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a' VILLAGE ~F r.ax~^vTLT.F' COUNCIL MEETING AUGUST 6. 1973 The meeting was called to order by Major Jensen at 8s~ P.m. deg pledge followed. Present; Friedges, M~oy Jensen, Emond and Edwards. Also present; Robert Frigaard, Village Engineer and Pat Farrell, Village :Attorney. 73.454 Motion bg Emond seconded by Edwards to approve the July 16, 1973, minutes with the correction of the dates of hearings on motions 73.437, 73,438 and 73.443• Friedges, Mako, Jensen, Emond and Edwards "age", motion carried. 73.455 Motion by Emend 'seconded by Mako to approve the minutes of the Special Julg 34, 1973, meeting. Mako,Jensen, Emond, Edwards and Friedges "age", motions carried. 73.456 Motion by Friedges seconded by Edwards to pag the claims against the Village, Zist attached. Jenseg, Emond, Edwards, Friedges and Mako "aye", motion carried. The bids for the radio equipment were closed. Foll is a list of bidders and prices General Electric Net Total S13,413.t Tone Squelch included Add 1,680.E36J Alternate Mobiles 747.00 eadh 11 unit Tot.$8,217.QtJ For Tone Squelch, add $13U.40 each Fire Departu~nt Total ?~,013.Q0 ArComms Public Uorks Total ~ 7,989• .Fire Dept. Total 2,491.55 'T3.457 Motion bg Friedges seconded by Mako to accept the bids. Emond., Edwards, Friedges, Mako and Jensen "age", motion carried. 73.458 Motion by Jensen seconded by Edwards to refer the bids to the chief of police for review and a recommendation. Edwards, Fx°iedge$, Mako, Jensen and Eu~nd "ape", motion carried. The Planning Commission minutes for Julg 12, 1973• were presented.. 73.459 Motion by Mako seconded bg Friedges to accept the petition of the,~.and owners opposed to the placing and keeping of a mobile home by owners of property on Lake Marion, bordered by 22nd Street West and Juno Trail. Friedges, Mako, Jensen, E~nond and Edwards"aye", motion carried. Mr. Wallace Potter stated that he was not i.n favor of a temporarg g~ermit for the mobile home of Mr. Bergman. Mrs. .Thelma Geier also was not in favor. Mr. Bergman, the person requesting the permit, stated that he could not. get.... the signatures of 75~ of the property owners as theg were opposed to this permit. The Deming of this land was discussed. 73.46t~ Motion by Friedges seconded by Mako to deny a trailor permit to Mr. George Bergman to place a mobile home on his property at Lake Marion. Mako, Jensen., Earond, Sdwarde and Friedges "aye", motion carried. Dakota Heights 6th Addition final plat was postponed until the 2f~th of A~gu.st. 73.461 Motion by Edwards seconded by Mako to adopt a.s Village pelicg Appendix A (attached) for re$oning applications with Additional Data Required on Major Re$oning Proposals to be left to the discretion of the Planning Commission. Jensen, Emond, Edwards, Friedges and Mako "aye", motion carried. 73.462 Motion bg Emond seconded by Friedges to table Item 71 regarding overlay maps until the next meeting for a co$t estimate. Emond, Edwards, Friedges, Mako and Jensen "age", motion carried. 73.463 Motion bg Mako seconded by Friedges tc~ table item 72 regarding the Village Planner (1) .a VILLAGE OF LAI{EVILLE COUNCIL.MEEPING AUGUST 6,.1973 until a east estimate is received. Edwards,<,Friedges, Make, Jensen and Etmnd "aye", motion carried. The Planning Commission mirnatesfor.July 26, 1973, were presented. 73.~+6~+ Motion by Mako seconded by Friedges to follow the P1A*~*_.~ ~ Comtni~.ssion recommendation and grant Leo Gray a Variance to build a three stall garage. Friedges, Make:,. Jensen, Emond and Edwards "aye", lmrlt].OII carried. Mr. Joseph-Duffy appeared to state his case for placing a mobile home on land that is now zoned for a PUD. He stated it was a hardship ease and the trailor would n®t be ,-,-left a~? longer than necessary. 73.65 Motion by Mako seconded by Friedges to grant Mr. Joseph Duffy a trs.i.lor permit to eap~e~e Jan. 1, 1975 and with the trallor being for the sole use of Mrs. Gertrude Duffy. Mako, Jensen., EmDnd, Edwards and Friedges "aye",.motion carried. 73•~+~ Motion by Emend seconded by Friedges to follow the Planning Commission recommendation and grant Engineered Specialties a building permit to add a warehouse to their present building. .Jensen, Emond, Edwards, Friedges and Mako "aye", motion carried. Mr. Richard Hollenbeek, Jaek Dennison and John Turner of Four Star Corp. appeared to request the council to reconsider the park donation that is being required of them. They felt that their land had been assessed too high for raw land sad that this park donation should be reduced by half. 73.67 Motion by Edwards seconded by Errand that the request of Four Star Corp.be denied. Emond, Edwards, and Jensen..:"aye", Friedges and Mako opposed, motiog carried. ® letter from Mrs. Seeley requesting a poatponment of her hearing date.: was read. 73•~+~ Moticm by Friedges seconded by Mako to set a hearing date for Mrs. Seeley for A'tg• 2U, 1973 at 8s~ P,M. and that she be notified tla~~.that effect. Edwards, Friedges, Mako and Emond ''ay'e",.Jensen abstained. Mr. Frigaard explained that a group of Crahard Lake aa~.idente and he