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. • i VILLAGE OF LAKFVILLE COUNCIL MEETING° JUNE 12, 1972 The meeting wa:s called to order by Mayor JensenPrat $ P.M. .Flag pledge followed, Present; Friedgas, Jensen, Sullivan and Emond. Clay after 10 P.M. Also present; Robert Frigaaxd,.Vllage engineer and Pat Farrell, .Village attorney. 72.361 Motion by Friedge8 seconded by Emond to approve the minutes of the June 5, 1972, meeting as read. Friedgas, Jensen, Sullivan. and Emond "aye", motion carried. The building inspector presented his report for May, 1972• A meeting to interview applicants for plumbing inspector was_set for the 21st at 8 P.M. 72.3F2 Motion by Emond seconded by Fried.ges to authorize the maintenance crew to sweep the Connolly Trailer Court at the. fee of $2© per hour, Jensen, Sullivan, Emond and Friedgas "aye", motion carried. 72.363 Motion by Sullivani seconded by Friedgas to authorize the Village Attorney to stop the excavating on Lot 26, Fourth Addition tca Orchard Gardens being done by Donald Berle. Sullivan, Emond, Friedgas and Jensen:."age", motion carried. The Park & Recreation minutes for.' 2~, 1972, were presented. Item 1 re park plats in Dakota :Heights 3rd was postponed until next week,.' 72.36 Motion by Friedgas seconded by Sullivan to follow the Park & Recreation recommendation and approve,a Barking lot and road in center of park in the 7~ acre park.- Emond, Friadge9, Jensen and Sullivan.:'aye", motion carried. 72.365 Motion by Sullivan seconded by Emond to approve: the hiring of (~re~ Ankelmt~n for chief lifeguard at the Orchard. Lake Beach at ~3 per hear. Friedgas, Jensen,' .Sullivan and Emond "aye", motion carried. 72.366 Motion by Friedgas seconded by sullivan to follow the Park and Recreation Committee recommendation anal deputize Greg Ankelman subject to the approval of the chief of police. Jensen, Sullivan, Eanond and Friedgas "aye", motion carried. Mrs. Curry presented a petition to the council requesting that a special referendum be held regarding the airport site. 72.367 Motion by Emond seconded by .Sullivan to table a decision on this matter until.. the first .meeting in July.. Sullivan, Emond, Friedgas and Jensen "aye", motion carried. 72.368 Motion ,by Friedgas seconded by Emond to grant Set-up licenses to Sea Girt I and Orchard Lake Tavern. Emond, Friedgas, Jensen and. Sullivan "aye', motion carried. The purchase of park land from Mr. Fossum was going to be reeh.aeked.. The Haring on the Trunk Sewer & 'Water Entensions Va13ey Park Drainage Area was opened at 9 P.M. ~~r. Robert Frigaard summarized his preliminary report and showed .the area ~nc~h this encompassed, on the map. A list of interested property i~ ~ttachea. Following is a list of questions s.sked by the property owners and axaswers given by the engineer and councils James Oletza asked who the. petition. was started by and stated that he 3.s buying a home in Dakota Heights and did not feel it necessary to install sewer and water at this time as he has new services. He was told that there had been a request for a report from some of the land owners.. Mr. Stanley Kolstad asked when the assessment for the X234 area tr~u~r e .and was advised that this would be applied at .the time of the award of aray contracts. Bernard Schweich asked how much area was involved --he was told all the area inside the heavy black lines on the map. Wayne Hoffman asked if tha,ehaxge was $230 for each sere and what rights the ..property owners had in this matter. Ha was advised that the property owners could .let the council know their views and that it .was $230 per acre Pete. Eisele. asked what the developers would. build. .other questions asked wares what total cost includes,. how soon this would get to Dakota F3eghts, what is gre~:n acres, whether this area eouZd be extended,. ~l} VILLAGE ~F COUNCIL N~Fi7NG J[Ti~TE 12, 1972 if damages are paid, whether the Metro Sewer recommendations are followed, when will a reservoir be .constructed and when these lines could be extended to different areas. Mr. Keller and Mr. Clint Zweber stated that this project was ok with them. and Mr. Pete Sterling of Dynasty Tnc. explained to the property owners wby he felt this project would be a benefit to them.. 72.368 Motion by Jensen seconded by Iluond to adjourn this hearing until July 17,1972., at 9 F.M. ire the Village Hall. Friedges, Jensen, Sullivan and E~nond "aye", Clay. abstained, motion carried. The Hearing on Southblu.ff water and sewer extensions Baas opened. List of interested persons attached. Mr. Frgaard summarized his preliminary report of the project. Mr. Leonard Bentson asked what the charges would be per lot. Miss Betty Weichselbau~u asked about costs anal when this project will be completed. She also asked 3.f this would be deep enough to ser~3.ee a~thingbult by the lake. Mr. Nedemeyer asked if Lakeville has a master plan car if this is done without any method. He was advised that there .s a master plan for water and sewer.' 72.37® Motion by Sullivan seconded by ~non€1 to order the improvements as described in the prelininary report for water and sewer ext~aneions -to Southbluff Addition of April 3, 1972, and authorize the engineer to prepare plans and specs. Clay, Jensen Sullivan, ~nond anal Friedges "aye"~ motion carried. The Hearing on 215th Street sewer and water extensions was opened,.. A list of interested persons is attached. Mr. Frigaard gave a resume of the project as written in the preliminary report, Sam McLain and Arnold Sauber asked what .the charges would be for this project and waxes advised that -there would be no lateral charges until a benefit is derived. Clyde Werke asked if the school will be aseess,~d and was told :that it is excluded. Mr8 Miller advised that she is not in favor of this project. Mr. Frgaard advised that the sewer could go in without water a~.d there was some: discussion of having some day labor work on this project. 72.371 Motion by Emond seconded by Friedges to adjourn :this hearing until July iD at 9 P.M. in the Village Ha11. Jensen, Sullivan, Eauand, Friedges and Clay "aye", motion carried. The Burnsville-Lakeville sewer agreement for the Crystal Lake area was discussed. and Mr. Farrell recommended that the council adopt this agreement. 72.372 Motion by Clay seconded by Friedges to follow the attorney's recommendation and adopt the Burnsvlls-Lakeville sewer agreeme~.t stzbjeet to the approval of the Metropolitan Sewer Board. Sullivan, E~ond, Friedges, Ciay and Jensen "ayet1, motion carried, 72.373 Motion by Jansen seconded by Eanond tc> purchase the Fischer property at $12,5fl(3, the commissioner's award. Emond, Friedges, Clay and Jensen "aye", Sullivan opposed, motion carried. Mr. Krueger discussed the possibility of having the water and sewer stubbee3 .into his model homes in the 6th Addition and applying the 8th Addition escrow against this work. 72.37# Motion. by Sullivan seconded by Clay to authorize the engineer to rooeed.~_._ service with a change order for sewer and water e o g lots in the th Ad tion: Lots 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11, Block 2, Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 3, Va11ey Park 6th Addition. Fredges, Clay, Jensen, Su17.ivan and bnond "aye",.motion carried. ~2) • ~ ~ t VILLAGE OF ]"~Q..KE~TIT? CaU.~iCTL ~TNG JUNE 12, 1972 Motion by Emond seconded by Clay to adjourn carried: unanimously. Respectfully subm3.tted, ` ~9 CLERK r,~ ~ MA~'0~