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s . VILLAQrE CP LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEETING ~'~L 3~ 1972 The meetingwascalled to order by Mayer Jensen... at 8 P.M. Flag pledge follovaed. Present: Friedges, Clay, Jensen, Sullivan and Emond, Also present; Pat Farrell, .Village .attorney, and Robert Frigaard, Village engineer. 72.182 Motion by Emond seconded by Friedges to approve the minutes of the March 2D, 1972, meeting as read. Friedges, Clay, Jensen, Sullivan and Emond "aye", motion carried. 72.183 Motion by Sullivan seconded by Friedges to pay the Village bills, 7 7931 the amount of $38,232.86,. C1sy, Jensen, Sullivan, Emond and Friedges "aye", motion carried. The Park and Recreation Committee minutes for March 22, 1972, were presented. 72.18~F Motion by Friedges seconded by Jensen to have Bud Alich get some price quotes for the equipment on the attached list. He w21 report on this by" the 10th. Je~tsen, Sullivan, Emond, Friedges and. Clay "aye":,..motion carried. The Planning Commission minutes for March 3Q, 1972, wars presented, Joe Rally, 2nd District Comtm~.der, V'.F.W, Glen K're~ee, Posh Commander, and Dorot~r Cannon, A.u~i.liary President, presented a proclamation for Loyalty Days to be signed by the Mayor and the Clerk. DuWayne Zaun and Bill Hoffbeek off' the Chamber of Cose~erce, presented the Council. with a proclamation for Honey Sunday. 72.1$5 Motion by Sullivan seconded by F~aonc! to follow the Plaizni.ag Commission reeommendation and grant Tri-State Machinery Co. a variance to grade for a building. Sullivan, Emond, Friedges, Clay, Jensen "aye", motion carried. 72.186 Motion by Clay. seconded by Fredges to follow the P1am~ing Commission reec~mmendation and approve. a special use permit to Tri-State Machinery. for a period 4~' ~s~o years when it will come up for review. Emond, Friedges~, Clay, Jensen and Sullivan "aye", motion ~arried.- 72.187 Motion by Friedges seconded by Clay tc> grant Tri-State machinery a building permt Friedges, Clay, Jensen,.. Sullivan and Emend "aye", motion carried. Mr. Cle~mer reviewed his building plans for :a garage for his trucks.. He had asked for avariance to lot size. Hs and Mr. Ruddle felt this was sufficient room for this garage and it wi11 be maintained so as not to be an eyesore to the neighborhood. About ten residents of this area .argued against this pro,jeet. Mr, Larry McCagby felt that thin building would.depreciate the value of the property in this area. Mr. Pat Murphy felt that a, buffer such as apartments or town. houses should be built here.. Mr. Clay mentioned that the highway departffient had talked of locating Highway #50 on this road and did not feel a permit should be granted until this had been checked out. 72.18$ Motion by Clay seconded by Emond to table this variance request until Mr. FTgaard .can cheek ~.th the highway department aAd the county as to the status of this road and.tc> report back on May `1. Clay, Jensen, Sullivan, Emond, and Friedges "aye", motion carried. Mr. Jensen opened the hearing on the main street project and continued it until the Planning. Commission minutes are ended. Richard Storlie presented pictures of the. house.. he would like to move into the Village. He asked if some other method could be .used to insure completion of this house besides a bond for #5,®Qe. 72.189 Motion by Clay seconded by Fradges to follow the Planning Commission recommendation and. allow Mr. Storlie to move the house into Lakeville subject to a cash payment of $S,E~a being deposited with the Village and sub3ect to release by the Village council. Sullivan, Effiond, Friedges and Clay, Jense~a opposed, motion carried. ~1} • ' VILLAGE CF LAISEVILLE CCUATCIL MEETIl~TG APRIL 3, 1972 72.194 Nation bg Sullivan seconded by Friedges to follow the Piat~n.ng Commission reeoendation and apprmvs a building permit for Ben Rgks. St~7.lvah., Er~ond, Friedges, Clay and .Jensen "aye", motion carried. The continued hearing on the main street improvements was reopened. Interested pars©ns present were Mike Larkin, president of the First National Bnmk, Mr. Gerald Erickson`and Marie Heller. Mr. Larkin mentioned that he would like this work to be done before the Panaprog. Nir. Frigasrd gave a briefresume of the. project. 72.191 Motion by Sullivan seconded by Clay to order this project which includes street lights, sidewalk, curb and gutter and. street repair. Elnonc3, Friedges, Clay,. Jensen and Sullivan "aye", motion carried. 72.192 Motion by E~ond seconded by Sullivan to authorise the engineer try prepare the plans and specs Frieclges, C1sy, Jensen, Sullivan, and ~€nond "aye", motion carried. for tabs above project. Brad Johnson appeared before ..the Cmuncil to request that the proposed sewer b~changed. replacement. line that cusses the estate of.Leo Aronson. He was advised the°t~tris change wojx].d cost. approximately ~3,ao~ and that there would have to be an agreement with the property owner to pay the cost. of this ehaY$e. 72.193 Motion by Emond ~eomnded by Clay to table this. utter until the next meeting to give Mr. Johnson time to check with the_praperty owners to see if they. would pay this cost. Clay, Jensen, Sullivan, fond, Friedges "age", motion carried. Robert Sporrong of Mark Hurd Aerial Surveys explained what is involved in this pa~ojact. He also mentioned that soDae e~ the costs for this project could be recovered by the .sale of the maps to developers.' An ordinance would have tc> be passed requiring developers to purchase these maps. v~ 72.194 Motion bg Jensen seconded by Clad to approve this agreement as presented with Mark Hurd Surveys to present. the Village ~ai.th an acreage charge for the next three years with. the optiox to renew for the neg-t'2 years. Jensen, Emond, Friedges and Clay "aye", S'~allivan'opposed, m©tian carried. 