had gotten together to discuss the construction of a road. He showed a map of propcaaed changes that could be made to reduce the cost and also stated that the residents would also like to do some of the work themselves to cut the cost. new estimate for this road which will be 30' wide would be sheaf $61,t~0. This could be spread over. 23 lots. The council stated that it would like all the trees cleaned up in a reason- . able length of time such as a`"year from the date of completion. Those residents present were all in favor of this road as presented and Mr. Farrell will cantaet another resident to see how he feels about the road. The council will act on this matter at the neat meeting when this matter is seheduied. Mr. Mako said that a br~dget report is forthcoming. Mr. Make also stated that the Village records could be microfilmed for about ~5og. A duplicate set of $.t.lm could be placed in the high seh©ol library for the use of the students. 73.69 Motion by Mako seconded by Jensen to have the Village and Township reeord.s microfilmed as far back as are on file=and to have a duplicate set made far the t~se of the school. Matra, Jensen, Emend and Edwards "aye", Friedges opposed, motion carried. (2) VILLAGE OF L~EVILLE COUNCIL MEETING A~GVST 6, 1973 An ordinance regarding the sale of Grade "B" milk was diseu.ssed and Mr. Farrell will take ears of this matter. 73.470 Motion by Mako seconded by Friedges to instruct the attorney to research the ordinance for Grade milk and bring back a recommendation. Mako, Jensen, Esmond, Edwards and Fr3.edges "aye", motion carried. 73,.471 Motion by Emond seconded by Friedges to purchase the. Adler typewriter at X245. Bids attached. Jezisen, Emond, Edward, Friedges and Mako "aye", motion carried. 73.472 Motion by Friedges seconded by ~nond to aeke~owledge the Maim against the Village by G and G Builders. Emond, Edwards, Friedges, Mako and Jensen "aye", motion carried. 73.473 Motion by Friedges seconded by Mako to acknowledge the claim against the Village by Melvin P. Rasmuasen. Edwards, Friedges, Make, Jensen and Erm~nd "wren, motion carried. A resolution from Apple Valley re civil defense director for eot~nty was read but no action taken. .73.474 Motion by Emond seconded by Mako to approve Change Order Aio. l for Northwest Bituma.nous Co. is the amount of $6,1Ci(3.t~ for the blaektopping in Glenn Addition. Friedges, Mako, Jensen, Emond and. Edwards "aye,', motion carried. Mr. Jerry Rosa appeared before the council in the matter /rs~~s dr~iin pipes being installed wrong when his he was built. He was advised to turn irl a claim to the Village. A letter from Wes Megalis is to be turned over to the Water and Viewer Co~ai.ttee for review. 73.475 Motion by Friedges seconded by Earond to approve the perma.t application oP Mel~rin D. Henry to improve his lakeshore lot on Lake Marion. Mako, Jensen, E~nd,.Edwards and Friedges "aye", motion carried. A request from Mrs. Paul Clark to hook up to the trunk sewer was read. 73.476 Motion by Mako seconded by Emond to turn this letter aver to-.the Water and Sewer Com~aittee for a recommendation. Jensen, Emond, Edwards, F'riedges and Mako "aye", motion Carried. 73.477 Motion by Eesond seconded by Friedges to turn over the request for an excavating. permit from. Mr. Dunham to the engineer for a recommendation. Emend, Edwards, Friedges, Mako and Jensen "aye", motion carried. 73.478 Motion by Friedges seconded by Edwards to request Metro Cable tc~ provide the council with a~.na and Bradstreet Report. Edwards, Friedges, Mako, Jensen and Emond "aye", motion carried. 73.479 Motion by Jensen seconded by Friedges to hold the election in the odd year. Friedges and Jensen "aye", Mako,F,~ond and Edwards opposed, motion failed. 73.480 Motion by Mako seconded by Edwards to hold a hearing on whether or not the residents of the Village prefer an odd or even year eleetion,hear~g date to be August 22 at 8 P.M. Mako, F~+ond, Edwards "aye"', Jensen and F'riedges opposed, motion carried. Mr. Frigaard presented the plans and specs for the blacktopping of Iberia, 20th 3t. and Howland Avenue showing a g ton road on Iberia as he said this would be cheaper. He also stated that the bids would be let on Aug. 30, at 2 P.M. and that the g ton road would hdd $5,000 more to the cost and this two inch mat could be left out at arsy time.. (3) i VILLAQE OF LAF{~TII:~LE CUUNCIL A+~I*"TINQr AvavsT 6, 1973 73•x+81 1~tion by Emend seconded by Mako ts~ approve. .the. plans and specs and the bid. letting date of Aug. S~ at 2 P.M. for the street improvements on Iberia, 2U5th Street and Howland Avenue. Jensen, Emond, EH6iards, Friedges and Mako "aye", motioncarried. 73.83 Motion by Mako seconded by Friedges to pay Mr. Hrkal's claim against the Village. Hm7nd, Edwards, Friedges, Mako and Jensen "aye", motion carried. Prep reports for Highview Ave. street improvements, sewer and water extensions to the new restaurant on Highway #5~ and Crystal Lake improvements were presented to the council. Motion by Ma1co seconded by Friedges to adjourm carried unanimously. Respectfully submitted, CLII r,.r-~a~_ 9 F t'