HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-17-72 . s VILLAGE OF L~AKFVILLE COUNCIL MEETING APRIL 17~ 1972. ~'he meeting was called to order by Mayor Jensen at II P.M. Flag p3edge followed. Present; Friedges, Clay, Jensen, Sullivan and k~+ond. Also present; Robert ~'rigaard,.Village engineer and Pat Farrell, Village .attorney.. 72.21+ Motion by Ep~ond seconded by Sullivan to accept the minutes of tie Aprii 1E~, 1972, meeting as presented. Friedges Clay, Jensen, Sullivan and Emc>nd "aye", motion carried:. 72.215 Motion by Friedge$ seconded by Clay to pay the Liquor claims. 0297 thru X345 in the amount of 26,538.€3) Clay,` Jensen, Sullivan, fond and Friedges "aye", motion carried. 72.216 Motion by Friedges sec®nded by Ea~ond to pay the Village claims.. {#7932 tY~ru 7195 in the affiount of X33:5+7.87) Jensen, Sullivan, F3aond, Friedges and Clay "aye", • motion carried. 72.217 Motion by Friedges seconded by Sullivan to appoint the Following people tm a personnel°.committee to x°eview the ordinances Richard Rademacher, Jerome Clay, Pat FarreT~., Jib E~ond, Willard Ackerman and Marceline Hemstrom with Mr Clay.: as chairman. Sullivan, Emond, Fredges, Clay and Jensen "aye", motion carx°ied. 72.228 Motion by .Clay seconded by Sullivan to have Mr. Dewey Anderson of TTrban Planning: and Design work on the flUD sewer grant request at 2C per hour with. the total fee .not to exceed X254 without coming back to the council. Emond, Friedges, Clay, .Jensen. anal Sullivan 'rays", motion carried. The clerk was instructed to set up a meeting with the auditor For April 27 at 7s3~ P.M. 72.2.29. Motion by Clay seconded by end to set up an assessment committee with the following members: Mr. Fredges, Mr. Frigaard, Mr. Sullivan and Mr. Jensen. Mr Friedges wi11 be chairman. Friedges, Clay, Jensen, Sullivan and Emond "aye"~ motion carried. The applications for. plumbing inspector were closed. An agreement relative to the Crystal Lake drainage area was diseuc~sed. 72.330 Motion by Clay seconded by fond that the Mayor be authorized to contact the Metro Sewer Board with a committ~ent that the, Village of Lakeville is snteririg into a contract with .the Village. of Burnsville to serve the Crystal Lake drainage area through the Burnsville trunks. Clay, Jensen, Sullivan, E~ond and Friedges "aye", motion carried.. 72.231 Motion. by Jensen seconded by Friedges to hold a public hearing on sewer and water extensions on 215th St. and the sewer-and water extensions to South Bluff Adddition at 1 P.M, on May 8th, 1972. Jensen, Sullivan, ~mond, Fredges and.. Clay "aye", motion carried. 22.232 Motion by Sullivan seconded by Friedges to table item 33-72--relative tc~ clarification of plumbing code until`-the 2nd meeting: in May.. Sullivan, E~cond, Friedges, Clay and Jensen "aye,', motion carried. .72.233 Motion by Clay seconded by kffiond to follow the recommendation of the water & sewer committee and accept plan B for electro rust-proofing cathodic protection oervice from the Wallace & Tiernan Division for the annual sum of ~3©0. Emond, Friedges, Clay, Jensen, Sullivan "aye", motion carried. Mr. Felix Tillges asked the council about the streets in his. addition and if he could go on constructing them and paying for diem as he has been doing in the other parts oP park Terrace. VILLAGE ~F LAKEVILLE C(3IIAfiCZL MEETING APRIL 17, 1972 72.23 Mcation by Sullivan seconded by Fried$es to t'ollow the old procedure for the construction of streets in. Park Terrace relative to the payment of the same by the developer. Friedges, Clay, Jensen, Sullivan and E~ond "aye", motion carried. 72.235 Motion by Friedges seconded by Jensen to approve the plans and epees for Iberia Ave. and to authorize advertising for bids with bids to be opened at 2 P.M. on Monday afternoon May let, 1972. Clay,. Jensen, Sullivan, end and Friedges "aye", motion carried. 72.236 Motion by E'mond seconded by Sullivan<to authorize the sigx3ing of the New Market .fire contract. Jensen, Sullivan, end, Friedges and Clay "aye", motion carried. 72.237 Motion by Sullivan seconded by Clay to approve an excavating permit for Norbert Jensen. Sullivan, F~uond, Friedges Clay and Jensen "aye", motion carried. Mr. IIilmse» Leine and I33nke1 Mallery asked the Village of Lakeville to take over` more of E,lxreka Township for fire protection. Mr. Joe Marek, fire chief told them that the Lakeville fire department did not feel they could do ~3ustice to any more territory at this time but would reconsider this matter after the new fire truck is delivered. A letter relative to this matter was read.. The Eureka Town Board will return later with its signed contract.. 72.238 Motion by Clay seconded by Sullivan to accept the bids on the fire equipment. (Copy ...attached). Fond, Fredg~s, Clay, 3ensen and Sullivan. "aye", motion carried. 72.239 Motion by Clay seconded by Friedges to accept the low bid of Crossroads Ford for the chassis (bid--~1G,940 with adjustable seat for the driver and a better alteriaator than on the bid from Midway Ford.) .General Safety Equipment Corp for the body with the optional superchi.ef at ~3QQ more added to the bid of $21,350. Minnesota Fire Inc. for the optional equipmentwith a bid of $3,952.5• Friedges, Clay, Jensen, Sullinaxt and Fond "ayeE', motion carried. 