HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-07-72 ~ ti. . ! ~ VILLAGE OF t.e~1ILI.E C©UNCIL MEETING AvGUST 7~ 1972 The Meeting-was called to order at 8 P.M. by mayor Jansen. Flagpledgs followed. Present; Fr3edgss, Clay, Jsusen, Sullivan and Emond. Also present; Robert Frgaard, Village Engaser and Dave Grannie III., attorney. 72.489 Motion by Sullivan ascended by Emond to accept the minutes of the July 17, 1972, meeting as read. Friedges, Clay, Jsassn, Sullivan and Ea~ond "ay®" motion carried. 72.~9a Motion by Frisdgss seconded by Sullivan to approve the mfnutsa of the apsai~l July 18, 1972., mestizig as read. Clay, Jshcsn, Sullivan, Emond and Friedges "aye", ~ticn carried. 72.491 Motion by Clay seconded by E~snd to approve the aainutea of the spacial July 24, 1972, meeting as read. Jensen, Sullivan, Emond, Friedgss and Clay "aye", motion, carried. .72.492. Motioh by Friedgss aeaanded by Sullivan to pay the claims against the Villaga,(8398- 8411, 8415.-8484.}. Sullivan, Emond, Friedgss, Clay and Jensen "aye", lotion carried. The Planning Coses.ssion minutes for July 13, 1972, wars pra~ented. 72.93 Motion by Clay aaconded`by,Sullivan to approve the prelimi~axy plat cf S$abo'a let lddtiou. Er~nd, Friedges, Clay, Janssen and Sullivan "a~ys", motion carried.. 72.49+ Motion by Emend sec®ndad by Frisdgea to dstly the rezoning for Richard Rahn. Frisdges, Clay, Jensen, Sullivan. and E~ond "aye", motion carried. Mr. Rahn was advised to return to the Planning ccansi.ssion for a variance to building sise• The Plataning Comnai.csion mi~ttes for ,Tiny 27, 1972, wars presented. 72.485 Mctian by Emond seconded by FrisdSes to fellow the reco~sndaton of the P1aAning Camm3.ssion amdgrant a variaucs to height mf sign for Sigr~crafters. Their sign will ba 64' high. Clay, Jensen, Sullivan, Esmond and Frisdges "aye", motion carried.. 72.496 Motion by Friedgsa sasccnded by Clay to follow the Planning CosmssiAn rscoms$endation and grant Mra. Marguerite Byrd a building permit for a Wausau Home tca be built 55' from the canter of the road.. Jensen, Sullieva8, Emand~ Friedgea and Clay "aye", motion carried. 72.497 Motion by Clay seconded by Friedges to follow the Planning Com~i.asion raQame~endation and grant Mr. Jaffa Johnson 'variances tcgarag~..sizs and. to build below grads sub~eet to the final drainage inspsctio~a by the Villags$ inspector. Sullivan, Eflnond, Friedges, .Clay and Jsnaen "aye", motiaa carried. 72.49$ Motion by Clay seconded by Emond to deny variances to build garages to Mr. G. Grussendorf and Mr. Wm. Busch. Emond, Friedgea, Clay, Jansen and Sullivan "aye", t~tion carried. 72.499 Motion by Jensen seconded by Friedges to approve Mr. Bassett'a prelmint~ry plat of his 2nd Addition. Frisdges, Clay, Jansen, Sullivan and Emond "aye", matisn carried. 72.544 Motion by Essend seconded by Sullivan to follow the Planning Cflmraat.ssion recommendation and have the Dakota Cc3unty Surveyor cheek. all plats. Clay, Jenssa, Sullivan, E~oad and Friedgsa "aye", motion carried. The hearing on the Airlake Water and Sewer Exteas3ana was opened at 9s15 P.M. A list of iritareatsd persons attending is attaohad. Mr. Rmbsrt Frgasard reviewed the preliminary report. Mr. .Arnold Sauber asked if he would be assessed on a front footage basis.. The answer was affirmative. 72.541 Motion by Clay seconded by Esaond to order the Airlake Water and Sewer Extsnaioas as presented in the preliminary report of Juns 24, 1972, and to authorize the engineer to prepare the plena and space for the seams. Jansen, Sullivan, Emond Frisdgaa anti Clay "aye", motion carried. The continued hearing on the Trunk Sewer-and Water Extensions Valley Park Drainage, Area bleat of Cedar Avenue was reopened. ~l) VILLA.t~E 4F LAKE'VZLLE C4t~DTCSL MEE'3'ZAl'('r A.IIt3US'T' ~ ~ 1972 Mr. Frank Lipteg of Vern I~nnays told the c~ancl that it vrould bs approximatelg 18 rm~nths before there weld a need f€~r water and .serer at the property they will be devsl®png. Thsrs tv11 be about 904 to 1444 units can than;. nits and it will be developed graduall~r over about a four or five year period, Pets Sterling of I3~rnasty Investment Corp, said that they. will build.: abort 720 units in stages -and h®psd this prc~~se~t wsruid bs .ordered a$ th3.s is the amly .way they wilt be-.able:. 