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i ti VII.~AGE OF LAKEtTILLE COUNCIL: ME'.E,'I'ING ' MAY 1,.1972. The meeting was called to order at 8 P.M. by Mayor Jensen. .Flag pledge followed. Present; Friedges, Clay, Jensen,'Sullivan and E~ond. Also present; Robert Pulseher, Village iinancial consultant, Robert'F'rigaard, engineer, and Pat. Farrell, Attorney. Robert Pinscher, financial Qonsultant informed the council that Lakeville had been given a BAA bond rating by Mood's Investors Service. The bids were. then opened. Copy of bids attached... 72.253 Motion by Clay seconded by IInond to aeeept the. bids. Friedges, Clay, Jensen, .Sullivan and Emond "aye", motion carried. 72.25 Motion by Clay seconded by fond to accept the low bid from the First National.. Bank of St. Paul at the net interest dollar cost of 231,318.75 and a net interest rate of x.9073. Clay, Jensen,Jullvan, F3~aond and ~iedges "aye", motion carried. 72.255 Motion by Friedges seconded by Emond to aeeept the minutes of the April 17, 1972, meeting. as read. JenseA, Sullivan, Haond, Friedges and Clay gays", motion carried. ...72.256 Motion by E~ond seconded by Fredges to pay the claims against the Village. (checks 7996 thru 8039, amount F1,236.29) Sullivan, ~aond, Friedges, Clay and .Jensen "aye", motion carried. The Fork Committee ,minutes for April 12, 1972, were presented. 72.257 Motion by Clay seconded by fond to follow the Park recommendation and approve. the budget for beach maintenance and lifeguardsa a. $2,000 pay roll for life guard-chief life guard at X3.00 per hr. Be into hire supplementary life guards within budget... b. X600.00 for physical improvements as required to include two sanitary servj.ees. Emond, Friedges, Clay, .Jensen, and Sullivan "aye", motion carried.. 72.258 Motion by Eland seconded by Sullivan to table the Lake Shore Act consideration until the 15th, Friedges, Clay, Jensen, Sullivan and E~ond "aye", motion carried. A pond of water on park property-in Bassett's Addition which drains across a resident's property was discussed. The Park Committee will look into this and bring a recommendation back to the council.. Gene Welshons of NSP presented the plans and specs for the new street lights on ~?olyoke .Ave . ..72.259 Motion. by Sullivan seconded by E~ond to aeeept p~~~v~ epees for lights on Holyoke Ave. and authorize the' advertising for bids with the letting time set for 2 P.M. on the 15th.. Jensen, Sullivan, E~nond and Friedges "aye", Clay opposed, motion carried. The Planning Commission minutes for April 13, 1972, ware presented. I~r. Benison presented a plan for the development of some propertyon 175th St. He was requesting the council to grant a private road easement to R1rr. Maser in this develop~sent. Mr. Farrell that this d~velop~nt was not according to ordinance and the ldt sizes -did not meet. the requirements. .72..260 Motion by Jensen seconded by Friedges to deny the variance to Mr. Maser. Jensen, Ehsond, Friedges and Clay "aye", Sullivan opposed, motion carried. 72.261 14otion by Sullivan seconded by Clay to follow the recommendation of the Planning Commi.sffiion and grant a moving permit to Mr. sentson. Sullivan, end, Friedges, .Clay and Jensen "aye', motion carried. The final plat for Dakota HeigYa.ts 2nd Addition was presented. Mr. Farrell stated that evezything was in order and thi$ could be approved. The deed for the park land will be presented as soon as the plat is recorded. follow t~e P~,~i~ C~m~i.ss~o~ tac~tat~n~ ~ 72.261A Motion by E~ond seconded by Sullivan `to/approve a la or o e s Addition E~.ond, Friedges, Clay, Jensen & Sullivan "aye", motion carried. (1) VILLAGE OF r.AU~rrr.r.