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- c. - VILLAGE OF LAKFVILLE COUNCIL. M~TIPtG ~ MAY 8, 197 The meeting was called -to order at 8 P.M. by Mayor Jensen. Flag pledge followed, Present; Fredges, Clay, Jensen, Sullivan and Emond. Also present; Robert Frigaard, Village engineer and Pat Farrel, Village att®x~ey. 72.286 Motion by Friedges seconded by Sullivan to approve the minutes of the May 1, 1972, with the correction as noted (insertion of resolution 72.267.A.). Fr~.edges, Clay, Jensen, Sullivan and Em®nd "ale", motion: earr3.ed. The building inspector presented his report for April, 1972. 72.287 Motion by Clay seconded by Sullivan to authorize the attorney to notify Gorman Roberts to repair the curb and gutter oa the property ~ question to its original condition. Clay, Jensen, Sullivan, Emond and Friedges aye", motion carried. 72.288 Motio~_by Sullivan seconded by Clay to approve a moving permit for Mrs. Hake Rgnonti. Jeasea, Sullivan, Emond, Friedges and Clay "aye", motion carried. `72.289 Motion by Etm3nd seconded by Clay charge the same Fee f©r thus pex~3.t with no reduction. Emoad, Friedges Clay and Jensen "aye",.Sullivan opposed, motion carried. 72.290 Motion by Emond secondeci;by Friedges to approve the variance to substandard lot size, lot 7, Block 3, Liberty Heights Addition.,. R.F. McDonald Realty Inc. Emond, Friedges, Clay, Jensen acid Sullivan "aye", motion earrried. Paul Oxley explained the emergency plan for Lakeville. He said that this was needed t0 receive .federal funding and surplus property.. .72.291 Motion by Jansen seconded by Emond to approve the emergency plan for Lakeglle as presented by Mr. Exley. Friedgea, Clay,.. Jensen, Sullivan and Fmond "aye", motion carried. The Park & Recreation. report for April 2b, 1972, was presented. 72.292 Motion by Friedges seconded by Emond tc> approve the purchase of posts ~'or';the ~rehard fake Park and authorize the maintenance personnel to install them.. Clay, Jensen, Sullivan Emoad and Friedges "aye", motion carried. The Park Committee will see that there are enough tables at the park., 72.293 Motion by Emond seconded by Jensen to follow the recommendation of the Park Com~a.ttee and have the teeter-tatter. and swing seats repaired and painted, asphalt installed under basketball net, picnic table placed next. to ewi.ng set, trees planted near pieniQ table in Park Terrace and repair seat of four seated horse 3.n Park Terrace 2nd. Jenseh., Sullivan, Emc>nd, Friedges sad Clay e'aye", motion carried. Park names were tabled until they can be discussed with the Park Committee. 72.29+ Ms>tion by Friedges seconded by Clay to approve item 8 for gravelp backstop, fencing along sides, seeded, fireplace and picnic tables for the Valley ark park. Sullivan, Emond, Friedges, Clay and Jensen."aye", motion carried. Robert Peterson, JuAnn Bakken explained to the council that there has been a lot of trouble in Orchard Lake Ps~.rk and that there is a lot of reckless and careless. driving in that area, This matter will be turned over to the chief of police. It was decided to ask Louvert Larson to ~.®e~~ and unlock the rest rooms in the orchard Lake Park as he has done in previous years, Richard Todd, of Apaloosa Hills, .appeared to ask the council if he could go on with .his hobby farms without paving the streets. He felt that the gravel roads~~were better for hmrseback riding and this is the way he has been selling his lots. He would like to keep the environment as it is without subdividing his property,.. Clyde Weierke asked some questions on the right of way on ~~ghway 50. Mr. Leonard Benison, representing the ten sere section ~.n~zich Mr. Maser wished to build a home, (1) • ~ ty - ~E ©F LAR~LLE covNCZL ~a 8, 1972 felt that Mr. Todd's concept was excellent and also stated that the people he represented would dedicate an easement to the Village for a street. Dennis Sgerfoss stated that he had bought a 1ot.Prom..Mr. Todd with the idea that there would be gravel streets. This matter was tabled until the:attorney's arrival. ` Mr. Dennis T)unham appeared before the council in regard to his building that he is going rent out. Fie .was .advised that he w®uld have tc~ Pcllcw the building code and brick the Front of this building and that. he could not have outside storage without a special use permit. Mr. Bill Jensen,. .engineer for Vern Donnay, explained that he had studied the. problems of the common service appaoachfor installing .water and 'sewer lines to townhouses and`said that there is no standard for this in the metropolitan area. Fie told the council. that this could. amount to a savings of approximately 1 to 2~ as compared tca individual units for the townhouses. Frecl Fredrickson Pelt that if one person has a problem on this common service., it would involve the Village. Mr. Frgaard felt that there is little cost difference. between the common water and sewer service and the individual units. He said Est plumbing inspectors and utility men prefer the individual units. 