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• - VILLAGE CF I.AI~EVILLE COUNCIL MEETING JULY 16, 2973 The meeting was called to order by Mayor Jensen at 8:45 P.M. Present; Mako, Jensen and Edwards.l Also ,present; Robert Frgaard, Village Engineer and. Pat Farrell, Village Attorney. P`riedgea absent. 73.431 Motion by Mako seconded by Edwards to accept the minutes of the July 9, 1973 meeting. Mako, Jensen and ..Edwards "aye", motion carried. 73.43 N©tiott by E~ciwards seconded by Mako to .:pay .the Village bills, copy attached. Jensen, Edwards and Mako "ayes., motive carried. 73.433 Motion by Mako seconded by gensen to pay the Liquor bills, list attached. Edwards, Make and Jensen "aye"', motion carried...:. A letter from the Insurance Sexwce Office re fire protection survey was read and discussed. A letter From the Village insurance Carrier was read and it was decided to have a new inventory C+r~mpiled t~ get an accurate estimate Por the needed msurancei, A letter from Boaestroo do AaaoC. regarding .the Ixitesrceptor Sewer Cre~ssisg 16Qth St. was read. 73.431E Motion by Mako seconded by Jensen to authorize the Mayor and clerk tp sign the letter giving the TSB approval tea - install an interceptor sewer acrc>as 164th St. Mako, Jensen and Edwards."aye", motion carried. 73.435 Motion by Mako seconded by Edwards to accept the petition (room Gerald D. Hlady for a water and sewer study? to the new restaursxit os Highway #54. Jensen, Edwards and Makt~ "aye", motion Carried. 73.436 Motion by I~lako seconded by Jensen to authorize the engineer to do a feasibility study. for water and sewer to thesew.restaurant on Highway ~'j0. Edwards, Mako and.Jessea "aye", motion. carried. 73.437 Motion by Edwards seconded by Mako tib accept the petition for vacaticm of a road in swood Estates and to set a hearing for the 'Pfr ~..w + Q.3n a wr_ Makoessen and Edwards "aye", motion Carried. c'~-^^E~~~l?~ ~ q~~ I Mr. Frigaard pres~ted the preliminary repc?rt for water ar~d sewer -to Aquarius 3wi~aa.ng Popp Co . 73.438 Motion by Mako seconded by Jensen to set a hearing for the water and sewer extensions to Aquarius Swimming Poml Co. for the ~ . Jesses, Edwards and Make "aye", motion carried. C4'w-~-' k~6~~3 t 3, y' 3~ ! M . 73.439 Motion by Mako seconded by Edwards to adopt the resolution suthorizi:ng the acquisition etc. in re Rose~aoust Parti$ioss Industrial Revenue Honda. Edwards, Mako and.Jenses "aye", motion carried. Mx. Emond arrived at 8s1E5 P.M. Mr. Henriksos appeared regarding` a request for a eonditioria3. use permit. 73.41w Motion by Make.aeconded b~ Edwards to follow the Planning Commission reCpmeaendation and grant Instant Homes, Inc. a Conditional use per~oit an west service lane of 3541 directly northeast pf I-35 Truck Stop for the dieplay of twelve (thirteen.,,.. if double-width is considered as being two), trailers, subject to plan as presented and for the period pf one (1) year. Mako, Jensen and Edwards "aTe", Emend abstained, motive carried. Various matters were discussed with the building inspeetor~ one of which was the sewer and water Connection of one home in Clays's Acres. Lot 21, ~31ock 3 is hoflked up across lots 14 and 15. Tt was felt that no building permits should: be issued for these two lots until Lot 1i could hook up on Iteri. 73.441 Motion by Jensen seconded by Edwards to authorize the attorney to preprare a resolution in re the sale of Lots 14 and,l5, B1.ock 3, Ciay's Acres atad an agreement with. the owner of Lot 11. Jensen, ~ Edwards anal MakA "aye", motion Carried. ~1} ` VILLAGE GF LAKL~,VILLE Ct3tTiri'CIL ~ETItJG .JULY 16, 1973 Don Witt, representing the homeowners on the NW corner of Lake Marion i.n Bassett's Addititan, explained to the council that water had threatened their homes this spring and he would .like for the council to approve govesms~ent subaidixed flood plain=.<insurasee. The municipality has to make application tea the proper authorities for this insurance to become available tee the homeowners. 73.x+2. Motion by Hisutc~seeoxaded by Edwards to refer the govertament subsidized ihsuraace information to the attorney and engineer for review. Emond, Edwards, Mako at~d Jensen "aye", motion carried.. 73.443 Motion by Jensen seconded by Mako to set the hearing on the Crystal Lake stem sewer and sewer extensions for the a a Edwards, Mako, Jensen and E~ond "aye", motion carried. ~v~ ~r~/73 - Vic, 1~7 3 eL7~ ~ t~ r/ Some com~alaints from residents of Glean Addition regarding the new surfacing were heard, The engineer will check these out. The continued hearing on 2a~h St. and Howland Avenue. opened. Mr. Whittier asked about the number of apartment houses that .will be buil~~ and also about the. assessments.: Mr. McNevin stated that he felt hia fair share should not be over 25~. Mr. Tatge asked if there is going to be a~ay parking for the park. Members of the council felt that. there should be a 9 ton road to handle the trucks to Viking Engineering. 73.,444 Motiog by Mako seconded by Edwards to order the street surfacing improveffient for 2(35th St. and Howland Avenue as shown is the .feasibility stuc~?. The hearing on the l~rchard Lake was opened. Mr. Frgaard stated-that there would be an additional cost of ~12,75o to extend the road south and that the length of the cul-de-saes would violate the zoning ordinance. Mr. Qsmundson still objected to the cost and Mr. Horner asked if this. road could be shortened. 7.445 Motion by Ecirrrardsseconded by End to continue this hearing on the Orchard Lake. Road until the 13th of August at 8:3Q Paid. with the engineer getting together witd~-the lead owners to work soslething out. Jensen, Haond, Edwards and Mako "aye", motion carried... The Woodbury plat was postponed. 73.446 Motion by Eanond seconded by Mako tc> extend the moratorium on platting for 3c~daya. Ep~ond, Edwards, Mako and. Jensen "aye,', motion carried. 73.447 Motion by Emond seconded by Mako to accept either Dash or a letter of credit from Concord developae~xt for the ws,ter and sewer h®okups if approved by the attorney,' Edwards, Mako, Jensen ar~d Emond."aye", motion carried. Mr. Edwards explained the new soil. overlay.. maps to the other counci3.ffien. Motion by ~lnond seconded by Mako to adjourn carried usly. Respsctf~zl.ly submitted, oR