72.24tJ .Motion by Emond seconded byFriedges to authorize the attorney to take proper steps to return the. dump property to the owners. Clay, Jensen, Sullivan, Emond and.Friedges :,aye", motion carried. Mrs. Sheldon Curr,~, representing the Concerned Citizens Group, informed the couxicil that there wi11'be an informational meeting on May 2~+ at the. Farmington F:igh School regarding the airport site and she extended an invitation to the council 'tca attend. Mel Aleshire appeared -tc> ask the council to reconsider the method of assessing the street improvement in Overland 2nd Addition. Fie was informed that the council had appointed an assessment committee and this matter would be discussed when it met. 72.2+1 Motion by Sullivan seconded by Clay to hire Boyle Huber as i`1a.ll time temporary help at 3.per hour.. Jensen, Sullivan, end, Friedges and~C3ay "aye", motion carried. ~ ' The procedure for hearings on plats was discussed. 72.2#2 Motion by Jensen seconded by Fredges to follow the attorney's recommendation fer Qrdinance 11, See.. 3. Procedure to be as follows additional paragraph under small b. Prior to submitting. its report to the Village Council, =the Planning Comm~i.ssion shall hold a public hearing on .preliminary plan upon 1C days notice as provided herein for a hearing on a final plat and in addition mailed notice shall be given as provided herein for a hearing on a final plat. b-2. A filing fee cif ~15.D0 for a preliminary plan. Sullivan, Eaaond, Friedges, Clay and Jensen "aye", motion carried. 72.2+3 Motion by Clay seconded by Friedges to amend tie Rl zoning to read--side yard set back adjacent to street be 30 feet instead of 2fl feet. Emond, Friedges, Clay, Jensen and Sullivan "aye" motion carried. Mr. Jensen informed the council that llonnay has dropped the 235 home program. 72.2~F~ Motion by Jensen seconded by Sullivan not to follow the recommendation of the (2) ~ i • V'II.I~ACxE CF T•A~tT21~ CCt~I1TCIL MF~ETING .APRIL 17, 1972 Plaxnzng Commission relative tca two ear garages and:,paved driveways. Friedges, Clay, Jensen, Sullivan and E~iond "aye", motion carried:. 72.2+5 Motion by Clay seconded by ~mond to amend Sec. 1 Ordinance ~F2 as recommended by the plaaanng Commission to read as follows: . 25.23--Non-Domestic Animals--Ar~y building in wh3eh non-domestic animals as defined in this Ordinaxiee Section 3 of rules and defirii.tions, a rooFed shelter or building shall, be a distance of 10~ feet or more From any ad~aeent residence. Anon-domestic animal may not be kept oa a lot Hontaining less than 1 sere 0+3,560) square feet. The non-domestic animals must be enclosed in a pen or corral of sufficient height and strength to retain such animals and the pen or corral must be set back 5~ feet from any ad.,jacent residence. The governing body may order the owner of a~ay Win-domestic animals to apply for a special use permit if it is determined to be in the interest of the public health, safety, or general welfare of the community. Clay, .Jensen, Sullivan, Emond anti Friedges "aye", motion carried. 72.2+6 Motion by Friedges seconded by Jensen to keep the zoning gee at ~~+5. Jensen, Sullivan, E~nond, Fri.edgesand.Clap "aye", motion carried. 72.2+7 Motion by Friedges seconded by Clay to amend ordinance ~2, See. 2 by adding the following provisions 5eetion 7.2, Subdvisioh 13: Arty garage or aHQessory building larger than 6t)o square Beet in floor area or having an external dimension greater than 26 feet. `Sullivan, fond, Friedges, Clay, Jensen."aye", motion carried. 72.2+8 Motion by Clay seconded by F'riedges to delete Sec. 3 as recommended by.:the attorney. nd,;Friedges, Clay, Jensen and Sullivan."aye",..motion Harried... 72.2+9 Motion by Sullivan seconded by Friedges to leave the special use. permit fee at ~~5. Friedges, Clay, Jansen, Sullivan and Emond "aye", motion carried. .72.254 .Motion by end seconded by Clay to amend ordinance ~F2, See. 5 by amending the second paragraph tt3 read as follows A11 residential set-back .regulations contained is this ordinance shall be~congormed '~o by farm residences. Construction of new Farm buildings within 3QQ Beet of an e~.i.sting ad3.aeent residenee or a residential platted lot shall require a special use permit. Building permits shall be required for dwelling units and agricultural buildings on garms. Clay, Jansen, Sullivan, Effiond "aye", F~eiedges opposed, motion carried. .72.251 Motion by Fniond seconded by Jensen to approve the. amendment to See. 6 ordinance ~2 to read as follows - NLining--The extraQtion of sand, gravel or other material frAm the land in the amount of ten thousand (1C,(jQ0) cubic yards or more and .removal thereof prom the site without processing shall be mining. In all districts the conduct of mining shall be permitted only upon issuance og a special use permit, Such permit shall include, as`a condition thereof, a plan gor a finished grade which will not adversely affect the surrounding land or the developstent of the site on which the mining is being eondu.cted, and the route. og trucks moving to sad .From the site s. Jensen, Sullivan, F.~ond Fredgea and Clay "aye", motion carried. 72.252 Motion by Clay seconded by Friedges to authorize the expenditure og $1©Q to participate in the st?~dy crf thedram shop insurance.whieh will be conducted by the League of Municipalities. Sullivan, fond, Friedges, Clay and Jensen "aye", motion carried. (3) . ~TLLAGE ~F LAF~EVILLE COUNCIL KING APRIL 17, 2972 Aqr. Frgaard informed the council: that the state had finished the borings on FAiranreg Road s© that he would now. be able tc> start the plane. Motion bar Sullivan seconded by Friedges to ad~our~ carried unanimously. Respeetf"wlly submitted, cLr ,r