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VILLAGE 4F LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEE~'ING DECEIVER 1D, 1973 The meeting was called to order at $sG4 P.M, by Mayor Jensen.. Flag pledge followed. Present; Mako, Jensen, Emend and .Edwards. Absent;. Friedges. A1.so present; Robert F`rgaard, Village Engineer and Pat Farrell, Village Attorney. 73.625 Motion by Mako seconded by Emend to accept the minutes of the December 3, 1973 meeting as presented. Mako, Jensen, Emend and Edwards "aye", motion carried. 73.626 Motion by Emend seconded by P~ako to accept the minutes of the special canvassing meeting pf December 5, 1973.. Jensen, Emend, Edwards and Mako "ayes, motion carried... Mrs. Storlie presented the flag contest winners, Nancy Eisele first place, Jenny Kennedy, second place and LaMont Egle, third place. Maynard Johnson presented the prize checks to the winners. The appointment of a fuel coordinator was discussed. 73.627 M©tion by Jensen seconded by Mako to appoint the Village Clerk local fuel .coordinator to work with the Civil Defense drectox°. Emend, Edwards, Mako and Jensen. "aye", motion. carried. 73.628 Motion by Emond seconded by Mako to adopt the energy conservation recommendation as presented by Mr. Oxley, the Givi1 Defense Director. Edwards, Mako, Jensen and Emend "aye", motion carried. The Building Inspector.presented has report for November: 1973• Mr. Ackerman ad~rsed the council that some residents of Valley Park were dumping garbage in Mr. Donnay's old dump and that he would like to post some signs and close the road. 73.629 Motion by Emend seconded by Edwards to authorize the inspector to close the street into Mr. I)onnay's dump at Va.11ey Park. Mako, Jensen, end and Edwards "aye", motion carried. 73.63fl Motion by Mako seconded by Ermand to authorize the budding inspector and the plumbing inspector to attend the annual meetings in anuary. Jensen, Emend, Edwards and Mako "aye", motion carried. A discussion was held regarding the status of Donnay Realty. 73.631 Motion by Emend seconded by Edwards to authorize the Village Attorney to protect the interests of the Village and residents of Valley Park in re to Vern Donna's financial condition. Emend, Edwards, Mako and. Jensen. "aye", motion carried. The engineer gave a progress report to .date. The Planning Comsi3.ssion minutes for Nov. 29, 1973 were presented. 73.632 Motion. by Emend seconded by Edwards to table a decision on Marcy's Ceramics until the 17th of December. Edwards, Mako, Jansen, and Emend "aye", motion carried. '3.633 Motion by Emend seconded by Edwards to authorize the engineer to avail himself of Mr. Grohoski's Lakeridge Plat to review it before it comes back to the council. Mako, Jensen, Emend and Edwards."aye", motion carried. 73.63+ Motion by Mako seconded by Emend to table the decision on Lakeridge plat until the 17th so that the Village attorney may prepare a resolution in regards to this matter. Jensen, Emend and Mako "aye", Edwards opposed, motion carried. tl) VILLAGE ~F L~VILLE C~tJNCIL MEETING DECEl~1BEft 1G, 1973 The Park & Recreation minutes for ATov. 28, 1973, were presented. 73.635 Motion by Jensen seconded by Mako to follow the recommendation of the Park and Recreation committee and eliminate overnight parking at orchard Lake. Emond, Edwards, Mako and Jensen "aye", motion carried. A skating rink in Valley Park that would be on school property was discussed. It wassuggested that a ,joint powers agreement be drawn up with the duties and responsibil3tes of each of the parties stated. 73.636 Motion by Jensen seconded by Emond to authorize the Village Attorney to work. with Jim RAbiraette and the schools to get a point powers agreement started. Edwards, Mako, Jensen and Emond "aye", motion carried. Mr. Sloan of NSP reported to the council about the progress of each of the lighting projects. He introduced Bud Swanson;~and Nieh Lreis to the Village Council. They will be the new representatives of ItiTSP in the Village.. It was decided to designate Highview Avenue from County ~+6 to 2f?2nd St. and from 21~th Street to 215th St. as a state aid road. The engineering contract for Woodbury plat was discussed with final decision to be made on the 17th of Dec. A committee will review this matter. 73.637 Motion by Mako seconded by Emond to write Richard Todd of Appaloosa Hills to inform him that t~.is will b~ the last year the Village wi11 snow plow his streets until they are brought up to Village specifications. Mako, Jensen, Emond and Edwards "aye", ffiotion carried. 73.638 Motion by Mako seconded by Jensen to follow the recommendation of the engineer and approve the utility permit for Metro Cable, Inc. to construct and thereafter. maintain a cable TV line along or .across County Highway , Cedar Avenue from 2©Gth Street to Highway 5D. Jensen, Emond, Edwards and Nlako "aye", motion carried. .73.638 Motion by Emond seconded by Edwards to approv~° the beer license for Ardot's Bowl. Emond, Edwards, Mako and Jensen "aye", motion carried. 73.6~+o Motion by Emond seconded by Mako to appaave the on and .off sale beer licenses for the Orchard Lake Tavern.. Edwards, Mako, Jensen and Emond "aye", motion carried. 73.61 Motion by Edwards seconded by Emond to approve the off sale beer licenses for the two Tom Thumb stores and Enggren's Food Market. Mako, Jensen, Emond and Edwards "aye", motion carried. 73.62 Motion by Makcj seconded by Jensen to approve the on and off sale beer licenses .for Sea Girt Ian Resort. Jensen, Emond, Ed`~ards and Mako "aye", motion carried. 73.63 Mahon by Etnond seconded by Jensen to approve the renewal of the gravel. permit for 4sear Ramberg subject to bond. E~ond, Edwards, Mako and Jensen "aye", motion carried. 73.6~+~+ Motion by Mako seconded by Emond to approve the Sunday liquor and c~.ub..:liquor license for the V. F. W. subject to all insurance papers being presented. Edwards, Mako, Jensen and Emond "aye", motion carried. 73.6+5 Motion by Emond seconded by Mako tc3 approve the change order in the amount of X30.77 fear work done at the muniei.pal garage by Va11ey Electric Co. Mako, Jensen, Emond and Edwards"aye", motion carried. ~2) VILLAGE CF LAKEt1ILLE CC3UNCIL KING DECEMBER 1©, 1973 73.66 Motion by E~nond second®d by Mako to approve the abatement on parcel #22268 ~'or Duane.Baer. Jensen, Emond, Edwards and Mako "aye", motion carried. Motion bar Edwards .seconded by Emond to add©urn carried unsxa.imousiy. Respectfully submitted, Ci3C+1311 d. ~ r oR