HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-14-72 ~ VILLAGE OF LAKEVI CCUNCTL MEE`I'INQ AUGUST 1~F, 1972 The meeting was called fi~ order at 8tCG P.M. by Mayor Jensen. Flag pledge f411o~red. Present; Friedges, Clay, Jesnsen, Sullivan and rid. Also-present; Robert Frigaard, Village engineer arad Pat Farrell, tillage at`t®rr~ey. 72.817 Motion by Sullivam seconded by Friedges to approve the mimates of the Aug.. 7, 1972, se read. Friedges, Clay, Jensen, Sullivan and Emend "syer', uatior~ carried.: Purchase of park land. Suburban Acres was discussed. The Park & Recreation Committee Report far July 26, 1972, was presented.. .72.818 Nation by Su1.l.ivan seQOnded by Jensen to purchase the land in .Suburban Acres at 32c~o. Clay', Jensen, Sullivan, E~nond "aye", Fredges "~aay", motion carried. The Buildixig Inps~ctor's report for Julywaspre~ented. Ed Christian, representag the Haegs wh® Own outlot 3,-in Lakeview Qardens, eapiained to the council. that a 12~ rti~dway ran scarves this lot and they would like to construct a road as platted. This would be a 2~~ wide. Blass 8 road with a harm araumd on the Christiansmr~~ s prc9pert3r which is ire Scott County. Mr. Frt:, who terns .Land to the :seat said he urould Zike tca have time 'tca consult an attorney as his fence is on the west side of the platted road. and he felt that his deed included. the road. He will aeove the fencae if this is net true. 72.819 Motion. by Clay sec®nded by Friedges to table this matter for one week'so that more information Qan be mbtaiued and that Mr. Frig can consult an attorney. Jensen,.. Sullivan, Emond, Friedges and Clay "aye", motion .carried. Mr. MaBrien appeared. with a request regardi~ag am agreement regarding 3mpravements in the di a. Mr. Farrel, there should be a clause added. to this agreement that Farmington would not use this in their briefs i.n th.e argdmerats to the Supreme Court. 72.5219 Mahon by Emond seconded by Su113vax~. to contirnae :.this matter ~r~egardirag the Fas~ington agreement until the next meeting. Sullivan, ~nond, Friedges, Clay and Jensen "aye", motion carried. Frank Berg, representitag Instant Hemeas, requested a grading permit from fide Council. 72.821 Motion by Sullivan seconded by Jensen o approve a grading permit far Instant Hca~es. Jensen and Sullivan "aye", fond, Friedges and Clay opposed, m®tion railed. Mr. Clay stated that he wc3uld be in favor of granting a permit if Instant Homes would stipulate in writing tc~athe Village that they would have no objection tm change if their plan had tc> be redone and.. present evidence of faeai responsibility to the contractcar doing the grad rag. It was suggested that the preliminary plat for Instant Mmes be Found and that Instant Homes send a letter to the Village and place this matter on the agenda for the 21st. 72.822 Motion by Clay sec®nded by Haond adopting the resolution authorizing the mayor fica sign the c®mtract with HtTU for the purchase of the Ritter property. Fredges, Clay, Jensen., Sullivan anc9. Eland "aye", motion carried. Mr. Farrell will investigate what bearing the Metro Council opinion would have on the development. of Lakeville. Mr. Farrell also brought to the eouncil~s attenti®n the Crystal Lake elevation problem and volunteered to meet with the people aloxag the'lake to discuss the situation. 72.823 Motion by Friedges seconded by Clay to apprcave the list of election fudges (.lie t attached). Clay, Jensen, Sullivan, Eaatand and Friedges "aye,', motion carried. 72.82 Motion by Emend seconded by Friedges tc~ accept the petition from Martin Wester for sewer and water to his prmperty in C1ay's Acres. Jensen, Sullivan, mmond, Vl't T.AGE 4F LAKEVI COUNCIL 1~EfiING AUGUST hF, 197 Fs'iedges and Clay "aye", motion carried. 72.525 Motion by Clsy seconded by Sullivan to follow the Planning Com~.issiQn r~8extdation and apprcave a variance for Qail Davis 'to c0natruct a building over 6D© square feet on his property; mile north on Holyoke Ave. Sullivan, end, Friedges, Clay and Jensen.."aye", motion carried. Motion by ~c?nd seconded by Clay to ad~ourri carried unanimously.. Respectfully subm3.tted~ cLn~x Mao