~ COUNCIL MEETING Mi4Y 1,,, 1972 72.262 Motion by Sullivan seconded by Clay to grant the special use permit For underground storage tanks to Hill Oil Compat~r. Friedges, Clay, Jensen, Sullivan sad Emond "aye', ffiOt].0~1 carried. rtv Mr. Jensen opened the hearing on the vacation of a road/3/ii~dLc~~iu~c~.~ until the Planning report is completed. 72.263 .Motion by Sullivan seconded by Clay to grant the variance of side lot requirement to Vern IIonnay Realty For Lots 7 & 9, Block 1 and Lots l: 3s 13, Block 2, Valley Park 7th Addition. Clay, Jensen, Sullivan,.E~aond and Friedges "aye", motion carried. 72.26+ Motion by Friedgea seconded by Bullinan to grant a building permit to Charles M. Friedhem Co. For a maintenance building. Jensen, Sullivan, Emoad, Friedges and Clay "aye", motion carried. 72.265 Motion by Clay seconded by Jensen to have the Planning Commission interview at least three planners and make a recommendation to the Village council with all the pertinent information. Sullivan, Ee~ond, Friedges, Clay and Jensen "aye", motion carried.. The va,eation of road hearing was reopened. It was mentioned that if this road does not serve a public service it could be vacated.. Mr. Rastner and Mr. Hudyma, the petitoners~,'were present. 72.266 Motion Formerly known as L~neh by Jensen seconded by Sullivan to vacate Park ~ou~evard/in Liberty .Heights as platted. E~nond, Friedges, Clay, Jensen and Sullivan "aye", motion carried. The Water 8c Sewer minutes for April 19, 1972, were presented. .72.267 Motion by Clay .seconded by Emend tc~ set a hearing on the preliminary report of trunk. sewer and water extensions in the Valley Park drainage area west of Cedar Ane. for the 12th of June at 9 P.M. Friedges, Clay, Jensen, Sullivan and E~r~d "aye", motion carried. 72.268 Motion by Jensen seconded by F'riedges to .have the attorney obtain copies of a model ordinance to regulate sewer pus~ping companies. Clay, Jensen, Sullivan, E~nond and Fredges "aye", motion carried. 72.269 Motion by Clog seconded by Esmond to accept the petition re .sewer For I)onriay's College Park.lst Addition and Follow the Tester & Sewer Committee's recommendation and authorize the engineer tc3 prepare a Feasibility report for. sewer in De~znay's College Paxk 1st .Addition. Jensen, Emond, Fredges and Clay."aye", Sullivan opposed, motion carried. Mr. Clem<nsr's arequest For variance of the subdivision ordinance was discussed. Mr. Frigaard informed the council that the State Highway Dept. has no plans for the road that this building will be situated on and they will not do ate major studies. on rerouting of mayor highways until the decision on the airpoi°t is made. There 3.s no inFormation ag yet. This has been .designated as a state aid street on the master plan based on that we would want a 100' portion for right of way. .Upgrading would be under the state aid prograsi. Mr. Jensen stated that this road was intended For amain entrance From the freeway into the industrial park. A gx~up of residents, including Lawrence McCaghy, N1rs McCaghy, Pat Murphy, still :objected to this building. 72.270 Motion by Sullivan seconded by Friedgea ~ grant the variance to the subdivision ordinance with a set bask of 110' From the center of the road. Sullivan, Friedges, Clay and. Jensen "aye", Emosd opposed, motion carried. The Nordic Square contract was discussed. Mr. Frigaard Felt there should be an easement For sewer lines written into this contract. Air. Farrell will report back on this matter is one week. • ~ VILLAGE OF T.aKE~7:F. CQUNCIL MEETIlU'G . MAY 1, 1972 A sketch plan for the new maiateaauce btziiding was presented by Mr. F'rig~~rd. It was felt by the council that bidding procedures for this building should be initiated. 