72.195 Mt~tion bg Clay seconded'by Emond to have the: Village attorney draw up a proposed ordinance covex°ing the purchase of aerial ~na,PPix~g 'by developers. Sullivan, Emond, Friedges, Clay and Jensen "aye",.motion carried.. 72.186 Motion by Sullivan seco~aded by Emond to sign the Metro sewer contract as reeomffiended by the Village engineer. Emond, Friedges, Clay, Jensen and Sullivan "aye", motion carried,,` 72.191 Motion by Friedges seconded by Sullivan to follow the recoas~endation of the NSP representative, Mr. Sloan, and install .street lights i.n Glarus Addition and the extra light at the intersection at Dodd Blvd. and 2©2nd St. Friedges, Clay, Jensen, Sullivan and Emoted "age", motion carried. Mr. Patenaude requested the council to construct a road in Argonrse Farms, Sec.7. He was informed that the :easement is still there but they do not construct roads.. 72.192 Motion by Jensen seconded bg Friedges'to file a petition with the Public Service Commission for a R.R. sigrsal on Holyoke Ave. Clay, Jensen, Sullivan, Emond and Friedges "aye", motion .carried. The clerk was instructed to call the Mpls., M'orthfield and Southern~ialroad and ask when they are going to repair .the railroad crossings. 72.193 Lotion by Emond seconded by Clay to appoint Hill Hoffbeck acting street superintendent until further notice with a 5o per month raise in pay. Jensen., Sullivan, Emond, Friedges and Clay "aye", motion carried. A riew procedure for handling the agenda was presented to the council by Mr. Jensen. It was suggested that a list of 'bills be gent out with the agenda and: that the clerk place her various business matters on a clip board to pass around to the council so that they can study them and pass on them later. in the evening. (2) VILLAGE OF T,exk^.~rrT t,F. CC)UNCIL MTa~ETING . APRIL 3, 1972 72.19 Ptotion by Jensen sec®nded by F.mond toad©pt these proeedv.res. Sullivan, F~rnond, FriedBes, Clay and Sullivan "aye", motion .carried. 72.195 Moti®n by Clay seconded by Friedges to instruct the Village attorney to bring in a proposed ordinance by the 17th changing the procedure to hold public hearings on:.'the preliminary plats instead of the final plats. Emond, Friedges, Clay., denser and :Sullivan."aye", matimn carried. 72.196 I~tion by Clay seconded by Jensen to authorize the council and Planning Comm3.seion and the Village nspeete>r to attend the meeting re bulding coded. Fredges, Clay,. Jensen, Sullivan and Arend "aye", motion .carried. 72.197 I~tion hY Fredges seconded by Sullivan to authorize a public hearing on the petition t~ vacate a portionof the street easement abutting chitl©t B, of Liberty Heights atxtd Lints 1 and Liberty heights. This street is ka©wa. as Perk Boulevard is Liberty Heights according to ttzeplat thereof. Clay, Jensen, Sullivan, Emond. and Friedges "aye", motog carried. .:72.198 Motion by E~ond seconded by Sullivan to sign the certificate for the. sale of .forfeited lands. Jensen, Sullivan, E~ond, Friedges and Clay "aye", motion carried. It was decided to get some price quotstons from different grading operators f©r tha grading in the Crystal Lake park. Motion by Sullivan veconded by Friedges to sci~ourn carried unanimously. Respectfully submitted, CLEftK MAYQR Fi 1972 ~rts~ mn L~~~ ~ Tx~ LAT~VILL~ COUNCIL, Dd2~A Mx€tcx 3a, 197z 1. Apprsval. of purehass of prspsrty known as the Totter property, for park and recreational purpsasa. Van,Nellin~er made,ths motion to apprsve, ~randes 2nd. Carried. 2• ApPr~val of purcha3e •f Goo. ~.~eher property at Orchard Lake for park and recreation pwrposea. Parking faelitiea are vary limited at Orchard Lake Bss~?ch. Nrandes made the notion to apprsve and Antolik 2nd. Carried. 3• Lau made the motienthat tea Commisaier~ apprevethe aide- ws~l,k improv+imant on ~ialysks Ave.. between 207th _~t. W. and 20$th ;fit. W. Thia is apprsximately 4$O ~ iri length. Van ~11in~er 2nd. Carried. 4. VanBellin~er movad and Hrandea 2nd to apprsve the street improvement on Hu~hea Ave._205th fit. to -end sf axl-dt-as~e. Carried. Lau and ,Antslik mfvsd and 2nd ti approve waxer and water extenaiens sn Iberia Avs.-202nd St. to 2Q5th fit. Caret,. b. VanHellin~sr and Antelik m:ved and 2nd t'? apprsve the sanitary sewer and water extsnsera~ to Glay~ ~ Acraa. Carried. 7• Capital improvement in way •f additisn to the firanall was approved in f erm •Y motisn by VanH+ell3.n~er, 2nd by Brandea. Carried. VanBsilin~sr moved to apprsve new maint+anance building to bs located on Villats park property. It is eappssod that the building will bs lame onou~h to heu~e all units. V~t~31ix~~er caked that the building plans be presented t. the Planning Gmmission far apprsval. Lau wandered. if propsasd site was park •r pxb2.3.e land. Ne will cheek on the matter with fir. Barrel2. Lau. 2nd the motion. Carr~.ed. 6Z~ C~~%'