HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-21-72 • VTLLA(TE OF j.,~..IfE'VIL COUNCIL ME~'TING AUGUST 21~ 1972 The meeting was Balled to order at 8 P.M. by Mayor Jensen. Flag pledge followed. Present; Fredges, C1ay~ Jensen, 3u11ivaa-and EmQnd. .Also present; Robert Pulacher, Financial Consultant, Robert Frgaard, Village Engineer and Pat Farrell Village Engineer. The..bids on the Park Bonds were opened. Copy is attached. Mr. Pinscher recd nded the acceptance of the low bid. 7.2.526 Motion by Clay seconded by Emond tc~ accept the bids. Friedges, Clay, Jensen, Sullivan and Emond "aye", motion carried. 72.827 Motion by Clay seconded by Emond to award-the bid to Piper, Jaffrey and Hoppwood at theaet interest dollar cost of 31,870.5Q anci net interest rate of ~+.~856. Clay, Jensen Sullivan, Ea~nd and Friedges "aye", motion carried. 72.528 Motion by Friedges seconded by Sullivan to accept the minutes of the August l~, 1972,. meeting as read. Jensen, Sulliva~a, Emond, Friedges and Clay "aye", motion carried. 72.529 Motion by Emond seconded by Friedges to pay the Village claims, X841.1.-85a#~+ acid 586-621. Sullivan, Emond, Friadges, Clay and Jensen "aye", motion carried. 72..530 Mcation by Fredges seconded by Clay tci pay the Liquor claims # 44$3-4528 and 675-691. Emend, Fredges, Clay, Jensen and Sullivan "aye"~ motion carried. Michael Larkin, Maynard Johnson and Sam Lien were sworn in as meaabers of the Industrial Devel®pment Comaaission. Tb.e Paxk a8d Recreatimn Report fear August 9, 1972, ~,raa presented. Ido action was taken on the park land in Wildwood Ponds. 72.531 Motion by Emend seconded by Clay to authorize the engineer to draw up s grading plan. for approximately 3o sates of land in Aronson Municipal Park. Friedges, Clay,. Jensen, Sullivan and E~?ad "afire", motion carried. Ths Planning Commission report for August 10, 1972, was presented. 72.532 A4~ation by.Friedgea seconded by Sullivan to grant Donnay Realty, Inc. a variance to build a garage 9 feet from-the property line on Lot 18, Block 11, Valley Park 3rd Addition. 'Clay, Jensen, Sullivan, Emend and Fredgea "aye", ~tioa carried. 82;533 Motion by Egad seconded by Fredges to follow the Pian~ning Commiasiaa recommeadatioa at~d great Eugene M. Erickson a variance to build below grade of street oa land described as "Lot 20~ Block 2, Oak Shores Third Addition, 161st St. West" s~zb~ect to a compaction test on the fill on the lot and a letter from a certified engineer stating that the soil is adequate for-eoastructican with any additional expense incurred by the Village of Lakeville to be added to the coat of the building permit. Jensen, Sullivan, Emoad sad Fredgea "aye", Clay abstained, motioa~ carried.. 72.534 Motion by Sullivan aecoaded by Friedges to fallow the Planning Com~ussion recommendatican and grant a variance to garage size to Larry H. Hinze on the forger Turner property on Highway dust SGT of the crossing. with Hwy. 35W, Sullivan, Emond, Fredges, C1sy and Jensen "aye", motion earrieid~ Mrs. Dennis Corcoran presented a request for a street life in the park on Lower 208th St. in Park Terrace Addition and also asked for acme regulations regarding the use of this park. 72.535 Motion by Sullivan seconded by Fredges to place a light in the park on Lower 208th St. ~nond, Friedges, Clays Jensen and Sullivan "aye", motion carried. Mr. Farrell advised that the use of the parks is outlinedin the park proposal. He also advised that the Haeg road matter had bees resolved. Mr. Farrell stated that Instant BUmes had presented the letter regarding the grading as requested and it was satisfactory and an excavation permit could be granted. 72.536 Motion by Emoad seconded by Sulliv (to grant an excavation permit to Instant Homes. 1 _e • ~E of LAKEPILLE ~o~~ M'~~a AUGUST 21, 1972 pursuant t0 the letter Af ,August 18, 1972., amd. assuming the proper payment is made to the Village.- Fredges, Clay, Jensen, Sullivan and ~aond "aye", motion carried.. 72.537 Motion by E~noaci seconded bg Sullivan to accept the bids on the Sanitary Sewer in College Park Addition. Clay, Jensen, Sullivan, ~23d and Friedges "age", ration carried. Mr. Frigaard stated that the bids had came in higher than had. been estimated and this would ar~unt to about ~12C per lot or 17.70 per ft instead of 16.50. He said he would recommend taking the iow bid. 72.538 Motion bg Emond seconded by Friedgea too award the bid for the College Park Sanitary Sewer tt~ Fischer Construction Co. whose bid was ~9~+,o6o.cx~. Jensen, Su1.l3vag, ~mond, Fredges and Clay "aye", motion carried. The house on the Fischer property was eiscussed. A motion by Clay was withdrawn. 72.539 Motion by Fredges seconded by E'mond that Mr, Farrell and Mr. Seitz meet with the attorney far Cx~?stal Lake homeowners regarding the lake level and to table this matter until 9 P.M, on Sept. 5. Sullivan, Emend, Friedges, Clay and Jensen "aye", motion.. carried.. 72.5~o Motion by clap seconded by Sullivan to instruct the building inspector and the plumbing inspector to make a survey of the Fischer house and make a list of what has to be done to make it livable. F3mond,_Fredges, Clay, Jensen and Sullivan "aye", motion carried. 72.5+1 Motion by Sullivan seconded by Clay tc~ authorize the payffient of 29~ of the ~FC~,eD4 purchase price of the Ritter property together with the interact on the from Augustel tothe date ®f closing and authorizing the Vicar and the clerk to execute the note and mmrtga~ge far the 715 of the ~~c®,~4. Friedges, flay, Jensen, Sullivan and Et~nd "aye" ~ motic~, carried. The matter of the pending assessment requests was discussed. St was decided that the attc~roey would prepare a statement that would take care of this situation. The clerk was instructed to send a prelimnaa~g report for water main on Hollins AVe. to Mr. Richard Todd. 72.5+2 Motion bg Sullivan seconded by Emend to accept the petition from the homeowxiers near the orchard Lake School (copy attached.. C1sy, Jensen, Sullivan, E~rnd and Friedges "a~?e"~ mAti~ carried. 72.53 motion bey Emend seconded by Clay to forware this petition to the county traffic engineer. Jensen, Sullivan, Emend, Friedges and Clay "aye", motion aarried. 72.5~+~+ Motion by Clay seconded by .Sullivan to approve the payment of ® to the'I3olands of an easement claim. Sullivan, Emond, Friedges, Clay and Jensen "age", motion carried.. 7` .5~.5 A?I tion by clay seconded bg ,Friedges tca pay the t~BC $3~® for an easement claim, E~ond, Friedges, Clay~.Jensen and Sullivan "aye", motion carried. Mr. Farrell discussed the ec~ntraet for the planner. He was advised to submit the additions directly to theplaxner. Motion bg Sullivan ascended. by Ea~ond to adjourn carried frnani*~usly. Respectfully submitted, Clerk ..3>> .Mayor ~ f