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VILLAGE OF r,axFVTra.F COUNCIL MEETING NOVE[+~ER 6, 1972. The. meeting was called to order by Mayor Jenaen at B:OO P.M. Flag pledge followed.. Present; Friedges, C1ag, Jensex:, Sullivan and Emond. Also present; Pat Farrell,, Village Attorney and Robert Prigaard, Village Engineer. 72.68+ Motion by Clay seconded by Sullivan to dispense with the reading of the minutes .and accept them as presented. Friedges, Clay, Jensen, Sullivan and Emond "aye", motion .carried, The Park and Recreation Committee report for Oat. 11,1972, was presented. No action was taken on the request for a truck. Bids wi11 bc~ brought in. The Park and Recreation Comm3.ttee report for Oct. 25,.1972, was presented. 72.688 Motion by Clay seconded by Dredges to follow the Park and Recreation recommendation and purchase the trees for the two parks, Aronson and Va11e~€ Park, not to exased $1,000 for each park. Clay, Jensen, Sullivan, Emond and Friedges "age", motion carried. 72.686 Motion by Emond seconded by Jensen to follow the Park and Recreation recommendation and award the bid for lumber for a new warming house to UBC. Their bid was $1,817.72. The other bid received from Burnsville Lumber was for $1,9+0.00. Jensen, Sullivan, Etm~rtd, Friedges and Clay "aye", motion carried. .72.687 Motion by Sullivan seconded by Friedges to appoint Len Nelson tc3 the Park and Recreation Committee. Sullivan, Emond, Fredges, Clay and Jensen ":aye", motion carried. 72.688 Mdton by Friedges seconded by Emond to pay the claims against the Village. Cheek #'s 88+6-8900.. Emond, Fredges~ Clay, Jensen and Sullivan "age",motion eaxried.- The Planning Commission minutes for .Oct. 12, 1972, were presented. 72.6$9 Motion by Emond seconded by Clay to follow the Planning Commission recommendation and approve the preliminary plat of Mr. Dennis Wilson for the fallowing described pr~aperty: all that part of Govertament Lot 1 and of the Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter and of the Northwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of See. 13, T11~+, R21, 8n Orchard Trail with the parkd©naton to be X300.00. Friedges, Clay, Jensen, Sullivan and Emonci "aye", motion carried. 72.690 Motion by Emond seconded by Friedges tc~ follow the Planning Commission recommendation and grant a. variance 'to gags size on Lot 2, Block Lakeville Hills to Mr. LeRoy<Tongen. Cla~g, Jensen, Sullivan, Epaond and Friedges "aye", motion carried. .72.681 Motion bg Friedg®~ seconded by Clay to grant a variance to gaxage size to Mr. William G. Pearsmn, Jr. z~s r~ r~~~rended bg the Planning Commission. This garage will be ~8' x 3(J' on Lot g, Bleok 12, Antlers Park, SeQ. 19, T11~ R2fl. Je~.sen, Sullivan, Emond, Fredges and Clay "aye", motion carried. 72.692 Moti®n by Sullivan seconded by Friedges to follow the Planning Commission recommendation and grant a variance to side yard set-back.~.o John. R and Janice A Anderson on the. following described property: pt. of Gov't Lot 3, Sec. 2, T11~F, R21, Orchard Lake. Sullivan, Emond, Friedges, Clay and Jensen "aye", motion carried. /of 7' instead of 10' 72.693 Motion by Clay seconded by Jensen to follow the Planning .Commission recommendation and approve the ,preliminary plat for Airlake Industrial Park 2nd and 3rd Additions- with a 100. foot road on 215th Street and 60 feet, on Cedar Ave.- on the final .plat. Emond, Fredges, Clag, Jensen and Sullivan "aye", mot3.on carried. ; T.s.e„ Manning Commj.ssioa nns for Oct. 26 2972, were presented....... 72.69 Motion by clay seconded by Emond to follow the Planning Commission recommendation and grant Mrs. Helen Stewart a conditional use permit for a beauty shop on land legally described ass 163f36 Germane Court West,.Lot 60, Bleak 2, Donnay's Valley Park. Conditional permit to run f five years. Fr3edges, Clay~`Jensen, Sullivan and Emond "aye", motion carried. 