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VILLAGE OF I,AI~'.VIT T,.F. COUNCIL MEETSN(~ ocTOBES 2, 1972 The meeting was called to order by Mayor Jensen at 8 P.M. Fiag p~,edge followed. Present; Friedges, Clay,. Jensen, Sullivan and Emond. Also preeeat; Robert Frigaard, Village Engineer, Pat Farrell, Village Attorney and Robert Pinscher,.. Village Financial Cansiltant. Mr. Pinscher read the bids that were presented for the X725,000 band.sale. Four had been received. A'copy of the bids is attached. Mr. Pinscher then reeommeaced that the council accept the low bid of Fist National. Bank of St. Paul. 72.597. Motion by Earoad seconded by Sullivan to accept the bids. Fredges, Clag, Jensen, Sullivan and Emend "aye."~ motion..~arried. 72.598 Motion by Sullivan sef30nded by Friedges to awardt~ie bid to-.the low bidder, First National of St. Pauli the net interest dollar Bost is ~28~,~+32.50 a~td net interest rate is x+.8777. Clay, .Jensen, Sulliva~a, Er~ond and Fredges "aye", motion carried. 72.899 Motion by Emond sec©naed b~ F'riedges to accept the miaites of. the September 18, 1.972, meeting as presented. Jeneea~ Sullivan, Emond, Fr3.ed$es and Clay "aye", motion carried. 72.600 Motion by Emend seconded by Sullivan to pay the claims against the Village faith the eacaption of #8736. Sulli~exa,, Emend Friedges, Clay and Jensen "aye", motion carried. (V®uchers 872 thru 8756 The Park and Recreat~.~ minutes for September 13, 1972, were presented. 72.6Q1 Motion by Emond seconded by Sullivan tca table Item hockey program and rink attena:ant~uatil oet. 1:0. Emond, Erie dges, Clay, Jensen and Sullivan "aye", motion eaxred. 72.6e2 I~rt3on by Clag seconded bg Fredges that the Ritter faxes be posted for "no hunting". Friedges, Clag~ Jensen, Sullivan and Emond "aye", motion carried. The Planning Commission minutes far September. l.~#, 1972, c+rere presented. 72.6c~3 Motion by Sullivan seconded by'Clay to grant Mr. Gerald Sower a variance tca garage size (22x32} on land legallg described as "the North 190 Feet of the East 220 feet of the south 574 feet of IAt l2, Argonne Farms." Clays Jensen, Sullivan, Emend and Fredges "aye", motion carried. 72.6t~ Motion by Friedges seconded by Sullivan to grant the variance to yard set-back acid garage size to Ntr, William Hoffbeck. Side set-back of 7 feet instead of 10 at 20615 Mont Ave, Lot 5, Bl.oek Berres Addition. Jensen, Su1la.vaa, Emoad, Friedges and Clay "age", motion carried. 72.6135 Motion by Emend seconded by Clay to grant a special use permit far outside. storage to Aquarius Sv~rimmi~tg Pool >Co., for land at 16900 Cedar Ave.. This permit is for one year. A 6 ft. chain Zink fence wiln be built around ..this property. Sullivan,, Emond, Friedges, Clay and Jeasea "aye", motion carried. 72.6E36 Motion by Emond seconded by Sullivan to grant a special use permit to Mr. & I+~s. L. :Larry 01son for a beauty shop in home located at 672+ Gerdne Path West. Etaond, Friedges, Clay,. Jensen and Sullivan "aye", motion carried. 72.6137 Motion Sullivan seconded by Clay. to follow the Planning Commission recommendation and approve the permit for the drive-a banking building sub,~eot to the survey of the ad+l.ey and permitting the beak -tca pave this alley if they wish. Friedges, Clay, Jensen, Sullivan and Emo~d "aye", ax~tion carried. 72.608 Motion by F'riedgee seconded by'Sullvan to approve the pleas for remodeling of the Front of Enggren's Supermarket. Clay, Jensen, sullivan, Emond and Friedges "aye", motion carried. 72.6c>9 Motion by nd seconded by Jensen to follor~ the attc>rneyfs advice and have the .i ~ i .!VILLAGE 4F r..e~tTr~ t:tr. C4TJl~CIL M~°INt3 4Cl'4B~R ~ .1972 Mr. Reisinger apply far a hear3.ng to rezone this propertyf®r the pr~aper uaa. This pr~+periy is located at 188&3 Cedar Ave. Jensen, Sullivaa, EmE?nd, Priedgea and-Clap "aye", ~?tion carried. 