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Y ~ • 4 VILLAGE OF I,AKEE:VILLE COUNCIL... MEETING DECII~ER 11, 1972 The meeting. was called to order by Mayor Jensen at 8 P.M. Flag pledge .followed. Present; Friedges, Clay, Jensen and Emond. Absent; Su1].ivan. Also present; Robert Frigaard, Village Engineer and Pat Farrell, Village Attorney. 72.581 Motion. by Clay seconded by Emond to accept the minutes of the 'December 1972, meeting as presented. Friedges, Clay, Jensen and Ernond "aye",..motion carried. 72.582 Motion by Friedges seconded by Clay to accept the minutes of the December 6, 1972, .canvassing meeting as read. Clay, Jensen, E~nond and Friedges "aye", motion carried. The Building'Tnspeetor's November report was presented. 72.583 Motion by Emond seconded by Friedges to accept the engineer's recommendation regarding Fischer Construction on the`College Park Sewer Extensions with the compaction density test every 144 ft. with the depth at the diseretidn of the engineer. Letter on file and copy attached to these minutes. Jensen, Emond, Friedges. and Clay "aye", motion :.carried. Mr. Farrell:: suggested. that this be added as an addendum to the.eontraet between. the Village and Fischer Construction. 72.58+ Motion by Clay seconded by Friedges to approve the attendance oP the building inspector anal the plumbing inspector at the annual Institute for Building Officials. E~nond, Friedges, Clay and Jensen "aye", motion carried.: 72.585.. Motion by Clay seconded by Emond to pay Bernard Murphy $x+44 over ,the. original offer for his easement. and corn damage, Friedges, Clay, Jensen and E1z?ond "aye", motion carried. The Planning .Commission minutes for Nov. 3D, 1972, were presented. 72.586 Motion by EKnond seconded by Friedges to follow the Planning Commission recommendation and grant Frederick 4dillys a special. use permit for underground storage tank for gasoline. Clay, Jensen, Emond and Friedges "aye", motion carried. 72.587 Motion by Friedges seconded by ~nond to grant a conditional uae permit for one year time limit to Iiedy's Ceramics at the following.. described propertys 7389 167th St. in Valley Park. Jensen, Emond, Friedges and Clay.."aye", motion carried. .72.588 Motion by Clay seconded by 'Friedges to follow .the Planning Commission recommendation and grant a building permitfor a commercial building to Vern Donnay for land at 163rd and Cedar Ave. Emond, Friedges, Clay and Jensen. "aye", motion carried. Bids for the accounting machine .were closed.. 72.589 Motion by Clay seconded by Emond to accept the bids. Friedges, Clay, Jensen and Emond "aye", motion carried. Richard Rowe of the Lakeville Schools asked various questions regarding this machine and.. to the law governing .this type of purchase. Beth J nee, Metro. Cable representative, presented a progress report on Metro Cable. Barney Wilde requested that the council ask the Snowmobile Dealer across the street from hiss home to•stop making so muehnoise at night. This. will be .checked out by the police eammittee. 72.590 Motion by Friedges seconded by Emond to reject the bid on the accounting machine and return the bid bond andreadvertse ttae weeks. with. thee. bids due on January 2, .1972, at 8:34 P.M. Clay, Jensen, Etnond and Friedges "aye", motion carried. The hearing on the closing of the alley behind Gephart's was continued. Mr. N©rd, attorney for the petitioners, repeated his arguments.: for the closing. Ken Larson, ;Angus Sorenson, Amelia Sau.ser and Gladys Kinn stated that they had not changed their p©sition and ware still opposed to this closing.. ; Mr. Farrell informed the council that the closing of this. a11ey must serve a public interest. 72.591 Motion by Etnond seconded by Jensen to deny the petition to close the alley behind Gephart's Store. Jensen, Emond,`;Friedges,and Clay "aye".,motion carried. (l), • VILLAGE OF LAKE'tTTLJ COUNCIL MEETING DECEMBER ll, 1972 Tri-State .Machinery appeared before the council to request an excavating permit for leveling some property south of town. 72.592 Motion by Jensen seconded by Friedges to refer this matter of the excavating by Tri-State Machinery to the Village Engineer for his recommendation. Emond, Friedges, Clay and Jensen "aye", motion carried. Instant Homes presented its final utility plan to the council. 72.593 Motion by Clay seconded by Emond to approve the final utility plans for Instant Homes subject to the engineer'sapproval. Friedges, Clay, Jensen and Emond "aye", motion carried.. The bids on gas and oil were opened. Bids are as follows J.A.Zimmer Oil Co.--16.0 for regular grade gasoline and 1~+.5 for #2 diesel fuel Standard Oil Co. 16.7 for regular gasoline 72.59+ Motion by Friedges seconded by Emond to accept the bids on gasoline and oil. Clay, Jensen, Emond and Friedges "aye", motion carried. '72.595 Motion by Clay seconded by Friedges to accept the bid of J.A. Zimmer for .gasoline at 16.0 for regular gasoline and 1~+.5 for diesel fuel. Jensen, Emond, Friedges and Clay "aye", motion carried. The insurance coverage .was discussed. Mr. Farrell advised that there will be some cost with the cancellation but this would be more than covered by the savings in premiums. A letter from the P.M.E~adsley Co. t.Rtiat guarantees no cancellation for one year was presented and a copy attached to these minutes. 72.596 Motion by Jensen seconded by Clay that the insurance proposal of P.M. Endsley Co. be accepted. Emond, Friedges, Clay and Jensen "aye", motion carried. 72.597 1~Iotion,by Emond seconded by Friedges to authorize the release of $3,625.00 to Mr. Szabo as recommended by The Village Engineer after these figures have been checked to see if they correspond with those in the Village files. Friedges, Jensen and Emond "aye", Clay abstained, motion carried. 72.59$ Motion by Jensen seconded by Emond to pay Jerome Clay X3000.00 for easements as awarded by the court commissioners. Jensen and Emond "aye", Clay and Friedges abstained, motion carried. 72.599 Motion by Friedges seconded by Clay to accept $200.00 deposit from Vern Donnay to guarantee the replacement of the curb on Lower 169th St. Jensen, Emond, Friedges. and Clay "aye", motion carried. 72.600 Motion by Emond seconded by Jensen to approve the utility permits for Peoples Natural Gas for the following work: Break black top in ~F locations on Holyoke to abandon existing mains opening a11ey to facilitate main and service line installation. Emond, Friedges, Clay and Jensen "aye", m©tion carried. 72.601 Motion by Friedges seconded by Clay to grant the release of an easement to the Allards and authorize the mayor .and the clerk to sign the deed. Friedges, Clay, Jensen and Emond "aye", motion carried. 72.602 Motion. by Emond seconded by Clay approve the pipeline agreement covering the construction of a water main and sanitary sewer across right of way of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad Co. Clay, Jensen, Emond and Friedges."aye", motion carried. 72.603 Mo~.i.on by Friedges seconded by Emond to renew the on sale beer license for Ard©ts Bowl. Jensen, Eanond, Friedges and Clay:"aye", motion carried. ~2) S ~ ~ • VILLAGE ~F L~A~ItEVILLE COUNCIL MEE"~ING DECEMBER 11, 1972. Motion bg Emona seconded by ~'ensen to adjourn carried unanimously. Respectfully submitted, CLEftK rr,.- DR