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.r E VILLAGE OF, LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEETING JUNE 18,.1972 The meeting was called to order at 8 P.M. by Mayor Jensen. Flag pledge .followed. Present; Friedges, Clay, Jensen, Sullivan and Emond. Also present; Robert Frigaard, Village Engineer and Pat Farrell, Village Attorney. 72.375 Motion by Emond seconded by Friedges to accept the. minutes of the June l2, 1972, meeting as read, Friedges, Clay, Jensen, Sullivan and Emond "aye", motion carried. 72.376 Motion by Emond seconded by Friedges to pay .the claims against the Liquor Store. (check # X397-~+~+~+4 and payroll #58~+-598) Clay, Jensen, Sullivan, Emond and Friedges "aye", motion carried. 72.377 Motion by Friedges seconded by Emond to pay the claims against. the Village. (#81+1-81~& 186-825+ and payroll # 518.-5~}7) Jensen, Sullivan, Emond, Friedges and Clay."aye", motion carried. The Planning Commission minutes for June 8, 1972, were presented. 72.378 Motion by Sullivan seQOnded by Clay to follow the Planning Commission recommendation and approve a building permit for Airlake Park and National P~llymers, Inc. Sullivan, Emond, Friedges, Clay and Jensen "aye", motion carried. 72.378 Motion by Friedges seconded by Emond to follow the Planning Commission recommendation and grant Mel Aleshre a side yard set back variance on Lot 8, Block 1, Overland Second Addn. to place a garage 6' feet from the property line. Emorid, Friedges, Clay, Jensen and Sullivan ":age", motion carried. 72.380 Motion by Clay seconded by Friedges to follow the Planning Commission recommendation and rezone from B~ to I-1B for the State of Minnesota land legally described as follows: "that part of the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter ~S of SE~) of Section 1, Township 11~+ North, Range 21 W lying easterly of Interstate Highway 35 except the south 5+7.83 feet thereof and the w¢st 500 feet of the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (SEg SB~) of said Section l except the South 5+7.83 feet thereof. Containing 11..89 Acres more or less." Friedges, Clay, Jensen, Sullivan and Emond "aye", motion carried. 72.381.. Motion by Sullivan seconded by Emond to follow the Planning Commission recommendation and grant the State of Minnesota a special use permit for open storage on land legally described in item 72.380. Clay, Jansen, Sullivan, Emond and Friedges "aye", motion .carried. 72.382 Motion by Friedges seconded by Clay to follow the Planning Eommisson recommendation and grant the State of Minnesota a special use permit for underground storage on land as described in item 72.380.. Approximate capacity of tanks involved is ~+,OOO gallons each. Jensen, Sullivan, Emond, Friedges and Clay "aye", motion carried. The Special Plar~.ing Commission minutes of June 12, 1972, were presented. The commission had denied the request for rezoning of Village property because they felt that this had been bought for park land and there had been a petition against this rezoning signed by 113 property owners. Mr. Frgaard reviewed the layout for the audience. Mr. McNearney felt that this building would be impossible to screen and Frank Farrell thought the doors should be on the opposite side, (Copy. of petition. attached.) It was decided to look at an alternate for the site of the building. 72.383 Motion by Clay seconded by Friedges to table this matter until the special meeting on the 26th. Sullivan,. Emond, Friedges, Clay and Jensen "aye", motion carried, The Water & Sewer report for June 7, 1972r was presented.. 72.38 Motion. by Clay seconded by Einond to authorize the engineer to prepare a prelimnazy report for water and sewer extensions to "Wildwood Ponds"sub3ect to the report being payed for by the property owner with the money being escrowed... (1) VILLAGE OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEETING .JUNE l9, 1972 Emond, Friedges, Clay, Jensen. and Sullivan "aye", motion carried. .72.385 ..Motion by Emond seconded by Sullivan to deny the request f©r a prel.3:minary 'report for Louis-Szabo on property loeateci on 175th anal Jave Ave. Friedges, Clay, Jensen, Sullivan and Emond "-aye", motion carried. 