AUGUST. 22, 1973
The meeting was called to order at 8 P.M, by Mayor Jensen. Present; Friedges,
Mako, Jensen, Emond and Edwards.
73.523 Motion by Edwards seconded bq Emond to ackziowledge receipt of the sum~uc~ns and
complaint against the Village in the matter of Donald G. Olson, Jr.
Friedges, Mako, Jensen, Etnond and Edwards "aye", motion carried.
73.524 Motion by Friedges seconded by Emond to purchase a culvert for Flagstaff Avenue
at a cost of ~2365.4g. Mako, Jensen, Etnond, Edwards and Friedges "aye"
motion carried.
Motion by Jensen to negotiate lights in Jackson Heights and Kngswood Estates
died for the lack of a second.
Motion by Friedges to have Mr. Mako check on street lights in Jackson Heights
and Kingswood Estates died for lack of a second.
Motion by Edwards to approve the installation of lO lights. and check with
Eldon Johnson to determine the actual cost to the Village died for the lack
of a second.
Motion by Mako to put in lights but not to connect them died for the lack of
a second.
The Council instructed Mr. Emond to call Harlan Henke for. information
regarding these lights.
73.525 Motion by Jensen seconded by Mako to authorize Mr. Glenn Nord to obtain
whatever engineering reports he needs to represent Lakeville in the Crystal
Lake matter. Jensen, Emond, Edwards, Friedges and Mako "aye",.motion carried.
Mr. Emond reported to the council that the. costs of the lights would be $300
per pole and a monthly charge of X2..25 or no cost for the pole and a X5.50
per month charge..
73.526 Motion by Emond seconded by Edwards to instruct Dakota Electric to rough
in for 10 lights 3.n Jackson Heights and Kingswood Estates and to follow the
recom~uendation to pay for the poles with the Village paying half the cost,which
is $1500 for the l0 lights. Emond, Edwards, Friedges, Mako and Jensen "aye",
motion carried.
73.527 Motion by Emond seconded by Edwards to extend the moratorium on platting until
Sept.. 4. Edwards, Friedges, Mako, Jensen and Erflond "aye",.motion carried.
A meeting will be set up between the Village consulting engineer and the
County engineer to discuss their differBSees regarding charges for 215th Street.
The Council worked on the budget for 1974.
Motion by Eodond seconded, by Fredges to adjourn carried unanimously.
Respectfully submitted,