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' " VILLAGE OF ,n~L CGUNCIL ACTING JULY 9~ 1973 The meeting was called to order by Mayor Jensen at 8 P.M. Pleg pledge followed:. Present; Emond, Jensen and Edwards. .Absent; Mako and Fredges. Also present; Dave Gran~?.is and Robert Frigaard. 73•~~ Motion by Edwards seconded by Emond to accept the minutes of the July 2, 1973 meeting. Emond, Jensen and Edwards "aye", motion carried. The Building Inspector presented his report for June 1973. Mr. Ackerman reported that blackte~pping was proceeding in Dakota Heights and .that the i~risll Atgaaast-lv?.r. Gnehoski would be. the 27th at 9 A. M. 'T3•~21 Motion by Emond seconded by Edward$ that there be no change in policy in re .payment of water and sewer hookups for Concord Development Co. Jensen, Eu~arda and Em®nd "aye", motion carried. The engineer's report dated. 7-9-73 was reviewed. The Planning. Commission minutes for June 28, 1973, were presented. The matter. re Mrs. Seeley was postponed until July 16 at 8s3o P.M. 73.422 .Motion by Hnond seconded by Jensen to grant Mrs. Rosalie Peterson a trailer permit. Hmond and Jensen "aye'•, Edwards apposed, motion carried. The final plat approval, for Kingswood Estates was postponed. ~'he hearing for street improvements on 205th Rtreet and Howland Avenue was opened at 8130 P.M. The legal notice was read. Mr. Frigaard gave a brief of the preliminary report. A-list of interested property. owners is attached. Mr. McMevn, who ot~'is Lot.1 Playfie~. Addition, mentioned that the Pillage used to pay for. paving the east-west streets. Mr. Richard Whittier felt that the cost-.for this street is too match to be absorbed in view of the fact that he had been assessed for the side. street in 1972. Mrs. Whittier felt that the apartments used the s~sreets more than the other property owners and sh©uld be assessed accordingly. Mra. Whittier and Mr. McNevin also stated that the Village policy had been to assess only 12 feet on the side of a corner lot. Mr. Dave Hammer remarked that. there is a drainage p2°e~blem in front of his place. xen Larson stated that there. is no storm sewer and asked hc>w the water .would be handled.. Mr. Frigaard explained ho~re water would drain on different portions of the road. Mr. Joel Haglund naked why the cost is deffermat on various portions of the road. Mr. Robert Mahowald-also asked how the water would drain. Mr. Don Tatge said that. not one resident on H®wland had received a legal notice of this hearing atsd presented the council with a petition requesting that a blaektep road with a rolled lip be constricted instead of ..the one witha concrete. curb. 73•x+23 Motion by Emond seconded by Edwards to accept the petition from the residents of FIowland Avenue. Edwards, E~tond and Jensen "aye", motion carried. Mr. Haglund, Mr. McNeviaa and Mr. Sieber asked if rolled lip curb could be installed on some streets and concrete curb on others. It was. explained that this is not the usual Village policy. ~l) • VILLAQE OF MLLE COUNCIL MBETTWG JULY 9. 1973 I~r. Tatge felt that the reaidsnta should not be required to pick up the saaessmenta which a~butt the park. 73.#2# Motion by ~Ond aecomded by Edwards to continue the hearir~gsa an the street improvements on 205th St. and Howland Avenue until 9x30 P.M. on the 16tH of July. E~nOnd, Jensen and Edwards "ay@", motion 4arried. Otte hearing on the Orchard Lake Road was opened at Qa30 F.M. ate legal notice has read. Mr. Frigaard gave a brlgf resume of h1e prellainary report. He explained that there 1s Daly a 34' right of way and the Village cods requires b0~ . Mr. Oamunc~ee~n said that he had checked into the building of the road with various contractors and had received a n~utch lower estimate than that in the engiaser's preli~mi~ary report. Mr. T3ornsr, who cats 