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s VILJ.~AQE aF r,nt~rrr.t.~ COUNCIL ME~~TITTG SEPTA 5~ 197 The meeting was called t4 order by Mayor Jensen at 8 F.M.'Flag pledge followed, Fre$eat; Friedges, Clay, Jensen, Sullivan and.EmEand. Also present; Robert F'rigaard, Village Engineer, Pat Farrell, Village Attcarney and Robert Pinscher, Vi7.lage Financial Consultant.. 72.546 Mcation by Ea~nd seconded by Sullivan to approve the minutes of the August 21, 1972, meeting aspresexited. Fredges, Clay, Jensen, Sullivan and E~and "aye", motion carried. Vie Kohlnhofer and Arthur Niensen were sworn in a.s meffibers of the Industrial Development Co~3ss3.on. The Park and Recreation minutes for Aug. 23, 1972, were presented. 72.547 Motion by Fredges seconded by Clay to follow the recommendation of the .Park and Recreation Cam~aittee and adopt the Ordinance Regulating Village Parks as corrected by the ~T311a8e .Attorr~sy. Clay, Jensen, Sull.vah, Emend and Fredges t,aye", motion Qarried. The park plans for the parks in Valley Park were reviewed by Harry Clarkson. He eupnained the different .improvements that should ba made far future devslopecnent of each indiv~3.dual pant. Mr. Theriault asked the council if mim3. bikes were going to be prahibited`as he felt this was no worse than riding a horse 3.n the park. 72.548 Motion by Sullivan seconded by Jensen to-.adopt th®se park plans as presented, Jensen, Sullivan, ~2ncand, Friedges and. Clay "aya", motion. carried. 72.549 Motion. by Emend sic©nded bg Cnay ~ authorize the engineer tca prepare. grades in .parks I, ~ & 6 as presented. Sullivan, E~and, Friedges, Clay and Jansen "aye", motion carried. Mr. George Wells presented a. request to the council .for mare police protection 3.n Valley Park. Some dissuasion followed and it wa$ mentioned that someth3.ng would be done to include more pose on next years budget. Allen Schoenberger asked the emuncil forsome information regarding the z°caad to galley Highlands Gaff of Highway #5f3. He was advised tc~.check the abstract and get mxt easement .frame the property owners as no record could be found in the old minutes... Pat Scully, County Cammissioner, presented a resolut3.vn 'to be approved 3x1 connection with the HRa. He ~a~cplained t~het 23 far~i.7~r 1e~.~ed un3.ts, 5t? elderly new cos~truction .and 14 leased ~lerly units were planned Par Lakeville. Axi agreement winl be Headed. 72.550 Mcation by Claq seconded by Sullivan tca adopt the resolution presented by the HRA. E~anc}, Friedges,.Clay, Jensen and Sullivan "aye", m~aton carried... Mayor Jensen explained to the Crystal Lake residents and the audience that Burnsville would make an application to the Dept. of Natural Resources for a 933 level. of the lake and Mayor Jensen hap®d that the Crystal Lake residents would make an appearance at the public hearing on this matter. Mr. & Airs. Robert f~ustafson asked the council if it would reconsider its decision of not granting building permit on Weia~ner property. The council said this land should be platted and that. the t~ustafsons could either petition for a. variance from the subdivision ordinance or ha~re the Land platted. Mr. Robert Killian of Valley Park requested a Iight on 169th & Flagstaff anei said there are a lot of dunk cars out in that area and catb:er problems. Some txaffic- signs are needed also. 72.~~1 Motion by Clay seconded by Friedges to refer themattes of proper..sm to the Police Dept. and to ordar a light at 169th and Flagstaff. Friedges, Clay, Jensen, Sullivan and Emond "aye", mcatian carried. It was deQided to have Mr. Raderrt~.eher prepare an article tca place in the paper ~l) 1 i vzir~~ of ~ C©~CZL r~rzrra s~ 5, 1972 regar~8 the dog ordinance. Mrs. Huddlestean and Glen Glislason asked tie eoune:il if it we~uld be possible to a®nstruct a read between their. properties. -.,~,~.,y«.~ ~'yr~ ~ y - Zt was also stated that there could be come agreement in connection with the"bn3.lding permit that if he wc>nl.d develop thin properly, that he will blacktop the road. Ido definite plans were made at this time.. 72. 552 Motion by C1.ay seconded by Friedges tm grant Tim Haeg a variance to tha subdivision ordinance for atatleat ~ Orchard Gardens sub~eet to the road being put 3.n and accepted by the V'illa~ge. Clay, Jensen, Sullivan, Eland and. Fr3edges "ayes", ration carried. Robert Pul.seher presented a brochure regarding the f©rthco~irig bond sale. It was decided to postpone setting the. bond sale until the Instant Hc~ee ae~sessment can be checked out. 72.553 Motion by Clay seconded by xad to accept the bids on the water and sewer extensions in Arlake Industrial Park. Jensen, Sullivan, Faiond, Friedges and Clay "age", motion carried, 72.55 Motion bg Friedges seconded bq Clay tm award the bid tea the law bidder, Riverside Sand & Gravel whose bid was 18,653.G0. Sullivan, Emond' Friedges, Clay and Jensen r'at'e", motion carried. 