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VIIZAQE 4~ LAKBVILLE SPECIAL COUNCIL MF.~LTING JUNE 2f, 1973 The meeting was called tc? order at 8:~5 P.1~S. by Mayor Jensen. Presea~t; Friedgea, , Jer3aen, B and Edwards. 73.392 Motion b9 seconded by Ekond wailing requir+earent of written notice. Friedgea, akC+, Jensen, E.d and Edwards "aye", moon carried. Mr. Ron Leibtried appeared before the council to request that he be reinstated. to his position cn the street aaintenanee department. He $aid that he needed this jab and promised that he would not violate the rules and regulations again. Mr. Yilliam acttbeak, street maintenance auperimtcndent, advised the cat~nei of the different dates that Mr. Leibtried had not come tca w<ark and otsame of the dates when Mr. Leibtried had .not done the ~rcrrk assigned tc~ him. The council also has a letter from the police chief regardingthi.e matter. .73.393 Moticm by Emond seconded by Edwards to reinstate Ronald Leibfried tc~ his position cue grawr~ds .that he psrtnrm tea the auperintend~t~ satistactiott on the fob. Ma1co, Jensen, Emend, Edwatrda and Friedges "aye", motion carried. Motion by Emond sec©nded by F'riedgea to adjourn carried unanim~aualy. Respectfully aubmi.tted, ~ o R f