72.386 Motion by Emond seconded by Friedges to follow the Planning Commissi©n recommendation and rezone from R-1C to R-3C for Richard Todd. the following d®serbed propertys N.E, of the N.E. of the S.E. commencing on the North line 3Q feet E. of the N. E. corner of block 5, Herres Addition S. 25~+ feet E, 155 ft. ~ 165.. N. 26~+, f't. W. 165 ft. to beginning Sec. 291+20-Parcel rsumber 23006. .This rezoning is for one 8 plea dwelling apartment and sub,~ect to the approval of the.Fark and Recreation Commtee and to dedication of road easement. Clay, Jensen, Sullivan, Emond and Friedges "aye", motion carried. Mr. Frederick Douglas from Instant Homes requested that the council authorize the .engineer to prepare plans and specs for sewer extension to their proposed mobile home-park on Highway ~j0 and Cedar Ave. 72.387 Motion by Emond seconded by Clay to authorize the engineer to prepare the plans and specs for .the .sewer extension to the Instant Homes mobile home park. Jensen, Sullivan, Frnond, Friedges and Clay "aye", motion carried. 0 72,3$8 Motion by Errand seconded by Friedges to table the Dakota Heights 3rd Addition preliminary plan until after the continued hearing on the Valley Park Water Shed. Sullivan, Emond, Friedges, Clay and Jensen "aye", motion carried, 72.389 Motion by Jensen seconded by Sullivan to appoint the following people to the Htaman Rights Commissions Mrs. Faith McCaghy 2 years John Enggren l year Clint 2weber 3 years Mrs. Wm. Jackson 2 years Mrs.. Ulysses Comm 3 years Errand, Friedges, Clay, Jensen and.Sullivsm "aye",.motion carried. Mr. Frgaard advs~sd the council that he had tabulated the bids for: the Minnreg hard surfacing and that they were all correct anal that Regger Roadways had turned xi the low bid.:. 72.39Q Motion by Clay seconded by Friedges to accept the bids. Friedges, Clay, Jensen, Sullivan and Emond "aye", motion carried. 72.391 Motion by Friedges seconded by Clay to accept the low bid presented by Regger Roadways, Inc. for $38,791.00. .Clay, Jensen Sullivan, Emond and Friedges "aye", motion carried.. 72.392 Motion by Clay seconded by Sullivan to accept the plans and specs for seal coating, the Village streets artd approve the letting of bids for July l0, 1972,. at 2s00 P.M, Jensen, SuSlvax~, Emond,~ Friedges, and Clay "aye", motion carried. 72.393 Motion by Emond seconded by Friedges to authorize the engineer to start the assessment rolls for the trwak sanitary sewer for the phase I area. Sullivan, Emond, Friedges, Clay and Jensen."aye", motion carried.. Mr. Farrell adva.sed the council that the bur~vng ban goes into effect on the lst of July and. that the. eourieil could adopt the state requirements by reference. The Ct~uncil can also exempt certain portions of the Village from this ban. 72.392 .Motion by Clay .seconded by Sullivan to have the burning ordinance placed on next Mondays agenda. Emond, Friedges, Clay,: Jensen and Sullivan "aye", motion carried. Mr. Edwards and Mr. Zwiefel from Valley Park requested that the Council authorize some busing for the high school students so that they mag participate in the Rosemount recreational program. 72.393 Motion by Clay seconded by k'riedges to subsidize this program to wn amount ~2) VILLAGE CF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEETIlJG ~T7NE 19, 1972 not tc> exceed X25©, for the Valley Park aree., these monies to betaken From the Park, Recreation fu~ad. This. question w11 be referred tca the Park and Recreation Committee so that they can look at the overall recreation situation for all the school districts Tithe Village of Lakeville. Fried~es~ Clay, Jensen, Sulliva~a and Emond "aye", motion carried. 72.39 Motion by Emond seconded by Sullivan to aektzowled~e the receipt of the following claims John Sawiehi and Chris Austad. Clay, Jensen, Sullivan, Emond and Fredges "aye", motion carried. 72.395 Motion by Clay seconded by Friedges to approve a temporary beer license for the J C's for the lath, 1'Sth and 16th of July.at the fee of X10. Jensen, Sullivan,. Emond~ Friedges and Clay "aye", motion carried. 72.396 Motion by Emond seconded by Fredges to approve the fire schedule as presented. Copy attached. 5~.11ivan~ F.~n©nd, Fredges, Clay and Jensen "aye", motion'earried. 72.397 M©t~.on by Emond seconded by Jensen to p~r€3ue the land annexat~.on suit to the state supreme court. Emond, P'redges, Clay, Jensen and Sullivan "ale"~ motion carried. Motion by Emond-seconded by Clay to adjourn aarried unanimously. Respectfully submitted, CLERK j . s';- ~/,~J~±' v~ MAY~Re;,,F (3)