1®ts 13, 1#, 2#, 25 at~c3 35, stated that he realized that s road is needed for developme~tt in this area tit that. it w+au7.d nc:t benefit his property and he felt that the assessment mould be prohibitive. John 3tupero, who owns let 8, also stated that the road wcauld not benefit his property as he utilizes Loop Road for access. Ronald Ro:enlund who a~ lots 33 ar~d #9 a~ part of would like the read. put 1n and. said that the owner of lot 32 who is acct preaemt, had stated that. he would a2re like a road. Scott Ra?ssnlumd, who ins lots 3p and ~ stated that he would like the road extended down to min property. Yt was menticaned that theta is a court sacs pending regarding a building permit for .lot 11 Mx'. Oam~uadson asked if the rcaad could be built jtxat for the lower 1Qta instead of ~ the complete loop and Mr. Horner felt that tbtis wEauld mc~t be sa detrimental to his lots as a ecm~lete loop road. The property otex?era, who ors mot a pax't of this hsari,ug, were advised that they wc~,l.d have to aiga a waiver of notice cif hee4ring or submit a petition to the council for extemdirlg this road acyuth. Mr. Horner advised the cotm.cil that he v~ould like this road to be straightened en lot 2#. 73.#25 l~iotlon by 8a~md aec4nded ley &dwaxdsto continu$ this hearing until July 16 at 1©a00 p.M. end, Jensen atzd Edwards "aye", awti+~a c#~r'ied. 73.#26 Motic~ by Edwards aecond~t by Emomd to authorise the engineer to make an additloua]. preliadrsary report f®r iota 32? 33r '~9, #8 and Suet into ~O for the Orchard Lake Road. Jansen, $dwards and Em~d "aye", motic>acarded. ~+it. Clarkaom appeared before the council to request an additional fire facility in Valley park and was advised that the council has written. a letter tc> the Firs Underwriters Inaurax~ce Co. to ma'ka a study of Lakeville to see where additiagaJ. fac3litiss should be located. A copy of this letter will be sent to Mr. Clarkson. .The Park & Recrsat~.cn mi.uutes for June 27, 1973 were presented. After a discussion with Joel Haglund of the Lakeville drove Ceaaetery Asses, regardi~a fence om the scat and north side of the esme'h~xy', 'ttte cc~anell decided to put this c?ff until Frisdgea refutes. Bruce Pers+c~n appeared regarding his request to purchase a 30'-read at Orchard- Lake. the attorney will check this out for #'urther action. Carl Hoffmap of the Rooky K].c Klub requested a beer license far the 15th of July. t 2) VILI~IaE 4P' L~~S~ti?7~ G~UATCIL Il~T(i * JtTI.Y 9 ~ 1973 73.427 Mcttiori hJr E+actnd seconded by Edwards to grant the Kooky Kl.~avgrr Klub a beer license .ch will be used 3ammediately and gust after the parade on the.15th. of .Tiny. Edwards, Emond and 3ensen "stye", action carried. 7342$ T+iotion by Ess~d seconded by Edwards to grant the Softball .~asoc• a beer license for the 14th and 15th of .Tiny contingent on a reasonable certificate of instxrarace ttith the ~3flp( to be provided. Emend, Jensen agd Fdward8 "ayep, t~tion earried• 73.29 Motion by Edwards seconded by Emend to acknowledge receipt ®f a claim t'rom Paul Sternberg. Jensen, Edwards and Equtt3d "aye", motion dried.. 73.4311 lotion bg seeded bg Jextsen to approve chaztge order loo. an the 29l~th St. sewer eatensicans in the amount of ~~54.Q0. Edwards, E~ond and Jensen "aye", ration carried. 1~orman Jenavold requested that the council ses that setae resadding is done to his par~rperty. He also stated that thstet is a ditch a :short .fie frost has ~tlaee that is causing "soae problem. "the engiffieer w3],2. check th;.is out, Mr. ~'rigsard advised the council that the ditch at the modd Read crossing will tte graded in a week or tee days. ration by Bernd seconded by Edwards to adjourn carried unanime~sly. Hi?spsetf~illy submitted, ~y~; n ~ I ~?~-e~z~., ~p ~-~////~f i i ~$ai fns i .rr+r~~~ 4i~i+[W yer-~ d.. r/7 Q • jr gam/