HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-26-72 ~ ? e J sPECI~, vlZ~c~E of ~~vlr~ e©vNCIL M~rING r JUTE 26, 1972 The meeting was called to order at $ P.M. by Mayor Jensen. Flag pledge followed. Present; Friedges, Clay, Jensen, Sullivan and :Emond. Also present; Robert Frigaard, Village ~.gineer and Pat Farrell, Village Attorney The hearing for rezoning of Village property for a maintenance building was reopened. Mr. Jensen advised that the placement of this building on this land had bean re-evaluated and plans would be drawn up based on plae~.ng the building in Ariake Industrial Park. 72.398 Motion by bnond seconded by Fredges to follow the FZannng Commission recommendation and deny the rezoning of ..the following described property: The North 900' of the East 1000' of the following described property: ~ of the Nw,~, of See. 28, T114N, R2t~W' less 2.35 acres in the Cemetery and less the East 7 acres thereof. Friedges, Clay, Jensen, Sullivan and k~nond "aye", motion carried. 72.399 Motion by Clay seconded by Sullivan that the advertisement fmr bids on the new municipal building. to be received on Friday, June 23, 1972, be received and all bids for the same be rejected; and That the engineer's amendments to the plans and specifications be accepted; and That the engineer be authorized to advertise for bids on July 21st, 1872 at 2:00 P.M. Clay, Jensen, Sullivan, Fond and F'riedges."aye", motion carried. 72.400 Motion by IInond seconded by Sullivan to authorize the attorney and eng3.neer to make the land purchase for`the Airlake property at the-agreed: price of X5000 plus assessments. Land description to be provided by the engineer. Jensen, Sullivan, ~nond, Friedges and Clay "aye",.motion carried. 72.401 Motion by Friedges seconded 'by P3nond to accept~.the bids. on Hughes Ave. Sullivan, Fk~iond~ Fried~es, Clay and Jensen "aye:", moton~,rrieel 72,402 Motion by Clay seconded by Sullivan tc~ award the bid to the low bidder, W. G. Pearson,. Inc. wh©se bid was $9,353.00. E~nond, Friedges, Clay,. Jensen and Sullivan "aye", motion. carried. 72..403 Motion by Sullivan seconded by Friedges to grant a set-up license to John's Tavern. Friedges, Clay, Jensen, Sullivan and ESnond "aye", motion carried. 72.404 Motion by Clay seconded by Eanond to grant a beer license to the Softball League for the 15th and 16th of Julys 1972, at a fee of $10. Clay, Jensen, Sullivan E~nond and Fredges "aye", motion carried. 72.405 Motion by Sullivan seconded by Clay to follow thCengineer's recommendation.. and adopt the rates as shown on the attached letter for sewer and. water charges with the correction of the last paragraph. Jensen, Sullivan, FEanond, Fr.edges and Clay "ayes', motion carried. .72.406 Motion by Sullivan seconded by Clay to grant sect-up license to .Antler's Park, Sullivan, E~nond, Fried.ges, Clay and Jensen."aye", motion carried. A discussion was held on the burning ordinance. It was decided to have the Village inspector check to see which areas could. be exempted ..from the burning ban before action is taken to adopt the ordinance. 72.407 Motion by Fried~es seconded by Clay to instruct the clerk to write to the county auditor and inform him that the council does not want the assessment split on Outlot H in Valley Park 3rd and that Mr. Donnay must pay this assessment in fu11. Ea~nond~ Friedges, Clay, Jensen and Sullivan "-aye", motion carried. 72.408 Motion by Clay seconded by Friedges to aireet a notice to the county commissioners requesting assistance 3.n getting the railroad crossing south of Highway ~j0 on Dodd Road repaired. This crossing could be the cause of accidents and is dangerous. Friedges, Clay, Jensen, Sullivan and E3nond "aye", motion carried. The hearing on the proposed sanitary sewer extensions in College Park was opened. A list of interested property owners is attached. M:r. Farrell advised the council that all the proper notices ha;d been sent at tl) .SPECIAL VILLAGE OF L~A~~LLLE COUNCIL MEETING 26, 1972.. the proper~~time. Mr. Frigaard reviewed the preliminary report for this project. Dave Martin asked if the driving surfaces would be finished before winter and ob,~ected to the cost of this pro~jeet. He dial not feel that he needed this sewer as his case .pool had not given him any trouble... Mrs. Gordon Haugen also ob,~eeted to the cost of this project and stated that she had never had aixy trouble with her septic system. She felt that with taxes going up and house payments being raised due to assessments, the homeowner would not be able to afford to tay in his home. Jim Max asked the reason for this hearing and was informed that there had been a petition for i.t. He stated that he dial not .feel that this sewer would solve the water back up problems and was definitely not in favor of this project. James Anderson and Mr. Blond asked for breakdowns of the cost and how this would be assessed. They also objected to the cost of the project and felt that the persons passing the petition had misrepresentedthe cost of the assessment. :Jim Robinette, Harry .Clarkson, Loren Schu~anr~ and Canis Pelarski all stated that they were in favor of this project as they were .having trouble with their septi.e systems. Mr. Pelarski said that he will have to install a drain field if no sanitary sewer is installed. He also has to pump his case pool every other week. 72.x+09 Motion by Sullivan seconded by Friedges to ad3ourn this hearing until July 14, 1972, at 9 P.M. and to send the building inspector and engineer out to Valley Park to assess-the need for a sanitary sewer extension in this area. They will report back on the 10th of July. Clay,. Jensen, Sullivan, Emond and FrieBges "aye", motion carried. Mr. Knei.Fel and Mr. Mako appeared before the council to discuss what had transpired last fall before the signing of an easement by Mr. Knei''el. There seemed to be some misunderstanding as to the amount of compensation due. Mr. Knei.fel for this easement. 72.10 Motion by Emoncl. seconded by Fredges to allow Mr. Kneifel $2©0 compensation for the easement over his property and to make no charge for.the riser installed on the trunk sewer for his benefit. Jensen, Sullivan, Emond, Fri.edges and Clay "aye", motion carried. Mr. Richard Todd requested that the council make a decision regarding has project, named Appaloosa H.11s. 72.x+11 Motion by Jensen seconded by Sullivan to approve the Appaloosa Hill project subs-eat to the following conditions 1. ded.ication,of roads brought up to Village specifications with Class 5 base. 2. dedication of drainage easements 3. waivers from all present property owners that they. do not want blacktop streets waivers from future owners be furnished with each lot prior to a building permit being issued j. that all streets~be completed by Nov. 30, 1972.. Sullivan, Emond, Fried.ges, Clay and Jensen."ayes', motion'carried. 72.~F12 Motion. by Clay seconded by Friedges that only ten (14} building permits be issued in this acreage up to Nova 3©, 1972, with a re-evaluation at that time. Emond, Fried.ges, Clay, Jensen and Sullivan s'at'e", motion carried. Dave Klovestad of Valley Park discussed the possib3.lity of having a mobile registration. unit to get people signed up to vote. Motion by Emond seconded by Friedges to adjourn carried unanimously. Respectfully submitted, r...~ f~~ ~ l`_ vv _ Clerk