HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-02-73 -m , 0 e ' - PILLAGE aF c©UATCIL M~Il~G ' JIILY 2, 1973 The meeting was called to order by Mai®r Jensexa at 8 P.I. Flag pledge fcll~wed. Present; Friedges, Make, Jemsea, end aAd Edwards. Also present; xobert Frigaard, Village ~gneer ~d Pat Farrell,- Village ht'~orr~eyr. 73.39+ Motion by Friedgee seconded bg Mako to accept the minutes of the Jame l8, 1973. meeti~ag. Friedges, Make, Jensen, E~namd and Edwards "aye", moti®m carried. 73.395 Motion Emond seconded by F'redges to accept the minutes of the special June 26, 1973 meeting. Make, Jensen, Esz?ad,Fdwards and Friedges "age", ayation carried. 73.396 M®tio~ bg F`.riedges seconded bg Edwards t~ peg the elai.ms against the ~Til].aee with theeacepton of 1®1tJ~F. Cop~r attached. Jensen, end, Ed~rards, Friedges and,Mako "aye"~ motiam carried, The Water & Sewer miaut~s for. June 6 were discussed. 73.39'7 Motion..b~ Jemsea se~oaded by Friedge~ to authorize the engineer to prepare a preli~aimasy report far 'sewer eatenaioa to .Agttaz~ius Svrimm~iag Pool Cc~., Inc. Emond, , Friedges Mako a~cl Jensen "age", mc~tiam carried. .The Park & Recreation minutes for e ~ were presented. It was noted-that the'C~a~ttee rec. ed that ~1,8f9.A~ in lieu of park .....lead be accepted frr Fa>ur Star Carp. .a letter frcmi Mrs. Mary Brock re the purchase of :Antlers .Park was read. 73.398 Motion by Make ~econdedby? Edwards to authorize Mr. Farrell to have a~? appraisal made of ~tlers Park, the Caspers<~m proPe~y and the land needed fora water tower. Edwards, Friedgew, Make, Jensen and Emond "aye",.motion carried. 73.399 Moti®n ~ Jaen seconded by .Edwards that .the ccurieil's park eosmittee and some members of tbePark & Recreation Committee eater 3.nt~,+ scuae aegc~tietioas with Mr. Bentsoh arm the purchase of Astiers-Park. Friedges, Make, Jensen, Eamcacl and Edwards "aye", motion carried. .The dues increase of t2~e League aP Mi~esata Municipalities was discussed. 73• Matioa by Edwards seconded by Friedges that participation in the League of I~inaesota Municipa.iitiea be coatiaued. ,`Jensen, ~amd, Edwardsa~ad Friedges "aye", motion carried. 73.x+01 Motion by Jensen seconded bg Mako to accept the new fire truck as delivered and instruct the clerk to write tc> (3era1 Safety Carp. tc~ this effect. Jensen, Errand, Friedges at~d Mako "aye', Edwards opposed, motion .carried. The hear3.mg vn Lakeville ~i3.lls street imrpeve~mts was eontix~ued. 73.2 Motion ~ E~aad seconded by Edwards to accept the petita.on for street surfaciaB ..only are, Lakeville Hills.: E+aond:, Edwards, Friedg®s, Make and Jensen "aye", motion carried. Mr. Ed Pirie stated that he had not beam approached with this petition and felt that it is biased. He presented a_petitiom signed bg residents on Senreel.Aeenue who are aghast paving at this time. 73.3 Motion by Msko seconded b~ Fredges to accept the petition presented by Mr. Pirie. Edwards, Friedges, Atako, JenseII and.Emond "age", motior~.carr~d. Mr. E~erald Moonen ~saic~: _that s4~?e ~~`t', spats in the .road were t'ixad It might be pass~bleneatwinter. He also felt that some more culverts would help. 73.~+t~F Motion by Jensen seconded by Friedges that the streetimpravement pra~ect,ix~ Lakeville gi11s be denied and to authorize the engineer and maintemamce department to earrect the bad spgta in the roads iYa Lakev311e Mills. Friedges, Mako, Jensen, Emond sad Edwards "aye", tiara carried. tl) s ~fILLAGE 4F 1~UILLE C4mTCIL ME~'I'INQ 1973 ..David Carroll appeared before the council to request information regarding the .lowering of 165th St. east of the service lane, Mr. Frigaard said that there should be something regarding this in .the plat.. Slope easements on the property south of the road would have to be obtained by the developer and any work on the slope would nave to be dons by the developer. Mr. Frigaard will work with Mr. Carroll ox~ thin: matter. Mr. Carroll was advised that the council was not in favor of platting of the Stuart property oa Highway X70 until water and sewer are available. Mr. Jmhn McCarthy of Prairie Investment appeared with his PIID which shows the easements for water drainage. An easenssnt far sewer and water throught this property was discussed as was easements fon water on the nor~khern portion of this pr~aperty. Questions were asked regarding the platting of the ncr there portion of this property but Mr. McCabthy felt that this would limit his flexibility. 73.~4~i M4TI4N BY EDWARDS SEC4I~DED BY JENSII~T `~.T PRAIRIE IlyTVESTT C4RP4R~I4N BE I~+l'S7'RTCTED T4 C4ME BACK WS"~ 2'~iE F~iTIRE AREA AS A PUD WI'.~l ~11~'DERS2'ANDII?TG T'HAI' Rte; C4LTAi'CIL t'TILL WAZ~/E REQtTTn~' 4F PLACING 4F 3IATGLE FAMILY HOUSING 4N Lt)T. Further, this approval would be contingent on the authorization of the state concerning access to px~perty. Jensen, Ewond, Edwards and Friedges "aye", Mako opposed, motion carried. 