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~ ' VILLAGE OF LAKEVILLE C©UNCIL MEETING SEPT~g~ 1973. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Jensen at 8 P.M. Flag pledge Followed. Present; Friedges, Mako, Jensen, Emond and Edwards... Also present; R. Frigaard, Village Eagineer and Pat Farrell, Village Attorney. 73.528 Motion by Mako seconded by Friedges to accept the minutes of the August, 20, 1973, meeting. Friedges, Mako, Jensen, Emond and Edwards "aye", motion carried.: 73.529 Motion by Mako seconded by Friedges to accept the minutes of the special August 22, 1973, meeting. Mako, Jensen, Emond, Edwards and Friedges "aye"', motion carried. 73.530 Motion by Emond seconded by Friedges to pay the claims ainst the Village. Copy attached. Jensen, Emond, Edwards, Friedges and Mako "aye", motion carried. the Park and Recreation Corffiaitteee minutes for August-,22, 1973,. were presented. 73.531 Motion by Emend seconded by Mako to follow the Park & Recreation Committee recommendation and accept 12.3 acres according to plan, N272 plus blacktop walking paths not to exceed 20f3G linear ft. ~4 Ft. wide, andone water hydrant within park area in accordance with the P. R, plan( Emond, Edwards, Fredges, Mako and Jensen "aye"", motion carried. attached. A letter from Grannie do Grannie re Brooklyn Center v. Lakeville, et al, was read. 73.532 Motion by Friedges seconded by Jensen to follow choice #3--Refrain from arty action, the effect Qf which will be to make Lakeville subject to the result, whatever it might be.-w~-Friedges, Mako, Jensen and Emond "aye", Edwards opposed, motion carried.. A letter re the problem lots in Clay's Acres was read. 73.533 Motion by Jensen seconded by Mako that the agreement be accepted when the proper documents are prepared. Friedges, Mako, Jensen, Emond and Edwards "aye", motion carried. 73.53+ Motion by Emond seconded by Fredges that the four resolutions presented by Dakota County Engineer be adopted, copies attached. Mako, Jensen, Errand, Edwards and Friedges "aye", motion carried. A letter from Bonestroo, Rosene, Anderlik 8c Assoc. regarding a X250 donation for paxk equipment was read. A letter from Fred Norgaard regarding placing some assessment costs against his property was turxted over to the Village attorney for his recommendation. The hearing .for sewer and wader extensions to the new restaurant on Highway #50 was opened. A list of interested personsattending this meeting is attached. Mr. Frigaard gave a resume of the different costs for this project. Mr. Bernie Grubisch, representing Airlake, said that he objects to this project as it does Airlake no good as it is of no benefit at this time and peri~aps never. It was mentioned that now would be a good time to tie up the two water systems .with a 12" line on Hamburg Ave.a~ Mr. Malmanger said thet he is willing to pay for the water and. sewer extension for his property. A line to the west could be installed but would necessitate using a pump in the basement. Mr. Erickson, speaking for the owners of the restaurant, said that he would prefer a proper system as he Felt that the department of health would not approve ~1) • ~ VILLAGE OF LAKEVI~CGUNCIL.MEETING SEPTEMBER 4, 1973 eon't . of a pump in the basement. He said that the whole basement would be ruined if the sewer backed up. Mr. Mako stated that he felt both sides of the highway should be assessed. Mr. Erickson said that he is not in favor of an unequal assessment. Motion by Mako to reject this plan died for the lack of a second. 73.535 Motion by Mako seconded by Friedges to continue this hearing on sewer and water extensions until 9 P.M. on the 1Gth of Sept. and refer this matter to the water and sewer committee For a recommendation. Jensen,-Emond, Friedges, and Mako "aye", Edwards opposed, motion carried. The hearing on water and sewer exte~ions to Aquarius swimming Pool Co. was reopened. Mr. Farrell stated that he had talked to Mr. Hohag who is .n favor of these extensions. Mr. Frgaard said that he would not be favorable to assessing the west side. as most improvements on that side probably would be done the same as in the Valley Park Addition, from the inside. He also said that there would be no way tc~-reimburse the property owners on the east side. Mr. Nicolson stated that he will not object to the method of assessing as stated in the preliminary report. 73.536 Motion by Friedges seconded by Emond to order the water and sewer extensions to Aquarius S'vrin~ning Pool Co. and to authorize the engineer to prepare the plans and epees.. Emond, Edwards, Friedges and Jensen "aye", Mako opposed, .motion carried. The Water and Sewer minutes for Aug. 27, 1973s were presented, 73.537 Motion by Emond seconded by Edwards to adopt the West Valley Park storm Drainage Proposal with the alternatives as listed in, the Water & Sewer Committee; Minutes, copy attached. Edwards,. Friedges,,Mako, Jensen and Emond "~.ye", motion carried. Mr. Darrell Johnson, of Mutual Capital Corp., stated that he would like the Gak Hii1s plat approved with the signatures not .affixed until certain work is completed. They would escrow for blaektopwand would restrict building permits to every,2~ acres, 73.538 Motion by Emond seconded by Friedges to approve the final plat of Oak Hills Addition subject fio tie development contract as prepared by the. attorney ..and the / Friedges~ Mako, Jensen, Emond and Edwards "aye.", motion carried. engineer's .approval. 73.539 Motion by Friedges seconded by Emend tc3 accept the petition from Airlake Industrial Park for the vacation of Hatanover Avenue adjacent to Lot 8, Block 2, Airlake Iadustrial Park lst Addition excepting the north 33 feet along this block. Mako, Jensen, Emond, Edwards and Friedges "aye", motion carried. 73.540 Motion by Mako seconded by Friedges to set a hearing date of Get. 1, at 9 P.M. for the vacation of this street. in Airlake Industrial Park. Jensen, Emond, Edwards, Friedges and Mako "aye,', motion carried. Mr. Jim Plourde appeared in connection with the approval of Dakota Heights 6th Addition plat. He said that the residents of this area were very disappointed that so mater trees had. been cut in this park areaTfor a street. 73.541 Motion by Emond seconded by Friedges to approve the final plat of Dakota Heights 6th Addition. Emond, Edwards, Friedgea, Mako and Jensen "aye", motion carried. 73.542 Motion by Friedges seconded by Mako to accept the bids for the street. improvement or Project 73-3, Howland Ave, Iberia Ave., and 205th street. Edwards, Friedges, Mako, Jensen and Emond 'aye", motion carried. ~2) r • s . VILLAGE OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEETING sE~T. 1973 Mr. Frigaard recommended that tie Village award the contract to the low bidder, A. J. A. onstruetion Co. He also told the Council that this bid. amount included an extra x+000 for an extra leper of bituminous on Iberia Avenue. 73.5+3 Motion by Emond seconded by Edwards to award the bid to H. J. A. Construction Co. whose bid is ~39,a50.50. Friedges, Mako, Jensen, Emond and Edwards "aye", motion carried. 73.5~~ Motion by Matra seconded by Edwards tc> acknowledge the claim against the Village from Jerome Rosa. Mako, Jensen, Emond, Edwards and Friedges "aye", motion carried Various correspondence was presented to the Council. 73.5+5 Motion by Emend seconded by Edtaards to set-an assessment hearing date for the 26th of Sept. at 8 P.M. in the Highschool Cafeteria. Jensen, EmDnd, Edwarda, Friedges and Mako "aye", motion carried. Motion by Errand seconded by Edwards to ad3ourn carried unanimously. Respectfully submitted, CLERK Sz-~ OR