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VILLAGE OF C©IINCIL MEETZNC f SEPZZ 11, 1872 The meeting was called to order. by Mayor Jensen at 8 P.M. Flag pledge ~'o114wed. Present; Friedges, Clay, Jensen, `Sullivan and Emend. Alas present; Robert Frigaard, .Village Engineer. 72.567 Motion by Sullivan aecoxided by Emond to accept the s~inutes of the Sept. 5, 197, meeting as corrected. {motion 72.557 corrected). Fredges, Clay, Jensen, Sullivan.. and Emond "AYE", motion carried. The building tenspeetor presented his report for August, 1972. A diseussian took place as to what would b~ the fee tc> charge for the topo maps to the developers.. ~ 72.568 Motion by Friedges s®canded by Clay to set a fee schedule of 7,5o per acre for 10 acres ar more and X8.5® per sere for s~th3ng under 14 acres for the topo maps. Clay, Jensen., Sullivan, Emond and Friedgas "aye", motion serried. :.The Planning Commission report for Aug.. 31, 1972, was presented. 72.569 Motion by Sullivan secondedl by Friedges to `follow the Plac~ning Commission recommendation and approve the ,plans for the addition t;o the fire hall. Jensen, Sul.li~an, Emond, Friedges and Clay "aye", motion carried. 72.574 Motion by Clay aeaonded by Emond to follow the Planning Commission recommendation and allow Donnay, Inc, to Sava a model building to a new location. Sullivan Eaaand, Friedges, Clay and Jensen "aye", motion carried. 72.571 Motion by Clay seconded by Sullivan to follow the Planning Commission recommendation and approve the final plat of Ssabots 1st. Addition subject to the engineers escrow, ~ub,ject to the nttorn~?s approval, subject to the county surveyor and subject to the park donation of ~15t~ being paid. Emond, Friedges, Clay, Jensen and. Sullivan "aye?', motion carried. 72.572 Motion by Fredgee seconded by Sullivan to follow the Planning'Commia~ion recommendation and grant a variance 'to Mr. Richard Rahn to build a garage ~0'x 6a~on his land on property described as "the E 653.x+ feet of the N 24© feet of the NE of Sec. 7, T11~, R20." on Ipava.Ave. ,Friedges, Clay, Jensen, Sullivan and Emond "aye", motion caarried. 72.573 Motion by Clay aeoonded by Friedges to follow the Planning Commission recommendation and grant Schmitty & Sons Busses Co., Inc. a special use permit to install zanderground storage gasoline tasil~ on land adjoining present Lakeville High School legally described as "S- of NE~, .0~3 Acres, See. 32 Tll~, R2t9~7. Clay, Jensen, Su~.7.van, Emond and Friedges "aye", motion carried. 72.57+ Motion by Emond seconded by Friedgea to table the decision on Lakota Heights 3rd final plat until the 18th so that a contra ct can be prepared. Jensen,. Sullivan, F.mond, .Pr3.edges and Clay "aye", motion carried. 72.575 Motion by Sullivan seconded by Friedges tca follow the Planning-eommi~ssion recomaflendation az~d grant a building perm3.t to Airlake Industrial Park to build "Watkins Patters Shop". Sullivan, E~nond, Priedges, Ciey and Jensen "aye", motion carried. 72.576 Motion by Clay seQOnded by Eaond tc> i'ollow the Planning Commission recommendation :and grant Mr. Keith Johnson a variance to build a house 2' below grade in Marian Heights. Emond, Fredges,Clay, Jensen and Sullivan "ayes', mctioa carried. 72.577 .Motion by Sullivansecanded by Emond to follow the Planning Commission recommendation and grant a building permit to the M.nnes~ta Highway Dept. for a garage to be located on the East Service Road of 35W gust north of coxmoly's Trailer Park. F'riedges, Clay, Jensen, Sullivan at7d Emend "ayes'., motion carried. Motion by Emond seconded by Sullivan to follow the Planning Commission recommendation, Motion-withdrawn, VILLAGE 4F' C©TYTIyiCIL R'TNQ ` SEPTII?