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T r y r VILLAGE OF i,AK'FVTT T,Fi. COUNCIL MEETING JUNE 18, 1973 ..The meeting was called to Order at 8 P.M. by Mayor Jensen. Present; Friedges, Mako, Jensen and E~nond. Absent; Edwards. Also present; Robert Frigaard, Village Eri;gineer, anal Fat Farrell, Village Attorneg. 73.373 Motion by Emond seconded by Friedges to accept the minutes with the correction of mpti4n 73.364. Friedgea, MakA, Jensen ar~d Eraond "aye", motion carried. 73.37 Motion by Friedges seconded by Jensen to pay the Village bi11s. Mako, Jensen, Emoz~d and Friedges ''aye", oration carried. 73.375 Motion by Emond seccmded by Friedges to pay the Liquor Store Mlle. Jensen, Emond,a~ ea, Mako "aye", motion carried. The Building Inspector's report for May, 1973s was presented.. It was mentioned that Mr. Grohoski has not cleansed up his lots and that a warrant wi11 be served. Prairie Investment Co. presented a plan for apart~nment buildings iia their land lying east of Highway They advised that they are able to provide a total food plain. easement. 73.376 A~otion by Emend secrosded by Friedges to table this request from Prairie Investment Co. until the first meeting in July as~d tezrn this matter over to the engineer to cheek the drainage problem acid the Park Com~ai.ttee for a review of park donations. Emend, Friedges, Mako and .Jensen "aye", motion earr:ied. Jim Robinette and Mike arson, lifeguard at Orchard Lake, reque~ated that Mr. LarsAn be granted permissien to give swimming lessons at a fee of ~S.OO.for each participant. 73.377 Motion by Friedges seconded by Emond to grant 1Kike Larson permission to give swime~i.ng lessens at Orchard Lake ~u~~ect t~ Pei?e:.Yartin's approval. Fredges, Make, Jensen ~t3d E~ond..aye", Moti~an carried. Mr. Paul t)xleyy presented the egw~il with a cheek from the federal goverrmtent. He also presenteed the council with o.list of weather radios, ate. which he felt should be installed at vat+iaws locations and also a pxivate telephone to the .civil direetorl4s home. 73.378 Motion by Jensen seconded by baond t11at Mr. Oxley's praposal be approved, copy attached, with the excepti~ of the radio at the maintenance shop. `.This one will be offered tti the school. Mako, Jensen, Errand and Friedges "aye", motion carried. The hearing for the. vacation of a xbad as described on the attached resolution was- opened at g P.M. Mr. Bi~cby and She I!~allerys ate~t~d that than were satisfied with this description. 73.379 Motion by Friedges seconded by Emond to approve the vacation of the road as described on the attached resolution. Jensen, Emond, Friedges aid Mako "aye", ~tiom carried. The clerk was instructed to write Apple Valley and refer the lights is question to the Apple.Valleg Council. 73.380 Motion b9 Haond seconded by Friedges to approve the request of the fire depart~aent for a change to the by-laws and the pension schedule as .shown on the attached latter. fond, Friedges, Mako quad Jensen "aye", motion carried. 73.381 Motiom by Friedges seconded by Mako to approve sect-up license for John's .Tavern. Friedges, Mako, Jensen and Emond "aye", motion carried. • ~ ~ ~ e, VILLAGE of LAI~EVILL.E catn~czL r~r:~ta Jam` 18, 1973 Preliminary reporta for 2a5th St. 8c Howland Avenue and .street improvement Via. Minnesota (?rchard Gardens Fourth ldditior~ were presented by the engineer. :73.382 Motion by Jensen seconded by Friedges to set a hearing on the street improvements for 205th St. and Howland Avenue for July 9 at 8s3a P.M. Mako, Jensen, Ehond and Friedges "aye" ~tian carried. '$~hehearing for the vacatipn of part of 170th 3t. was openied at 9:30 P.M. ?'3.383 Motion by Find seconded by Ma~,o to approve the vacation of road as described on the attached resolution. Jensen, Emond, Friedges and Mako "aye", motion carried. Mr. Farrell advised. the council that. the bond had been received far Jackson. Heights 2nd Addition and that every th3.ng was in. order. 73•$~ Motion by Jensen seconded by Friedges to approve the final plat of Jackson..•.. Heights 2nd Additi®n. Ea~nd, Frisdges Mato and Jensen "age", motion carried... 73.385 Motion by Esgnd seconded by 3eYxsen to set a hearingon the street `:improvements in Minnesota Orchard tiardexis Fourth Addition for July 9 at 9s3a P,M. to get the feeling +b€ ~pproperty ow~aers. Friedgee, Mako, Jensen and Et~nd "aye", motion carried. 73.385 Motion by Emond seconded by, Mate? to auth0r.se the payment of up to ~1,C~O for suppli~ntation of the Dakota County law' enforee~neutjsyst~snt with the aut~arity to the police chief to give the c®uaty a lesser figure whey he finds out the proper amc?unt. Resolution to be prepared by Mr. Farrell. Mato, J®nsen, Emond .and Friedges "age", moti©n carried. c 'catio~a 73.387 Motion by Emond seconded by M resolved that the County of Dakota act as Grantee for the Dakota County Law Enf'ore t Cc~maaumication System as it relates to Lakeville. Resolution'tc> be prepared by Mr. Farrell. Jensen, Hind, Friedges az~d Mako "aye", The continued hearing on Lakeville Hills street iaq~rovement was opened. A petition was presented from some of the residents requesting only blacttop. 'T3.3~ Motion by Friedges seconded by Emend to accept the petition that only blacktop be installed at this time.. F.ma~td,, Friedgess, Adaka and Jensen "age", motion carried. Ed Pirie told the council that he had hot been contacted in re this petition and felt it was biased. He did not want to pay for a road that may be drorn up 3.n a year or two.. After some checking with .x°~dsAiu and Mr. Asbury,. the council decided to have another petition circulated.as this .petition had<been mailed out by the attorney two weeks previous to this meetir~,. 73.389 Motion by Emond seconded by Friedges tca table this hearing for .two weeks and send a new petition to Mr. Melia for circulation and. this will contain the names .and addresses o~ the property owners. This petition must be returned to the clerk at least 3 days in advance of the meeting on the tad of July. Friedges, Mako, Jensen and EmDnd "aye", motion-carried. 73.39a Motion by Jensen seconded by Emond to continue.-:the matter of the Woodbury plat until the last meeting in .July. Mako, Jensen, Esmond and Friedges "aye", matioa carried. The ~ateville Hills residents also mskedjthe council require. Mr. Grohosti talcs care of the co~laints rsagard3ng their homes that had not. been corrected. 73.391 Motion by Jensen seconded by Friedges to issue an order oP the council that no future building permits be issued to Mr. Grohoski. until such time as all code violations that may exist an homes in Lakeville Hilles are corrected to the .satisfaction of the Village Council. Jensen, Es~ond, Friedges and Mako "aye", motion carried. ~ VILLAdE OF LAKH:~TII~I,E C~iJ1+tCIL h~CETINC~ JtJlJE 1$, 1973 ~Iotiox? by Emond seconded by Friedges to ad3ourxi carried uasnimously. Respeet21x1.1y submitted, e._ r MAYO~y