HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-15-73 ~X~~ VILLAGE'OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL M~ETINCr acTOB~. 15, 1973 A special meeting mf the Village of Lakeville Council was called to order at 7a1Q P.M, by Mayor .Jensen. Present; Friedges, Mako, Jensen, Emond and Edwards. Also present; Pat Farrell, Village Attorney. Mr. Farrell explained to the council that this meeting had. been called because .Dorsey, Marquart, Windhorst, West & Halladay, bonding attorneys, .had refused to approve the industrial revenue b©nds for Harry S. Johnson, Co. as they felt this company did not qualify. Mr. Warren Preeshl of Miller & Schroeder Municipals, Inc. had. contacted the Firm of Hriggs & Morgan to see if they would approve. these bonds. Mr. Friel of Briggs and Morgan explained that they had reviewed this matter and felt that the Harry S. Johnson Co. would quality for the industrial revenue bonds. Mr. Farrell also stated that he felt the Harry S. Johnson Co. would qualify for the bonds. 73.637 Motion by Friedges seconded by Jensen to substitute the law firm of Briggs and Morgan for the Dorsey, Marquart, Windhorst, West & Halladay as bond firm for approving this matter. Friedges, Jensen and Eadond "aye", Mako and Edwards opposed, motion carried. The .regular meeting of the Village Council began at 8 P.1~. 73 38 Motion by Edwards seconded by Emond to accept the minutes of the Oct. 9~ 1973, meeting as written. Mako, Jensen, Emond, Edwards and Fredges "aye",Motion carried. 73.639 M®tion by Emond seconded by Mako to pay the claims against the Village, list attached. Jensen, Emond, Edwards, Friedges and Mako "aye"', motion carried. 73.6~C Motion by Mako seconded by Emond to pay the claims against the Liquor Store. List attached.. Emond, Edwards, Friedges, Mako and Jensen "aye", motion carried. The Park & Recreation report for Sept. 26, was presented. 73.6+1 Motion vy Edwards seconded by Emond to adapt as policy the recommendation of the. Park a~ Recreation Committee to designate Pete Martin and mid Alich to be responsible f©r the hiring of rink attendants scheduling and supervision of hockey rinks and to coordinate his plans with the Park 8c Recreation. Committee subject to the approval of the Village Council. Edwards, Friedges, Mako, Jensen and Emond "aye", motion carried. The Water and Sewer minutes for Cst. 3, were discussed. 73.62 Motion by Emond seconded by Friedges to table the matter of the new member for the Water and Sewer Committee until Nov. 5. Friedges, Mako, Jensen, Emond and Edwards, "aye", motion carried. Mr. Bill Hoffbeck asked the council to approve the purchase of 16 "city limits" signs as he felt these would be helpful to let people know when they entered Lakeville. 73.6+3 Motion by Friedges seconded by Eanond to purchase 16 "city limits" signs. Mako, Jensen,. Emond, Edwards-and Friedges "aye", motion carried. It was suggested that the Village ~ be placed on these signs in such a way that the cumbers could be changed when necessasy. 73.6~+~+ Motion by Makcs seconded by Edwards that these signs be white lettering on a green background,refleetorized. Jensen, Emond, Edwards and Mako "aye", Friedges opposed, motion carried. A letter from A. Leonard Bentson requesting that his bond be released for Southbluft Addition was read. 73.6+5 Motion by Emond seconded by Friedges to refer this letter to the Village engineer for a recommendation. Emond, Edwards, Fredges, Mako and Jensen "aye", motion carried. (1) VILLAGE 4F COUNCIL METING 4cT4BER 15y 1973 Bids for the maintenance truck. were closed at 8s34 P.M• Bids were received from Jo Graeves Motors and Jim Haugen Ford. Fallowing are the bides Joe Graves Motors X21,518.54 Jim Haugen Ford 19,384.44 73.6 Motion by Jensen seconded by Mako to accept the bids and refer them to the. road committee and the maintenance supervisor for a recommendation. Edwards, Friedges, Mako, Jensen and Emond "aye", motion carried. Mr. Jensen and Mr. Friedges ad,~ourned to meet with the ffiaintenance supervisor and Mr. Mako Moak ®ver the chair at 8s~+5 P.M., Mr. Ackerman shAwed the council the plans for a utility building at Instant Homes Tralor Court. 73.6+7 Motion by Emond seconded by Edwards to approve the building plans for Instant Homes. Mako, Emond and Edwards "aye", motion carried. 73.b48 Motion by Edwards seconded by E?s~nd to instruct Mr. Dounay to bring the ditch in Valley Park up to specifications and to instruct the engineer to see that this is done by reezeup. Emond, Edwards and Mako "a3re", motion carried. Mr. Jensen and Mr. Friedges returned to the meeting at ~ P.M.` Mr. ~~kso read a resolution pertaining to a program to contrs>1 elm tree disease and oak wilt di.~:sease . 73.9 Motion by Emond seconded by Edwards to refer this resolution to Mr. Farrell for a recommendation.. Edwards, Friedges, Mako, Jensen and Emond "aye", motion carried. Mr. Lloyd Wet~ncamp of Metro .Cable T.V. explained tc> the council the difficulty this company had had with the utility companies regarding the use of the poles and asked the council to extend the time element of the franchise as that the construction company would have something i.n writing. 73.5 Motion by Edwards seconded by Emond to amend orda.nance'~51, the paragraph regarding time to read as follawss Constuetion shall begin on or before Jan. 1, 1g7~ and it sha11 be operational by Aug. 1, 1g7~. Fredges, Mako, Jensen, Emonci and Edwards "aye,', motion carried. The Continued hearing on the 215th Street assessments was opened. Mr. Jenssxi reported that the school property was not being sold at the present time and that he had advised the school board. that an assessment will be due when sad if it is sold. '3.561 Motion by Eaaond seconded by Edwards to acicpt the assessment rolls-for 215th Street. Mako, Jensen, Earond, Edwards and Friedges "aye", motion carried. Mr. Farrell advised the council that the Iand of a vacated street reverts to the property owners and he does not feel that'the Council can charge for this land. 73.562 M©tion by Mako seconded by Friedges to Q~antinue the. hearing for. the vacation of a street in Orchard Lake until the first ffieeting in November. Jensen, Emond, Edwards,_Fredges and Mako "aye", motion. carried. 73.563 Motion by Mako seconded by Emend to reduce the levy for the 62 Bond to nil. Emond, Edwards, Fredges, Mako and Jensen "aye/°, .motion carried.. A discussion regarding the final payment for the maintenance building took place. Mr. Farrell was instructed to pursue the matter of liquidation damages and expenses and report ba~k..to the council. 73.56 Motion by Mako seconded by Edmond to accept the verbal resignation of Mr. Michael Edwards which will beeome effective the first meeting iu. January. Friedges, Mako, Jensen and Emond "aye", Edwards abstained, motion carried. Mr. Hoffbeck reported to the council that the bid of Jim Haugen Ford is the low bid on the truck. This matter wil( >e decided on Tuesday evening. 2 ~ . ~ tlILLAGE ~F LEiI~EETI7,LE COUNCIL. A+~E'I'ING t7CTOBER 15 ~ x-973 1Kt~tion by Emend seconded by Fredges to adj©txrn was carried unat~.imously. Respectfully submitted, Ct.F.RK i' DR