HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-10-72 • ~r, VILLAGE OF LAKEVTt T F GOLTI~CIL MEETIATG OCTOBER l~, 197 The meeting was called to order at 8 P.M, by Mayor Jensen. Flag pledge followed. Present; Friedges, Clay, Jensen, Sullivan and Emond. Also present, Robert Frgaard, Village Engineer. 72.62'] Motion by Friedges seconded by Sullivan to accept the minutes of the Oet. 2, 1972,..... meeting as presented. Fredges, Clay, Jensen, Sullivan .and Emond "a.~e", motion carried, 72.628 Motion by Clay seconded by Friedges to accept the minutes of the Special... .Assessment Fiearixtg meeting e~ Oct. 5, 1972, as presented. Clay, Jensen, Sullivan, Emond and.Friedges "aye", motion carried.. 'he Planning Commission. minutes of Sept.. 28, 1972, .were presented. Mr. Liptak representing Vern Donnay, showed an illustration of what was planned in connection with-the rezoning of the Hall farm.. Mr. Edwards questioned this rezoning as there are many questions to be resolved, the main one being drainage.. 72.629 Motion by Sullivan seconded by Emond to continue the rezoning of the Hall farm until the lst meeting in Nov. which is Nov. 6. Jensen, Sullivany Eanondi Fried~s and Clay ".aye", motion carried. 72.630 Motion by Sullivan seconded by Emond to follow the Planning Commi$eion recommendation and approve Mr. Bassetts plat far his 2nd Addition subject to the engineer's and attorney's approval.Sullivan, Exnond, Friedges, Clay and Jensen "aye", motion carried. A discu.ssic~n on .the budget took place with various persons, including Ralph Godben, Mike Edwards. and otherinterested persons. 72.631 Motion by Czar seconded by E€e3nd to adopt the budget, copy attached. Emond, Friedges, Clay, Jensen and Sullivan "aye", motion .carried.. The Park ~ Recreation minutes for Sept. 27, 1972, were presented.. 72,632 .Motion by E~aa.seoonded by Clay tc~-accept the resolution regarding Valley Lake and keep this on file until the matter is presented to the Village Council. Copy.. of resolut3.on attached to these minutes.. Friedgea, Clay, Jensen, S'~illivan and Emond "aye", ~tian carried. 72.633 .Motion by Jensen seconded by Sullivan to deny the request For a park planner to prepare plans for a long range development of Lake Dion Park. Clay, Jensen, Sullivan, Emend and Friedges "aye", motion carried. 72.63t# Motion by Sullivan seconded. by Er~ond to accept the bids for the extension to the... fire barn. Jensen,. Sullivan, F.mond, Friedges and Clay "aye'", m©tion serried. 72.635 Motion by Sullivan seconded by Friedges to award the caontracts to the low bidders,. Liebfried Cflnstz~a.ation for general contractor, whose bid is ~17y8ga00, Ed K2armn f©r mechanical contractor whosebid is X5,79©.00 and Libby Ele~tr3e Co., I~a.Q for electrical contrastcar whQSe bid 3s X2,390.00. Sullivan, Emend, Fredges, Clay and.. Jensen "aye", motion carried. 72.636 Motion by Clay seconded by Friedges to accept the plans and Spec far the water and_.sewer extensions to Southbluff Addition and approve the letting date of Nov. 3, 1972, at 2 P.M. Emond, Fredges,'Clwyd Jensen and Sullivan "aye", motion carried. 72.637 Mcation by Friedges seconded by Clay to accept the plans and specs for vaster and sewer extensions to Instant Homes Mobile Home Park and approve the letting date of ATov. 3, 1972, at 2 P.M. Friedges, Clay, Jensen, Sullivan and Emond "aye", motion carried. ~l) a r t , VILt~A.GE `aF LAI~]~iJ:CLLE COUNCIL MEE~TINt'r ®CTGI3ER 1* 197 72.638 `Motion by Clay seconded by Sullivan to approve the plans and specs for the wetter and sewer lines ia~ Valley Park 6th`Addition. Clay, Jensen, Sullivan, end agd Friedges ".aye",...motion carried. 72.639 Motion. by Jensen seconded by Emond to deny the request of Mono Industrial for additional funds to build the municipal maintenance building. Jensen, Sullivan, F~oad, Friedges and Clay "aye", motion carried. 72.644 Motion by Friedges seconded by C1ey to approve the list of electio~t~judges for the November election as presented, copy attached. Sullivan, Emond, Friedges, Clay and Jansen "aye", motion. Qarried. 72.641 Motion by Emond seconded by Clay to accept the petition for blacktop from the residents 166th st., LaYcetzv3.lle xi11s. Copy attached. ~ncl, Frit3dges, Clay, Jensen. anal.. Sullivan "aye", motion carried. .72.642 Motion by Sullivan. seconded by Clay to accept the petition from the Cumber of Commerce for a referendum on split liquor. Fredges, C1~,y, Jensen, Sullivan and E~iond "aye", motion carried.. 72.643 Motion by Jensen seconded by ~nond that the Village Council take the proper steps to have this issue presented to the Village voters in December. Clay, Jensen, F~mondand Fredges "aye", Sullivan "nay", motion carried. 72.644 Motion by Clay seconded by fond to refer the sewer rental chergeta to the Water.& Sewer Com~3.tte for a recoasaendetion on how they can be equalized. throughout the Village.. Jensen, Sullivan, Fffiond, Friedges and. Clay "aye", motion carried.. 72.645 A+iotion by Jensen seconded by Sullivan to approve payment of 4,©D0 to Peter Friedges for"sewer and water easements. This matter went through cmndemnation proceedings. Sullivan, k~ond, Clay and Jansen "aye", Friedges abateined, motion serried. 62.646 Motion by Jensen seconded by Clay tca authorize the Village clerk to certify the Fark Bond levy cf 14,23$.QQ to filhe County Auditor. F.~ond, Friadges, C1sy, Jensen and Su113van "aye"~ motion carried. 72.647 Motion by Sullivan seconded by Jensen to wait until s.ftar the study is completed before authorizing arm street lights in the Brea in Valley Park where street lights had been recommended, Friedgas, Clay, Jem~sen, Sullivan and F.~o~.d. "aye", motion carried. Motion by E~ond seconded by Friedgee to ed~ourn carried unanimously.. .Respectfully submitted, , I 1 CLERK i~.-: MAYOR