72.855 Motion. by Freeiges seconded by Clay to accept the bids on 215th Street. gnond, F'riedges, C1ag~ Jensen and Sullivan "aye", motion carried. 72.556. Motion by Jensen. seconded by Sullivan to table the bads for 1 weekfe~r the attorney's o~ainiean. Friedges, Clay, .Jensen, Sullivan and fond "aye", motion carried.. 72.557 Motion by Frieeges seconded. by Clay to accept the plans fear the addition to the .,~-~^-R Mall and to set the letting date for Cat. 5 at 2 P.M. Clag~ Jensen, Sullivan, E~iond and Friedges "aye", motion carried. 72.558 Motion by Jensen sset®nded by Ebiond to autheari$e the engineer tc~ prepare plans and specs fear the rarcadeling of the maintaina~tee buleiing for the police department. Jensen, Sullivan, , Friedges and Clay "aye", motion carried. The Fischer houee was discussed.. A letter was presented from t3a~e build3.u~ inspector listing th® repairs that would be needed to put thin ri order for renting. 72.559 Motion by Sullivan seconded bg Fredges tca rent this house as is for sax me~nths free rent in exchange for the repairs which are listed in the building irspeetor~s letter and•`:settixig the rent at ~1~F0 per nxanth thereafter. Sullivan, P'riedges and Clay "age", Jensen. and Eland appeased, mctian carried. ..72.560 Motion by Sullivan secanded'by Friedges tea Pay. the claims against the Village. (855-8589) fond, Friedges, Clay, denser"and'Sullivan "aye" emotion carried. . 72.561 Mca~ion bg Sullivan seconded by Clag to accept the petition from Gephart axed Enggren for the vacation of an alley, petition attached. Fri®eges, C1sy, Jensen, Sullivan and Effioael "age", motiejn carried. 72.562 Motion bg Sullivan eeeaonded by C1ag to table this petition for one week. Glay, Jensen, Sullivan, Emond and Friedges "agar,, motion Qarried. 72.563 Motion by Sullivan. seconded bg bnond to table the decision 'tea hire-Geo. Hansen Co. Public dccountants until a price quote is given. Jensen, Sullivan, E~ond, Fr.edges, and Clay "ayep, mention carried. 72.56 Motion by Sullivan seconded by ~nond that all empleagees must work 4~0 hours. per week before any overtime is paid. Sullivan, Emend, Frieeiges, Clay and J~neen '+age•, motion carried. (2) r VILLAGE OF I,AKL~'ILLE COUNCIL A~.E'~''.LNG SEPTE~E'Et 5r 197 72.565 Motion by Clay seconded by ~nond to .Follow the building inapeetor'a racoaunendation and release Ri.ahard Storlie ~ a $5t3o0 Escrow. Emend, Fri.edgea, Clay, Jensen. and 3u].i3van "aye'", motion carried. 72.566 M~+t3on ~ Clay aeeo~.deed by F.~ond tc> adopt the. reaoXuton ATo 16 as passed by the Board of County Coiasionere of Dakota County. Copy attached. Friedgea, Clay, Jegae~a, 9u7.livan and Emond "aye", motion 'eas^r~.ed. Motion by E~ond eeaonded by Clay to adjourn earrieci unan~oualy. Reapeatf~tlly aubs~itt~d, CLERK t - 9/5/72 To Mr. l~a.yor, members of the Lakeville Council and ,Police Department: I am allowed 10 minutes to present what T have in mind and with the aid of this written statement, which for the re- cord I shall read, some of that time can be saved. I want to make it clear I am in np way fnding.fault with our police department as it exists. I feel the department is understaffed and underequpped mobilewise based on the widely scattered populated areas which exist in our village, Under the by-line of Pete Martin, staff writer for the Dakota County Tribune of last week the following appears-and. I quote s "A force of one man per 1000 residents is generally adequate to answer complaints--but to maintain a patrol force you need more. Lakeville has seven men and 7500 residents." My observation to the above is this a "Generally adequate to answer complaints" is not the answer to preventative accom- p l is hme nt . "Preventative action" like "preventative medicine" is the needed aim for safety of property and life . s' ,r i Yaur police records will disclose a high amount of recorded complaints from the area of our village known as ~~alley Park and. green Meadows. xnd there are an almost unbelieveable number of un-reported so-called minor depre- dations from that area. In the area mentioned there are a minimum of 700 occu- pied homes, each housing a minimum average of 4 persons-a total of 2800. On the basis of 1 officer per 1000 persons it follows that the area is 2.8 officers short of answering complaints to say nothing of providing deferent to irresponsible indi- viduals. I am not suggesting that 2.8 officers should be pro- vided for that area but I feel that serious consideration should be given to the ne~ease in police force by one man and a squad car for c~anstant patrol of that area from approx- imately 9~sm to Sam 7 days a week. Normal daytime patrol should be adequate . Money is being spent to acquire park facilities that ob- viously can be of little value to the community until in the 1980's, at which time more police problems will undoubtedly ensue . ~ i ~ 4 ~ But we are dealing with now: I appeal to you to cons~:dt~r my presentation. Thank you: George H. Wells