'to obtain financing. Brii.ll Studer felt that this pr®~ect we~u].d not bs needed far at least ten years. Mr. and Mrs, Frencis Anderson and Bob Morlan were rat in favor mf this pra~eot as they felt that they would not be .able to continua farmj.ng if they weld have to pay the area charge. Seen Kolstad ahd Bob M3.ller asked questions of the council. 72.5®2 Mmti4n, by Jsnssn sec®adsd by Sullivan that/~ Sswsr and ~i'atsr signs Va7,1sy Park Drainage Artie West of Cedar Avenue Project be ordered with no plans or epees prepared until 3~t is further indicated that there is a definite Head in that area fer it. Su113van, Emend, Clay and Jansen "aye", Friedges oppossci, mot3cm carried. the Water & Sewer Cemm3.ttee report for Julg 19, 1972' eras presented. The clerk was instructed to sea that a copy of utility permits be sent to the comnl.ttse f®r .review. 72.5~~ Motion by Jansen ssccmdsd by Emend to appoint the following people to the ~dustral Coraaissient Axt Nielsen 3 gears S~ Lien 3 years Mike Larkin 2 gears Magnard Johnson 2 years Vic gohlnhcafer 1 gear E~?nd, Friedges, Clay, Jensen and Sullivan "aye", motion carried. 72.50+ Motion by Clay seconded by Friedges to adopt the resolution renewing the option on the Ritter px~aperi~y for 60 days subject to paying 6~ interest on X116,444. until the prc~pertg is purchased. Frisdges, Clay, Jensen, Sullivan end Emend "aye", motion carried.. 72.5Q5 Mc~ti®n by Frisdgss seconded by Emend twat. the .Liquor Stare manager have Kosntr>pf 3torlis peint the ceiling its the Liquor Store far ~4~3.f~. Cley, Jensen, Sullivan, Emond Fradgas "aye", motion serried. 72.546 Motion by Sullivan seconded by Clap to grant ~ onsale bear license to the Farmington Soft Ball Leagae for the 12th and 13th of August subject to furnishing the Village a certificate of insurance whitish is approved ~g the ..Village attc»ay. Sullivan, Ea~ond, Frsdgea and Clay "aye", 3enssn ®ppossd, motion carried. 72.547 Motion by Emond seconded by Sullivan to approve the chenge order fc~r the Minnesota Scats Curb & Gutter Corp. to rs~ve and replace curb & sidewalk an Hollins Avenue in. the amount of X196.44. Sullivan, Er~ond~ Friedges, Clay and Jensen "aye", motion carried. 72.508 Motion by Clag see9ndad by Sullivan that the Village sod the strip of land between the sidewalk and the curb in frost of Marie He11sr's home. E~nd~ Friadgss, Cley, Jensen and Sullivan "age", motion taarrisd. .A. res®iutiQn frmm the county regarding haul roads for rear-end loading compactAr trucks was reed.. Other correspondence wee presented. 72.5eg Motion by: Jensen seconded by Emend to pay'Janet Hammer X2544 and Baraard Murphy X2472 far easements. Fredges, Clay, Jensen, Sullivan and Emend "eye", s~tion carried. ' VILI~+,QE OF r,atr~rrt ~DUl~CIL MEWING AUCrLtST 7 ~ 1972 r A+Ir. Fr,gaerci will inspect a portion of D®dd Read where Donnag installed ~ sewer. 72.51fl Motion bg Clay sec®~aded by fond to authorize the expenditure of $200© for the purchese of the Fassuffi land Por park pre~pertg. cley, end, and Friedges "sge", Jenffien and Sullivam~ opposed, motion.Qarried. 72.511 Moti®a bg Friedges seconded ~Y Haond to instruct the clerk to Tarite a latter to the state highway depart~aent and ask for ihproved visibility of the stop sign on 50 and 70 cow frost the Nest. Jensen, Sullivan, woad, Friedgea end Clay "aye", motion serried.. 72.512 Motion by C1~ ~ecoaded by Friedges to authorize ~ street lights to be ordered fcr in Front of the echo®l. These wi11 be ffiercuxy vapor light. Sullivan, gaond, Friedges, Clay end Je~tsen "aye", motion carried. 72.513 ~lotisan by Clay seconded by Hind to .approve the plebs and epees on the College Park ir~prc~vement and authorize the letting of bids for August 21st at 2 P.M. E~ond, Friedges, Clay, Jensen and. Sullivan "aye"~ motion serried. 72.51± Motion by Sullivan seconded bg Clay to approve the plans and specs ~'or the Make Water. do Sewer extensions .encl. authorize. the .letting date for Friday, Sept. 1, 1972, at 2 P,M, Friedges, Clag, Jensen, Sullivan and F.mond "aye", motion Berried. 72.535 Motion by Clay seconded by fond tca approve the plans andspece for the ee~ver oa 215th Street and e~thorize the letting date for-Sept. 1, 1972, at 2 P,M. Clay, Jensen, Sullivan,, fond and Friedges "age", motion csarred. 72.516 Motionbg Clay seconded bg fond to adopt. the resolution oa permit .fees. Jensen, Sulliean ~orid, Friedgeas and Clay "aye", motion carried. Motion bg Clay .seconded bg Emend tt> ed~oura carried unan;Liaccna.~ly. Respectfullg aeub~tted, CLEftK ~ ~ MOOR J