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VILLAE~EE AF I:~K:L+'VTLLE COUNCIL MEETING SEP7:'`F~3F.~t 18, 1972- The meeting wan called to 9xder`by Acting Mayor Jerry Clay. Flag pledge followed. Present; Fredges, Clay, Sullivan at~d Em6nd. Absent; Mayor Robert.Jensen. 72.59C Motion by Sullivan seconded by.~ond to accept the minutes of the Sept. 11, 1972 meeting with the correetis~n ofmotion 72.588. Friedges, Clay, Sullivan and E~nond "aye", motion carried. 72.591 Motion by Fredges seconded by Sullivan to pay the Maims against the Village. (859fl-87.23, 622-652) Clay, Sullivan, F~mond and Fredges "aye"', t~tion carried. 72.592 Motion by Fridges seconded by Sullivan tm pay the claims against the Liquor store. 0528-~F57~ and 692-726) Sullivan Fond, F'riedges agd Clay "aye", ticn carried. Karl Lutgens was sw®x~ in a~? a membsr of the Planning Commission. 72.593 .Motion. by Sullivan seconded by F'riedges tc~ approve Dakota Heights 3rd Addition plat aub~ecat to the attorney's approval. F.mond, Friedges and Sullivan "aye", Clay abstained, motion carried. The Water and Sewer and Serer report for Sept. 6, 1972, was presented. 72.59+ Motion by Emend seconded by Sullivan tca der~q the reco lotion of .the Idater and Sewer Comm3.ttee to have the engineer prepare a preliminary report for water and sewer extensions on Jaquard ~1ve. between 248th and 21t~th Streeta. Friedges, G1ay, .Sullivan and ~nond "aye", m©tion carried. 72.595 Motion by Clay seconded by Emend to follow the Water & Sewer Committee recommendation and send Richard Ptordling to the AW6TA Convention and pay his tuiti®n and out of .pocket e~peneea. Clay, Sullivan, Emor~ci and Friedges nay.er:, ~t~.on earri.ed. The matter of the access to the Municipal Park wan referred beak to the Park a~ad Recreation Ca~~ittee. 72.59b motion by Friedges see0nded by Sullivan to follow the recommendation of the Planning Co~aisson and grant Mr. Enggren approval to remodel the front of the Mary Saucer propertq located caress from supermarket. Sullivan, E.~ond, Friedges and Clay "aye", motion Qarried. Motion. by Emond seconded by Sullivan to adjourn carried unaxiinnously. Respectfully ..submitted, .Clerk Mayor