrell advised .the residents. of Lakeville Hills that they could sign a petition for sewer. and water and could agree to dry service if necessary. 73.317 Motion by Emond seconded by Mako to continue this hearing until June 18th at 9s3(3 P.M. Jensen, Emond and Mako "aye", motion carried. _ ,