73.46 Lotion by Edwards seconded Eesnd to authorize the clerk to make payments for three judgements in the matter of the axuiexatioa as recommended by Mr. Farrell. Emond, Edwards and Friedges "aye",..Jensen abstained a~acl Mako opposed, motion carried, Mr. Edwards gave a resume of a r~eeti.ng that was held regarding the lowering of the water level on Crystal Lake. He said that the Departa~aent of Natural Resources was not requiring this project and that there are no provisions to keep the lake at a certain level. Burnsville and Apple ~*alley are in favor of running the water east but Apple Talley would not partici~te if the water were to be run north through Burnsville. Jim Smith and Dennis Rirkwold caked various questions about price, etc. It was fait that a public hearing should be held tyo inform the residents of a possible assessment for this project. 73.x+47 Motion by A9ako seconded by Friedges to set a public hearing on storm serer and e~tni.tary sower at Czystal bake for 8 P.M. on the 31st of July, .1873 • Emond, Edwards, Friedges, Mako and Jensen "ayes, motion .carried. A petition was .presented re the pavzng of streets in Dakcata Heig~.ts 1st Addition. 73•~~ Motion by Mako seconded by Friedges tca accept the petition re Dakota Heights. Edwards, Friedges, Mako, Jensen and Emond "aye", motion carried. Mr. Ack~ermvt rill check tDiis otmtt. 73.49 Motion by Emend s®eQaded by Friedges t.o grant neat-up license to Sea Girt Zma. Friedges, Makc>, Jensen, E+soxd and Edwards "aye", motion carried. 73.~#lE1 Motion by Mako seconded by Edwards to great an on sale beer license for one day, Sunday, July 15th, to the Lakeville Jaycees. Mako, Jensen, Emond, Edwards sad Friedges "aye", motion carried. 73.11 Motion by Friedges seconded by Edwards to approve the two permit requests frcmi Dakota Electric Assn. for buried electric at 175th St. 854 feet west of the Tpava Ave. and the other in Bassett's Addition. Jensen, Esmond, Edwards, Friedges and Mako "aye", motion parried. 73.~F12 Motion by E~+nd seconded by Edwards to fallow the recoaamendation of the engineer and. approve utility permit 5-164 1973 from the Minneapolis. Gas Co. Emend, Edwards, Friedges, Mako and denser "aye", motion parried. Motion by Friedges seconded by Mako to accept the petition of Paul grease t~rithdrawn. . ~ . VILLAGE E}F j•a7W~ CQUIdCIL MF G w JUZ,Y 2, 1973 73.413 M®tioa b~ Edwards se~oxtded bg woad tc> reject the petition from Paul $raezae due to ax~+~rror in the legal description and send him a letter regarding this matter. Edwards, Fried$ea, Maker, Jensen and Emond "aye", motion carried. Mr. Frigaarsi advised the council that Mr. Luken would like a short aeetian i.n E3ak Shore Drive accepted for snow plowing. The bond For the street will be held but Mr. Luken needs ~saurance that the Village will platy the street next. winter. 73.414 Motion by Emcrnd seconded by Edwards to accept a apart eection of Oak Share Drive, in Logarto f~ snow plowing if everyt~iing but. the surfacing is brought up to grade. Friedgea, Mako, Jensen, Fond and Edwards "aye", motion carried. 73.415 Motion by Friedges aecor~ded by Emond to accept resolution appwp$ng sanitary sewer, water main, house services artd affirm sewer in V'al~ey Fork 6th, .7th and. 8th Addis, Phase T. Mako, Jensen, H~rid, Edwards and Friedgea "aye", motion carried. Mr. Fararell reported to the council on the results of the cave of .~iuatad vs. the Villags of Lakeville. Eie stated that he felt the payment of a few hundred dollars was better than spending art attorney's, engineer's. and building inspector's time for .two or mere days at court. . 73.416 Motion by Jensen seconded by Emond. verifying the attcarney'a action re the lawsuit. Jensen, end, Edwards, Fri~igeaaadd Mako "aye", motion carried. Mr. Farrell reported that he was satiaffed that Metro Cable and Eleetremc Consultants, Inc. are one ..and the same compa~. Mr. E~ond reported t2rat a member of the State IInderMrr~iters had advised that a study shc~ld be done for the placement of a~ new fire stations. .73.417. Mcrtic~n, by Esmond seconded by Fri®dges to request the state under~ritera to make a study of Lakeville for the placement of fire stations subject to the cost being under ~~OD. end, Edwards, Friedges, Mako and Jensen "aye"* motion eked. 73.418 Motion by Mako seeondedby Jeaseb. to promeote Harold Haglund to .assistant manager and increase his`aalary ~5a per month. Edwards, Mako, Jensen, and Esmond "aye", Friedges abstained, motion carried. 73.419 Motion by Mako seconded by Jenaeh to follow tie recommendation of the liquor sure er and close the stc+re at midnight.. Mako and Jensen "aye", Friedgea, Ei~nd and Edwards apposed, motion failed. Motion by Friedges seconded by E,mond to adjourn carried unanimously. Respectffally submitted, A ~ ~ CLEF ~~.-Z:/ MAYO