HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-22-72 ~ VILLAGE OF LAKEUILLE COUNCIL MEETING ` FEBRUARY. 22, 1972 The meeting was called to order at 8 P.M. by Mayor Jensen. Flag pledge followed. Present; Friedges. Clay, Jensen, Sullivan and Emond. Also present; Pat Farrell, Village attorney, and Robert Frigaard, Village engineer. '2.111 Motion by Sullivan. seconded by Friedges to approve the minutes of the Feb. 15, 1972, meeting as read. Friedges, Clay, Jensen, Sullivan and Emond "aye", motion carried. The bids for the squad car, truck and plows were opened. They are as follows: Ray Zweber-squad car= $~+~+7.0© Theo. Pahl-truck & plows X360.08 S.R. Christensen-truck and 2 plows ~226.DD Clifford Johnson-truck and oneway plow-~257.5C? 72.112 Motion by Friedges seconded by E,mond to reject the bid on the squad car. Clay Jensen, Sullivan, Emond and Friedges "aye", motion carried. 72.113 Motion by Clay seconded by Emond to accept the bid presented by Theo.-Pahl for the truck and pl~~ws. Jensen, Sullivan, Emond, Friedges and Clay "aye", motion carried. 72.11~F Motion by Friedges seconded by Sullivan to advertise the squad car for three more weeks. Sullivan, Emond, Friedges, Clay and Jensen "aye", motion carried. 72.115 Motion by Clay seconded by Emond to pay the claims against the Liquor Stdre ( cheeks ~+~15 thru~+253 in the amount of 27, 6+9.26 and payroll checks ~+6~+ thru ~+8~ in the amount of 3,3~+2.4~+) but to hold check nr. ~+2~+9. Emond, Friedges, Clair, Jensen and Sullivan "aye", motion carried. 72.11b Motion by Friedges seconded by Clay to pay the claims against the Village (checks 7715 thru 7771 and 389 thru x+17 in the amount of $x+5,836.57.) Friedges, Clay, Jensen, Sullivan and ~nond "aye", motion carried. Mr. Russell Streefland appeared before the council to explain why he felt Mr. Malmanger's land should be rezoned from Bx+ to R3C. He explained that. they felt that the Village could use more apartments and that this would not e be incompatible with the other zoning. Mr. Gunderson felt that the council should not rezone one small piece at a time. Mr. Jensen advised every one that the council had reviewed the site. 72.117:-Motion. by Friedges seconded by Sullivan to follow the Planning Commission reeommendatio and rezone this land. Sullivan and Friedges "aye",.Clay, Jensen and Emond opposed, motion failed. The Water & Sewer Committee minutes for Feb'. 2, 1972, were read. 72.118 ~~"otion by Sullivan seconded by Friedges follow the committee recommendation and authorize the village enginneer to prepare a preliminary report on water and sewer extensions to the Southbluff Addition. Jensen, Sullivan, Emond, Friedges and Clay "aye",.motion carried. 72.119 Motion by Friedges seconded by Clay to follow the committee recommendation and allow Mr. Benison to hook into the .trunk sewer line but to pair assessments against 10~' lot. Sullivan, Emond, Friedges, Clay and Jensen "aye", motion carried. Mr. Joe Tn7eichselbaum asked-the council why he is never given notice of hearings and rezonings. He was advised by the attorney to have all property. owners names placed.. on tax rolls at Hastings.. .Chester Sazenski, appearing for Jesco, Inc., asked that the council rezone has land for temporary use at the moment. He presented a drawing showing what they eventually would do with the land. Tom Keller explained why the commercial use of land would be on the opposite end of the .property and they would like an indication from the council as to presenting this plan to the Planning Commission, (1) VILLAGE OF LAKFVILLE COUNCIL MEETIlVG FEBRUARY 22, 1972 Fred Seitz presented some petitions against the rezoning and stated that the residents felt their reasons for signing these petitions were valid. Jim Lappe said that the council should be able to get some indication from these petitions that the residents felt this property should remain residential and they all felt that there would be a gradual deterioration of the area if this were rezoned industrial. 72.120 Motion by Emond seconded by Friedges to follow the Planning Commission recommendation and dez~,y the request for the Jeseo Rezoning. Emond, Friedges, Clay and Jensen "aye", Sullivan opposed, motion carried. Mr. Sazenski asked the council for its reason in turning this down. Mr. Jensen explained that I~:e feet that there is a need to provide a buffer between industrial and residential areas. Mr. Clay explained that he thought that this was spot zoning at its worst, he felt industrial districts should not be surrounded by residential. The continued hearing on Clay's Acres was reopened. Two petitions against sewer and water being installed on Jacquard and Iteri were presented. The petitions ,~~'eread to the .audience and the council. Mr. Frigaard reviewed the preliminary plans and specs. Jerry Pelletier,. Bill Stackhouse and Charles Zweber said they did not feel that this work t~rould benefit them as their wells were deep enough to last.. Richard Sullivan stated that .the six owners on Jacquard are, againstthis project because most of them had quite a bit of land to be assessed. 72.121 Motion by Emond seconded by Sullivan to continue this .hearing until 9 P.M. on the 6th of March. .Friedges, Clay, Jensen, Sullivan and F~nond °1aye", motion carried. Sheldon Curry commented on the, proposed airport site and requested that the council keep abreast on the developr~en,ts concerning this project. He~ als©' said that he had a complete file of all the newspaper clippings since this proposal had been made. It was decided to refer this matter over to the Planning Commission.to keep advised of developments. 72..122. Motion by F~nond seconded by Sullivan to approve the insurance for the chief of police at the. followingschedu7.es: Disability Income--X198.72 yearly Term Insurance 6+.20 yearly Clay, Jensen, Sullivan, Emond and Friedges "aye", motion carried. 72.123 Motion by Friedges seconded by Clay tQ accept the petition for street lites on Main. street and authorizizz~; the clerk and attorney to give proper notsce Thy newspaper and to property owners that there will be a hearing on .March 13, 1972. Jensen, Sullivan, Emond, Friedges and Clay "aye", motion carried. 72.12+ Motion by Sullivan seconded by Clay to accept the petition for sidewalk on main street and to hold the hearing at the same. time as the ltes. Sullivan, Emond, Friedges, Clay and Jensen "aye", motion carried. The .Park Board was to be .advised that they should make a proposal of the improvements needed in the 70 acre park. A street sweeper was discussed. The Village can obtain one at X2,500 which is in good condition. 72.125 Motion by Friedges seconded by Clay. to authorize the street and maintenance department to p~°chase the street sweeper at the lowest possible cost. Emond, Friedges, Clay, Jensen and Sullivan "aye", motion carried. The council discussed placing a bid for the purchase of the Fischer property on Orchard Lake. 72.126 Motion by Jensen seconded by Friedges to pay check nr. ~+2~+9 against the liquor store. Friedges, Clay,'Jensen, Sullivan and EYnond "aye", motion carried. ~2) F VILLAGE -0F LAK~'VILLE COUNCIL N~ET7NG FEBRUARY 22~ 1972 Motion by Emond seconded by Sullivan to adjourn carried unanimously. Respectfully submitted, n VILLAGE CT.F.RK ~ ~r ~ MAYQR