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VILLAGE OF L~AI~VILLE c, UNCIL MEETING ` rrovEt~E~ 12, 1973 The meeting was called to order hy,~Mayor Jensen at 8:©D P.M. F1ag.plsdgs followed. .Present; Friedges, Mako, Jensen, Emond and Edwards. Also present; Pat Farrell,.Vllage Attorney and Robert Frigaard, Village Engineer. 73.5$7 Motion by Edwards seconded. by Emond to accept the minutes of the Nov:. 5~ 1973 meeting as presented. Friedges, Ma•ko, Jensen, Emond and Edwards "aye", motion carried. The Huilding Inspector presented his report for October. He also informed the council that there was a couple: of street corners that eo~z].d use lights. 73.58$ Motion by Friedges seconded by Mako to install street lights. at 168th st. and bounty Rd. #}•5 and 170th St. and County Road #5. Mako, Jensen, Emond, Edwards and Friedges "aye.", motion carried. Nir. Frigaard presented his report. The Park & Recreation report for Oct. was presented.. The representatives of Prairie Investment appeared to ask the council if it would .not be possible to reduce the valuation placed on this land as they feel it is too.. .high and makes their park donation to high. They would prefer to donate.. land instead of money if it is possible. It was mentioned that the builder is not furnishing. any other type of facility for recreation. It was also felt that the money shouldbe required prior to the last phase of construction. 73.589 Motion by Jensen seconded by Mako to den6y any deviation from the policy that has been used which is per unit per acre and to require a cash donation of ~11,67o from Prairie Investanent Co. Jensen,. Emond, Edwards, Friedges and Mako "aye", motion carried. A letter from the• engineer regarding the release of Dakflta_Heights street bonds was presented. 73.590 Motion by Friedges seconded by Mako tcs adopt the resolution for releasing .Dakota Land and Development Co. bonds as shown on the attached resolution. Emond, Edwards, Friedges, Mako and Jensen "aye", motion carried. The hearing for water and sewer extensions to Iteri and Jacquard Avenues was continued. Jonas Sturla~son representing the home owned by the church.. said he would like to see these improvements installed. Mike Kamerad said he is a new owner in this addition and feels that.sewer and water are inevitable and would like to have it installed now as later on the cost wouldgo up. Mr. Joel Frank asked if .the council could make some arrangement to defer his .assessments for a certain number of years as the cost at the present time would be more than he could handle. A letter from Floyd M. Larson was read, letter attached.. 73.591 Motion by Mako seconded by .Edwards to order the water and sewer extensions to Iteri and Jacquard. Avenues and to authorize the engineer tc~ prepare the plans and apses. Edwards, Friedges, Mako, Jensen."aye", Em©r~d abstained, motion carried. Robert Larson, Stanley Koistad and Carl Dale, Planner, representing Brookview Park appeared in regard to their preliminary concept far a PUD. Mr. Carl Dale explained to the council this concept and how it would be developed over a .rigid of time. A contraet..~ .general plan of development .was presented. Mr. Dale explained that a17./wod like from the council at this time is a general approval to this preliminary concept.. Lee Starr, Village Planner, was present and advised the council that he felt this contract would protect the Village and provides flexibility to the_de~eloper to proceed on a staged basis. It was felt that the attorney should have more time to review this contract. and that the developer should pay for. the planning and engineer's expenses. :.V f. VILLAGE OF LAKEVI-L COUNCIL .MEETING NOVEMBER 12, 1973 73.592 Motion by bnond seconded by Mako to refer this matter re Brookview Park. to the planner, attorney and engineer for a recommendation to be returned in one week. Friedges, Mako, Jensen, Emond and Edwards "aye", motion carried. 73.593 M©tion by k~ox~d seconded by Friedges to return Joe Graeve's eheel~, Igo. 86790 in the amount of ~599.2o which he subauitted with his bid for the new maintenance truck.. Mako, Jensen, Emond, Edwards and Friedges "aye", motion carried. A discussion was held with Mr. Bentson re the purchase of Antler's Park. .A decision will be forthcgming in the. very near future. 73.59 Motion by F'riedges seconded bq Emond to appoint Dale Harvego and Art Christofferson to the hater and Sewer Committee. Jensen, Emend, Edwards, Friedges and Malmo "aye", motion carried.. Motion by Emond seconded by Friedges to ad,~ourn carried unanimously. Respectfully submitted, CLEftK MAYOR