72.695 Motion bg Sullvanseconded by Fredges to follow the Planning Commission recoasnendation and grant a special use permit on the following described property: that part of the East of the NE of See. 33, T114N, R20W, 1~ing East of a line drawn parallel with .and fact East of the West line of said E~ of the NE,-~ which lies North of the center line of State I~GHWAY 5O and West of the West boundry of Cedar Ave. This is for the Koinonia Baptist Church. Clay, Jensen, Sullivan, Emond and Friedges r~aY@~,~ motion carried. tl) i .f VTI,LAGE ~F LAICEVIL~LCIL MEETZNQ N(3V 6, 1972 'q. R , 72.696 Mo~3~n try Friedges seconded by Sullivan to f®110W the Plar~ni.r;~g C©s~,s8ion reo4~endatioII and approve the final plat of Philip R. Swan far Subdivision of Lot:. 7, Block 1, Maplewood Estates See.. 18~ T11~Ft R2~. subject t',o attorney's title opinion. .Jensen, Sullivan, Emond, Fx°edges and Clay "aye", motion carried. 72.697 Motion by Friedges seconded by Emond to f®llow the Planning Commission reco~endatir~n and amend Lakeville Zoning Ordinance #~F2, and Ordinance ~j5, section 3, .add the .ward, "detached". Wording would then be "any detached garage or secessory t~uild.ng,". Sullivan, Emond, Friedges, Clay and Jensen,"aye", motion carried. The hearing on the closir3g of an alley was opened and continued until after the Planning Comaa.ssion minutes are comp7e ted. Updating of the Planning Commission policy was. tabled, An ordin~ncs'regarding underground wiring and lighting for new areas and other established. areas .was tabled for two weeks. Agr. Glenn Nord, attorney for :Gepharts Inc, Lakeville Parking, Tnc and Enggrens Inc, the petitioners, explained why they would like the alley closed behind their establishments. (h1e is the safety hazard of cars driving:.across the. parking lot ton fast and hs felt that th3.s being a business_requestand this eland is zoned commercial, 'this request should bs granted. Mrs. Amelia 9auser stated that she is opposed to the closing of'ths alley as she would have to drive on private property to reach her garage i~' this alley is elased, Mr. Angus SorensAn and his representative Mr. James flan Valkenburg, are opposed to the closing off' thin alley as they would not. be able to utilize the=; entrances to the Bank end the Appliance Stare. Mr. Kenneth Larson, representing Mrs. Selt~a, Larson, said she is concerned about the snow removal in this alley and he also felt this would make deliveries to Gepharts dangerous. Mr. Farrell advised the council that it would have to decide whether: this alley serves.: public purpose. 72.698 M®tion by Clay seaoneied by EEnond to table the decision regard the closing of this a7.iey foretwo.weeksTto enable the applicants to a©me up with an al.tsrz~ativs. E,raond, ~'riedges, C1ay~ Jensen and Sullivan "aye" motion carried. The preliminary :plat of Wldwood Ponds was presented. Robert Gotsacher, engineer explained the reasons why they would. like to use-a rural section for roads. Letters were read from the Village engineer, and the County engineer., Copies attached. Mr. Frgaard said that it would bs better to eonstruat these roads in urban sec~ton rather .than. rural.: 72.699 Motion by Sullivan seconded by Clay to approve the preliminary-'plat mf Wildwood Ponds subject to .the Village engineers suggestions to use eat urban section and straightening out streets. Friedges,.Clay, Jensen, 9ttllivan and Em~r~d r +ayerf! motion carried. Mr. Frank Liptak of Vern Donnay Homes presented the plan for the developerent of the Hall Farm. He explained that they would net deviate from the plan. mahout the approval of the council. Mike Edwards of Valley Park said he was opposed. to thisprez®r~.ng as theta is no assuxance that th3.s plan would not bs changed.. 