72.271 Motion by fond seconded by Clay to authorize the attc>z~riey to initiate proceedia?gs to have this land rezcned..~axid the deed for this portion of lead released. ~ond~ Friedges, Clay, Jensen and Sullivan "aye", motion carried. 72.272 Motion by Sullivan seconded by end to accept the plans and specs for the sidewalk and curb on Holyoke Ave. and to authorize th.e engineer to advertise for. .bids with the letting date set for 2 P.M. on Monday, May 15th. Fredges, Clay, Jensen, Sullivan and fond "aye", motion carried. The bids for the work on Crystal Lake were opened. They areas follows Hallett Constraction $~+,5d3.5Q Kolling Coz~st. 1,5Q©.DD Rud & Rud 2,$f~.f3Q Mmes Coast. 2,325.Q4 72.273 Motion by Egad seconded by Fredges to accept the-low bid of Kolling Coast. for $1,54Q. Clay, Jensen, Sullivan, Eimtand and Friedges "aye", moti©n earr3.ed. 72.274 Motitm by Emond seconded by Friedges to authorize az~r member of the eounQil who wishes to attend the state convention in Rochester. Jensen, Sullivan, end, Fredges and Clay "aye", motion. carried. 72.278 Motion by Jensen seconded by hind to approve attendance by dept heads and staff at the conference sub~eet'ta prior approval of the council. Sullivan, Esmond, Friedges, Clay and Jensen "aye", mcation carried. Insurance bids were discussed. Th~.s will be investigated ~rther. Fire department billing was discussed. 7.2.276 Motion bg Sullivan seconded by Clay to instruct the clerk to~,notifythe fire depar'taaent that all billing of services by 'the fire department be done by the Village Clerk and all prooeeds be remitted to the Village. Mond, Fredges, Clay, Jensen and Sullivan "age", motion Qarried. 72.277 Motion by Clay seconded by Friedges to authorize the clerk to return the cashier's check to Joe Graeve'Motors. Friedges, Clay, densen,:Sullivan and F.,mond "aye.", motion carried. ..72.278 Motion by Clay seconded by Friedges to approve the pleas & specs for the resurfacing of Minnreg Road and authorize the engineer to set a letting date as soon. as the state approves the plans.. Clay, 3ensen, Sullivan, fond and Friedges "aye", motion carried. 72.279 Motion by Clay seconded by Hnond to accept the resolution establishing a human rights commission is the Village of Lakeville. Jensen, Sullivan, F~nond, Friedges and Clay "ayes,..atotion carried. 72.28Q Motion by Sullivaa seconded by Clay resolved to authorize the mayor and tt~e clerk to exeeute the deed to Richard and Dorothy Lorentson for the dump property reserving the easement for the santazy sewer. Sullivan, gaond, Friedges Clay and Jensen "aye", motion carried. 72.2$1 Motion by Jensen seconded by Friedges to authorize .the Clerk to place a thank you in the paper commending all the people who helped with Earth Day. end, Friedges, Clay, Jensen and Su11iv ~,n "aye", motion carried. (3) VILI,I~GE 4F L~1EE~ILLE CDURICIL MEETING MAY. 1, 1972 " 72.282 Motion hY.Clap seconded by Sullivan to hold a hearing on the sewer and water extensions on .215th St. and Southbluff gdd.tion on the 12th of June, 1972, at 9s15 P.M. and 9s20 P.M, respectively. Friedges, Clay, Jensen, Sullvaxi and Emond "ayen, motion carried. 72.283 I~ton by Sullivan seconded by ~nond to accept the bids for the water &`sewer extensions on Iberia Ave. Clay, Jensen, Sullivan, Emond and Friedges "ape", motion carried. 72.28+ Motion by Sullivan seconded by Eauond to accept the low bid of X26,729.88 by the B & B Excavatixig Co. Jensen, Sullivan, Emond, Friedges and Clay "age", motion serried. 72,285 Motion by Emond seconded by Fredges to s~athorze the signing of the Eureka, dire contract. Sullivan, Emond, Friedges, C1sy and Jensen "aye", motion carried. Motion by Sullivan seconded .Jensen -to adjourn carried unanimously. Respect~ul.lp submitted, /gyp Cz~x