+IBER lI, 1972 72.578 Motion by Sullivan seconded by Jeaasen to follow the Planning Coaa~ission reeoaasaaendation and approve the changes in the preliani.nary plag of Instant Homes sub3ect to th® approval of t3ae Paz'k and Recreation Committee. Jensen, Sullivan, fond, and Friedges "aye", Clay opposed., anotion carried.. 72.579 Motion by Clay seconded by ~aond to appoint Mr. Karl Lu'fk~ns to the Planiang Comanision to replace Qerald Stanley who is resigning the 1st of Oct. Jensen, Sullivan, Emmnd, Friedgea and. Clay "sye", motion carried. 72.584 Motion by Clay seconded by Jensen. to set the X725,400 bond sale for the 2hd of 4ct©ber, 1972 at 8 P.M. subject 'to the attorney's approval. Sullivan, Emond, Friedges, Clay and Jensen "aye", motion carried. 72.581 Motion by Sullivan seconded by Friedges to set are assessment x~ll hearing for phase 1 trunk area excluding alenn Addition, Holyoke Avenue iaaiproveaaents, Hughes street surfacing, Howlaxtd sewer, Ibera.~, sewer and water, Airlake hater main to Todd Chevrolet and the three 103 in Purest Hills water extension for the 5th of October at 8 P.M. iri the High School Cafeteria and to set an assessment roll hearing on the phase 2 area and Clayts Acres laterals for the 12th of October at 8 P,M. 3.n the High School Cafeteria.. Sullivan, Emond, Friedge~, Clay. and Jensen "aye", motion carried.. 72.582 Motion by Sullivan seconded by Jensen tc~ award the 215th St. pxb~eet to the low bidder,. Fred Fredrickson Excavating Co. whose bid was X11,881.44 and to assess this to the beneftted property.,.. Etnond, Friedges, Clay, Jensen and Sullivan "aye", motion carried. 72.583 Motion by Clay seconded by Friedges t<a set a public hearing for.t~ie vacation of the s11ey in Hlock 13, Orig3saa3. Torn of Ferfield and Block 1 Herres Addition from Mrs. Larsan'Ss®uth to 248th St. W~'' F+~iedges, Clay, 3ensen, Sullivan and Emond "aye", motion carried. on .the 16th of Oat. 72.58 Motion by Fredges seconded by Ind to pay the lifeguard fees. Clay, Jensen, Sullivan, E#nond and Friedges ".aye", motion Qarrieel. 72.585 Motion by Jensen seconded by Sullivan to grant the utility permit to Minneapolis GFas Co. for Job 5-212, 1972 in Valley Park 8th Addition. Jensen, Sullivaxa~ Tend, Friedges and Clay "aye", motion carried.. 72.586 Motion by Friedges seconded by Clay too accept the petition-for blacp roads.. from Ye residents of Crlenn. Addition (copy attached) . Su13.~.van,' Fmond, Friedges, Clay and Jensen "ay~r', motion carried. 72.587 Motion by Clay sec®nded. by T3~nd to order the engineer to prepare the preliminary report for surfacing with an alternate of concrete curb and gutter, F]a~xid, Friedges, Clay, Jensen and Sullivan "aye", motion carried. 72.588 Motion by Sullivan seconded by Friedges to accept the contract from T3onz~ay for a11ey__Pa~~` Addition and authorize the mayor and clerk to sign the wane. ~ ~Friedges, Clay; Jensen, Sullivan and T!~nd "aye", motion carried. 72.589 Motion by Jensen seconded by Friedges that. the Village withhold issuance of building perm3.ts in Forest Hills until proper `;street grades care provided t<a the .engineer and that bond or escrow money be given t~O Village to take care ©f constructian or, building , road to specifications. This-will be policy a~.tter ferall old, plats. Clay, Jensen, Sullivan, Hnond and. Friedges "aye", motion carried. Railroad crossings abd the-cemetery fence were discussed. Motion by T:~nd seconded by Jensen to adjourn carried unan.moa~sly. Respectfully submitted, Clerk Mayor