72..700 Motion by Clay seconded by Frisdges tEa deny this rezoning for the Hall farm. to4~Texn Donnay. Clay, Jensen, Emondand Fri.edges "aye", Sullivan opposed, motion carried. Mr. Glenn Nord gave a resume of what ,had taken place at the. hearing on the .Crystal Lake .level. Many residents from the north side. of Crystal Lake... were present to present their views on this matter. Two letters were also presented to the council. ,Mr. Nord mentioned that the Council would have to take a stand on this. matter before Thursday. 72.7®l Motion by Jensen seconded: try Clay to take a position on this issue. t 2~' ~ VILLAGE CF LAKEVILLE CIL MEETING NOVEN~ER 6, 1972 Jensen, Sullivan, F~aond, Fredges, Clay "aye", motion carried. 72. 702 Motion by Jensen seconded by Clay tca criticize the engineer who conducted the survey on Crystal Lake in that it did not take into consideration the. residents on the south side of the lake who would be affected by the 932. level Sullivan, Emond, Friedges, Clay and Emond "aye", motion carried, Motion by Jensen regarding Cx-ystal Lake withdrawn. 72. 703 Motion by Emond seconded by Sullivan to accept the bids on the 72.8 Project. Emond, Friedges, Clay, Jensen anal Sullivan "aye", motion carried. 72.70? Motion by Clay seconded by Emond to award the bid to the low 'bidder, Fischer Construction Co, whose bid was ~112,325.CC. Copy of bids attached. Friedges, Clay, Jensen, Sullivani and Emond "aye", motion carried. 72 Toy Motion by Frisdges seconded by Emend to accept the bids on Project 72.5, Southbluff Addition. Clay, Jensen, Su1l~ran, Emond and Friedges "aye", motion carried. 72 ?C6 Motion by Emond seconded by Clay to table a decision on Southbluff Improvement for one week. Jensen, Sullivan, Emond, Friedges and Clay "a~jTe"~ motion carried. 72 707 Motion by Sullivan seconded by Emond to approve change order No. 1-72.1 trunk sewer project in the amount of X3,168.66. Sullivan, Emond, Friedges, Clay and Jensen "aye", motion carried. 72»7©8 Motion by Emond seconded by .Jansen to adopt the ordinance establishing salaries of the Mayor and Village Council and Repealing Ordinance No. 35 of the Village of Lakeville, Minn. Emond, F'riedges, Clay, Jensen and Sullivan. "aye", motion carried. 72.709 Motion by Clay seconded by Friedges to accept the contract for Planning Services by and between The Village of Lakeville, Minnesota and Beekman, Yoder and Seay, Inc. St. 'Paul, Minn. Friedges, Clay, Jensen, Sullivan and Ert~nd "aye",motion carried. 72.71a Motion by Clay seconded by Sullivan to authorize the mayor and attorney. to sign the Guideform Assurance with Respect to Relocation Requirements of Title II etc. Clay, Jenson, Sullivan, Emond and Friedges "aye",motion carried. quit claim, 72..711 Motion by Friedges seconded by Emond t.o authorize the Mayor to sign the/deed with Robert Klotz anci Donna Klotz. Jensen, Sullivan, Emond, Fr:iedges and Clay "aye", motion carried. 72.712 Motion by Sullivan seconded by Friedges to release cheek ~8320~+ in the amount of ~1044.DD to David Nichols which was issued for bid on the extension to the fire barn. Sullivan, Emond, Friedges, Clay and Jensen "aye", motion carried. '2.713 Motion by Friedges seconded by Clay to aekzowledge the summons and co~laint Prom Kris E. Austad. Emond, Friedges, Clay, Jensen and-Sullivan "aye", motion carded. 72.71 Motion by Friedges seconded by Sullivan to approve the permit application from Dakota Electric Assn to provide electric service to Szabo's First Addition. Friedges, Clay,. Jensen, Sullivan. and IInond "aye", motion carried. The clerk was instructed to obtain some information. from the Village auditor regarding the use of purchase orders. 72.715 Motion by Jensen seconded by Clay to adopt the resolution regarding the water level of Crystal Lake as preasented in the attached latter. Clay, Jensen, Sullivan and F`riedges "aye", Emond opposed, motion carried. Snowplowing of certain streets was discussed» Motion by Sullivan seconded by Emond 'to adjourn carried unanimously. Respectfully submitted, Clerk or