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r VILLAGE OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEETING MARCH 6~ 1972 The meeting was called to order by Mayor Jensen at $ P.M. Flag .pledge followed.. Present; Friedges,. Clay., Jensen, Sullivan and Emond. Also present; Robert Frigaard Village engineer and Pat Farrell, Village attorney. 72.130 Motion by Sullivan seconded by Emond to accept the minutes of the Feb. 22, 1972, meeting as read. Friedges, Clay, Jensen, Sullivan and Emond "aye", motion carried. 72.131 Motion by Friedges seconded by Clay to accept the minutes of the special Feb. 28, 197?, meeting as read. Clay, Jensen, Sullivan, Emond and Friedge "aye", motion carried. 72.132 .Motion by E~nd_seconded by Sullivan to grant an on sale beer license to Dan Oster, DSA Lu-Dan's kcres Bowling Alley. Jensen, Sullivan, Emond, Friedges and Clay "aye.", motion carried. 72.133 Motion by Friedges seconded by Ernond to pay the claims against the Village ( checks- # 7772 through 7827 in the amount of X721,580.29). Sullivan, IInond, Friedges,. Clay and Jens en "aye", motion carried.. The Planning Commission minutes for Feb. 2~+, 1972, were read.. 72.13+ Motion by Sullivan seconded by Clay to follow -the Planning Commission recommendation and grant the rezoning t~s~33--~ to Milton C. Peterson. F~nond, Friedges, Clay, Jensen and Sullivan "aye", motion carried. r~r.Nelsvn, appearing for Tri-State Machinery, showed h:i_; plans for the building they: are proposing and requested the council to give them a rezoning and conditional use permit. Len Nelson of the Oak Shores Homeowners Assn, presented a;petition against thi s rezoning and enumerated the reasons they would not like to see this happen. Many of the Oak S~aores homeowners were in the audience, including Jim Lappe, Dicke McCullough anal Bill Campbell.. Motion by Sullivan to change ;the zoning for Tri-State from R1C to 1-1B. The motion died from-lack of a second. 72.135 Motion by Clay seconded by Friedges to follow :the Planning Commission recommendation and deny .the rezoning to Tri-State Machinery. Friedges,+.Clay,_Jensen, and Emond "aye`' Sullivan opposed, motion carried... 72.136 Motion by Friedges seconded by Clay to approve the preliminary plat for Kerry Wakely 1st subject to the engineer checking out the drainage. Clay, Jensen, Sullivan, Emond and Friedges "aye", motion carried. The Water & Sewer minutes for March 1,, 1972, were presented. The storm .drain by the Catholic Church was discussed-the feeling is that this will not be adequate later on when more property is developed. It was mentioned th~~t Wakely Investment will~ant ~iow before their final plat is .approved what their obligation is as far as the expense of a larger storm sewer. 72.137 Motion by Eg~ond seconded by Sullivan to order the plans and specs for Wakely's 1st Addition subject to the approved escrow amount. being. posted with the Village clerk. Jensen, Sullivan, Emo~zd, Friedges and Clay "aye'', motion'carred. ~~"he hearing on Claj's Acres was continued at 9:10 P.M," .Those asking various questions re area charges etc. were Joel Frank, Jerry Pelletier` and Mrs. Sullivan. Many otherresdents were in attendance. Fred Fredrickson explained why the lager pipe had been necessary. Mr. Frigaard told the audience that there would be a looping charge in the neighborhood of X200. There would also. be unit and area charges of X365. Those streets not wishing to be serviced with water and sewer lines would be required to make these payments..:.. Many of the residents asked why. they had not been notified of the hearing on the trunks.. (l) VILT,AGE OF LAI~'VI~OUNCII, MEETING MARCH 6, 1972 - Mr. Farrell advised the council as to .the conflict of interest of the members of the Village Co.~ncil by ownership of property. He said that this project would require a 4/5th vote so-that the council can vote when ordering the improvement. They would not be able to vote on how much assessment ces against their/~r~perty. 72.138 Motion by Sullivan seconded by Emond to order the imp~~ovement laterals for Clay's Acres deleting Iteri and_Jacquard Avenues as defined in the engineer's feasibility report. Sullivan, bnond, Friedges, Clay and Jensen "aye", motion carried. 72.139 Motion by Jensen seconded by Emond to order the engineer to make the necessary corrections to the plans and specs for Clay's Acres improvement to conform with the preceeding resolution and to order the advertising for bids. Emond, Friedges, Clay, Jensen and Sullivan "aye", motion carried. 72.140 Motion by Emond seconded by Friedges to refer the'Fredrickson water & sewer request to the Village engineer and attorney with the recommendation that they come back with a report on the 13th of March, Friedges, Clay, Jensen, Sullivan and Emond "ayt", motion carried. 72.141 Motion by Emond seconded by Jensen to order a preliminary report by -Ghe Village engineer for:-sewer and water on the Valley Park water shed area,. west side of Cedar Avenue. Clay, Jensen, Sullivan, Emond, and Friedges ".aye", motion carried. The Park & Recreation minutes for. Feb. 23, 1972, were presented.. Village Jim Plourde presented a petition to the council that .the/ purchase Lot 16 in Suburban Acre for a park. A letter was presented also. The,priee quoted for this property is X3,300. 72.1-2 Motion by Jensen seconded by Clay to have Mr. Friedges and Mr. Emond contact Mr. Fossum and negotiate for the purchase of this property. Jensen, Sullivan, Emond, Friedges and Clay "aye", motion carried. A discussion took place regarding the renting of land .on the 70 Aere park.: Mr. Sullivan. advised the council that Mr. Berres would rent the land-and place`it in the soil bank. There would be no chemicals used. Mr. Wilde appeared to ask the council if there was anything that could be done about the snowmobile business across the street from his home, He was advised' that he .could sign a complaint with the police. A.letter from. Mr, Tinges was read to the council. 72.13 Mota.on by Clay seconded by Sullivan to order the engineer to draw up .the. plans and specs on Park Terrace 3rd Addition subject to tY3e engineering escrow being posted with the Village Clerk. Sullivan, Emond, Friedges, Clay and :Jensen "aye", motion carried. Various pieces of correspondence were presented to the council. One of these letters was from Central Telephone Co. with regard to changing the present phone system in the Village hall. 72.1411- Motion by Jensen seconded by_-Clay to follow the recommendation of the Village clerk and have this new system installed. Emond, Friedges, Clay, Jensen and Sullivan "aye", motion carried. 72.145 Motion by Clay seconded by Sullivan to accept the NSP street lighting contracts. Friedges, Clay, Jensen, Sullivan and Emond "aye", motion carried.. 72.146 Motion by Sullivan seconded by Clay to approve the gravel permit for Denny Dunham. Clay; Jensen,'Sullivan., Emond and Friedges "aye", m©tion carried. 72.347 Motion by Clay seconded by Friedges to order the advertising. for bids for the fire truck as per the engineer's recommendation,] Jensen, Sullivan, Emond, Friedges and Clay "aye", motion carried. with bids to be received until 2 P.M. on Friday the 14th. of April.. ~2) . ~ VILLAGE `OF LAKEVI~OUNCIL MEETING • MARCH 6~ 1972.. Clint Cross'.J.P report was. reviewed by the Council. Motion by Sullivan seconded by Clay to adjourn carried unanimously. r'espectf'ully submitted, VILLAGE CLERK MAYOR