72.295 Motion. by F~aond seconded by Friedges to follow the ~Tater & Sewer recommendation and adopt the following clarification of the Village's Plumbing ®rdnances "That each individual unit of a townhouse shall have its own individual sewer and water services." Sullivan., F~cnd, Friedges "age", Jensen and Clay opposed, motion carried, The discussion regarding Apaloesa Farms and the ten acre plat was reopened. Mr. Farrell advised the ee?uneil that they could change the resolution that was passed on Nov. 17, 1969. Fie also felt t'ha,t all the property owners. in this unplatted hobby farm should sign a letter to the effect that they had bought these lots under the condition that there: would be no black topped roads. 72.296 Motion by Flay seconded by Friedges to reaffirm the resolution of Nov. 17, 1969,. (copy attached). 'FF'F~3nond, Friedges and Cllr "aye", Jensen and Sullivan opposed, mEation carried. Mr. Todd asked that z.t be noted in the minutes that he ob~eeted to Mr. Clay's voting on this qussti®n. as leng as he is a road contractor, Mr. Weierke stated that the Board.. of Education is requesting a written report that Mr. Todd's roadad~oining Highway 50 meets all state requirements and that his plans have been approved by the. state. 72.297 Motion by .Clay seconded by Jensen to reconsider motion 72.260,' Fredges, Clap,.. Jensen, Sullivan and,Emond "aye", m©ton carried. Mr. Benison stated that has clients are willing to dedicate a 60~ street easement through the nth lot ane the street would be brought up to Village specifications. These will have to be-approved by the Village engineer and. street 'bonds must be steel with the Village as computed by .the Village engineer. by Sullivan seconded. by .Jensen to grant ,.this spec~~ ~ 72.298 M do 1 use permit for ' ~~essement through the ~+th lot. with the'Village engineer eomput ~t~eet• bond and that the road mnzst be brought up to Village specificatons~an approve by the Village engineer. This project will be known as the z~ean Maser pro3eet. Jens llivan and Em®nd " e", Clay as~d Fr3edges opposed, motion carried. 72.299 Motion by Jensen seconded ;by Sullivan. authorizing the condemnation of certain propertp for the construction of a sanitary sewer and water main easement on new interceptor that is going 3.n, :Jensen, Sullivan, F~nond, F'riedges and Clap "aye", motion. carried, ~U~~ 72 Motion by Friedges seconded; by Emond accepting the sanitary sewer, water main, house services and storm sewer in Valley Park 5th Addition ar~d releasing bonds 7684,7679,7678, 7677, 7676,and 7675..• Sullivan, Emend, Friec3ges, Clay and Jensen "aye", motion carried. (2) VILLAGE ~F r.ar~vrr.r COUNCIL MEETING MAY 1ST 1972 Mr. Farrell advised that he had the dump property deed prepared but could Hat deliver it until the descriptiax~ for the sewer interceptor easement is received. The clerk was instructed to send a Hate to the Planning Commission that they act upon the recommendation Instent Homes amending the mobile home ordinance and report back t4 the cauheil Mr. Farrell also reported that he would have the deed to the Taylor property shortly. Mr. Skelton discussed the sewer route through his property and. said that die felt that this was a decision for the Metro Sewer Board. He also said that he would not charge far the right of way but he did not want. the sewer to go through his lake. The attc~rriey asked him if he wt~ul.d provide such necessary right of way for the sanitary sewer to the Metro Sewer Board as a condition of the contract. Mr. Skeltaffi said he would rather give a letter far the easement. 72.30 Motion by Jensen ascended by Clay that the agreement far Herdic Square be approved and signed. Ea~ond, Fredgee, Clay, denaen and Sullivan "ale", motion. carried. A resolution re the Flitter farm was put off to a later date. 72.3c3~ Motion by Sullivan seconded by Emond 'to approve the an and off sale beer licenses for New .Antlers Fork. Friedges, Clay, Jensen, Sullivan and Emond "aye", motion carried. 72.3a~ Motion by Emorsd seconded by Jeaeen to approve the Elka fire contract and aign the. same. Clay, Jensen, Sullivan, Emond and Fr.edges "aye", motion carried. 72.30 Matian by Clay seconded by Friedges to authorize the Village engineer tc ffieet with the county regarding the park accesses. Jensen, Sullivan end, Friedges and Clay "aye", motion carried. Motion by Emond seconded by Clay to adjourn carried unanimously. Respectfully submitted, ~ ,z,~,.- VILLAGE CLERK r ~ ~AYCR (3)