72.614 Motion by Suilvau seconded by Fmond too follow the Planning Com~Lsaion reQOandatan and. approve the prelrnu~arp plat for the subdiviaion'of Lot 7, Block 1, Maplewood Estates for Mr. Philip R. Swan. Sullivan, end, Friedges and Clap "ape", Jensaxi ®ppoaed, mx~tion carried. Robert 8illi.an, from the ~a11ep Park area. presented a petitmn for street lights ae iadicat~. on attached map arad for regulatory agm.s in certain localities of the valle3r Park area. (Petition atteched.~ 72.612 Motion by Sullivan seconded by.Clay to aQeept this petit3.on. Emond, Friedgea, Clap, Jensen and Sullivan "ape", motion carried. 72.&12 Motion by Emend seconded try Sullivan. to sastruat Dakota ElectrE Association to eke a survey Qf the indicated area for the proper lighting and the ca~tsfar the sears. Friedgea, Clap, Jensen, Sullivan end Eraond "aye",..motion carried. Mr. Criswell presented the final plans for Ixistant Homes. .72.613 Mohan by Sullivan seconded by F'riedges to adopt the attached resoluticsn for the approval of Instant Homes final plena of phase, I. Clay, Jensen, Sullivan, k~ond and Friedges "aye", motion eked. 72.61 M®tion by Clay ice®nded by Sullivan to approve. the e3or~cept for the re~delixag of the barn on Instant Homes property for a eommuntp building. Jensen, Sullivan, Em©nd, Fri.edge$ and Clay "aye", motion carried. .72.6].5 I~tion by Clay secar~d~ct by Friedge~ to approve the Lakeville portion of the final plat of L4garto ~dditsn for N1r. I,oken au~ect to the engineer's and attarney~s approval w~.th no building on these lots until the street is blacktopped. Sullivan, Emcand, Friedges, Clay and Jensen "aye", motion carried. The.alerk advised the cotuzcil that Geo. M Hansen Company would be raiaug the prise of the audit approximately 5~• 72.616 Motion by Clay sea®nded by Emoad tc3 approve Qeo. ~I. Hans®n Co. to audit the Village books f®r X972. H~aond, Friedges, Clay, Jenaez~ aid Sul:l.ivan "~.ya", mvtion serried. 72.617 Motion by E~ond seconded by Clay to set Atov. 6, 1972, for the hearing. on the vacation of the alley. behnd.Gephart'a store. Fredges, Clay, Jezisen, Sullivan and Emond "aye", motion carried. 72.618 Motion by Sullivan seconded by Ea~bd to approve the eaeavating perffiit for Airlake Industrial Park. Clay, Jenien, Sullivan, Emond and Frecgea "aye", motion carried. 72.619 Motion by Clay seconded by Sullivan to aQkno~rledge the maim agein,st the village by Frank Jennrieh and Emma Jennriah. Jensen, Sullivan Emond, Fredges and Clay "aye", motion carried. .72.624 Motion ~ Jensen seconded by Clay to acknowledge the claim by the V.F.W. Sullivan, fond, Fred.ges,.Clay anal Jensen "aye", motion carried. 72.621 Motion by Emoud seconded by Clay tR aecepth the petition for sidewalk from :the Roae~unt School. Emond, Friedges, Clays Jensen and Sullivan "ayeer~ emotion carried. .72.622 Motion by Jensen seconded by Emond to authorize the engineer to prepare a preliminary report and plans and epees for the sidewalk at Park View Sehoal. Friedgea, Clay,.. Jensen, Sullivan sand Emond "aye", motion carried. 72.623 Motion by Friedgea seconded by Emond to a~oept the petition from Jackson Heights Addition.for acceptance of streets for maintenance. Clay, Jensen, Sullivan, Emond, and Friedges "aye", motion carried. t VTLLAt~E ~F 4UNCIL NAG QCTO~ER 2, 1972 1 letter from the State des®ta regsx~di~g 35E, was read. 72.62+ Mction by Er~ad sea©nded by Sullivan tea set a Yee aY ~l per ears abc?ve 'tbe crosts charged by Mark Hurd .Aerial Surveys. Jensen, Sullivan, Em®ad, Friedges and Clay "aye", m©ticn carried. 72.625 Mction by ClAy eecanded by Jensen that it be the pcliQy sf the Council tQ require tepee ©a ca~ercal building when land ax°ea is 14 e.eree er mare and at~y parcels under 1D aQres bu33ding inspector will e a recosmaeadati~ tm the council whether this `is required. Sullivan, Emond, Fredges, Cl~ and Jensen "ayep, ~t~.on carried. M©tioa b5? Friedges .see©nded by Sullivan to ad3ourn carried uximc>usly. ~.e~pe~-~~.~: s~b~.tt~d, _ r z. e~x -