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May 6, 1999
The May 6, 1999 Planning Commission meeting was called to order by Chair Drotning
at 6:00 p.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers.
Roll call of members was taken:
Present: Bellows, Drotning, Rieb, Comer, Wulff, Alternate Skipton, Ex-Officio Knutson..
Absent: Kot, Moates.
Staff Present: Michael Sobota, Community and Economic Development Director; Daryl
Morey, City Planner; Frank Dempsey, Associate Planner; Tim Hanson,
Assistant City Engineer; Andrea McDowell Poehler, Assistant City
Attorney; and Donna Quintus, Recording Secretary.
The minutes of the. April 15, 1999 Planning Commission Meeting were approved as
ITEM 5: PUBLIC HEARING: Lynette and Brad Ancel -Conditional Use Permit
Chair Drotning opened the public hearing for consideration of the application of Lynette
and Brad Ancel for a Conditional Use Permit to allow an addition onto anon-conforming
.single family home located on Lot 5, Block A, Rhoda Tomsons Addition (2.0660
Howland Avenue). Assistant City Attorney Poehler attested that the legal notice had
been duly mailed and published in accordance with state statutes.
Associate Planner Frank Dempsey presented an overview of the application of Lynette
and Brad Ancel for a Conditional Use Permit to allow the construction of a 6' x 9' rear
entryway on the east side of their home located at 20660 Howland Avenue. The single
family home is located on a corner lot and the home is considered non-conforming due
to the existing seven-foot setback from the side yard property line abutting the Upper
206th. Street public right-of-way.
Mr. Dempsey indicated that the current zoning of the subject property is R-5, Single
Family, Two Family, and Medium Density Residential District. The Zoning Ordinance
allows an expansion to anon-conforming single family home subject to the approval of
a conditional use permit and provided the addition meets the minimum setback
requirements of the zoning district.
Dempsey indicated that Community and Economic Development staff has reviewed the
Ancel proposal and have determined that the proposed addition meets all requirements
for the R-5 District.
Mr. Jerry Perry and Lynette and Brad Ancel were in attendance to answer questions
from the Commission regarding the conditional use permit application.
There were no comments from the audience.
Planning Commission Meeting Minutes
May 6, 1999
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~J9.41 MOTION by Wulff, Second by Skipton to close the public hearing at 6:05 p.m.
Roll call vote was called on the motion
Ayes: Bellows, Skipton, Drotning, Rieb, Comer, Wulff.
Nays: O.
99.42 MOTION by Wulff, Second by Rieb to recommend to City Council approval of the
application of Lynette and Brad Ancel for a Conditional Use Permit to allow the
construction of a rear entryway addition onto anon-conforming single family home
located on Lot 5, Block A, Rhoda Tomsons Addition (20660 Howland Avenue) and
approval of the Findings of Fact dated May 6, 1999.
Roll call vote was called on the motion
Ayes: Skipton, Drotning, Rieb, Comer, Wulff, Bellows.
Nays: 0.
ITEM 6: PUBLIC HEARING: Homestead Creek East 3rd Addition: Easement Vacation
Chair Drotning opened the public hearing for consideration of the application of eleven
property owners in the Homestead Creek East 3rd Addition subdivision for the vacation
of a portion of existing conservation and drainage and utility easements located within
the Homestead Creek East 3rd Addition. Assistant City Attorney Poehler attested that
the legal notice had been duly published and mailed in accordance with state statutes.
Assistant Cit En ineer Tim Hanson resented an overview of the a lications of the
Y g p pp
property owners of Lot 1, Block 1, Lots 7 through 12, Block 1, and Lots 14 through 17,
Block 1, Homestead Creek East 3rd Addition for the vacation of existing conservation
and drainage and utility easements located within the rear yards of these properties.
These lots are generally located west of Homestead Trail and north of 175t" Street.. Six
of the eleven property owners have encroached into the conservation easement with
fences, retaining walls, gardens and other landscaping which is prohibited in
conservation easements. The remaining property owners, while not encroaching into
the conservation easement, have joined in on the easement vacation request in order
to maintain continuity of the rear easement lines rather than having uneven easement
line boundaries along the entire easement line abutting Block 1 of the subdivision.
Assistant City Engineer Hanson identified the delineated wetland areas and provided
clarification of past City procedures when easements were established such as the
ones in Homestead Creek East 3rd Addition back in 1994. Current City policy is for the
developer to plat wetlands and conservation easements as outlots and deed them over
to the City.
Assistant City Engineer Hanson indicated that the Environmental Affairs Committee
(EAC) reviewed the conservation easement vacation request at their December 15,
1998 meeting and on a 5-2 vote directed city staff to work with the homeowners to
• make adjustments to the conservation easement while allowing continuity of the
boundary line, assuring compliance with the Wetland Conservation Act, and keeping
cost to homeowners at a minimum.
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May 6, 1999
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There were no comments from the audience.
99.43 MOTION by Bellows, Second by Skipton to close the public hearing at 6:12 p.m.
Roll call vote was called on the motion
Ayes: Drotning, Rieb, Comer, Wulff, Bellows, Skipton.
Nays: 0.
99.44 MOTION by Rieb, Second by Skipton to recommend to City Council approval of the
application of the property owners of Lot 1, Block 1, Lots 7 through 12, Block 1, and
Lots 14 through 17, Block 1, Homestead Creek East 3rd Addition for the vacation of a
portion of public conservation and drainage and utility easements.
Roll call vote was called on the motion
Ayes: Rieb, Comer, Wulff, Bellows, Skipton, Drotning.
Nays: O.
ITEM 7: PUBLIC HEARING: Charles and Marietta Smith: Conditional Use Permit
Chair Drotning opened the public hearing for consideration of the application of Charles
and Marietta Smith for a Conditional Use Permit to allow construction of a detached
accessory building greater than 656 square feet in area and 15 feet in height in the R-3,
High Density Single Family Residential District. Assistant City Attorney Poehler
attested that the legal notice had been duly published and mailed in accordance with
state statutes.
Associate Planner Frank Dempsey presented an overview of the application of Charles
and Marietta Smith for a Conditional Use Permit to allow the construction of a 28' x 32'
(896 sq. ft.) detached accessory building with a height of 18 feet on their property
located at 8655 Upper 206th Street. The Zoning Ordinance allows a maximum of 656
square feet of accessory building and 15 feet of accessory building height in the R-3
District unless a conditional use permit is granted to exceed those dimensions. The
Smiths have indicated that the purpose for the additional area is to allow the inside
storage of personal vehicles, recreational, and lawn and garden equipment. An existing
single-stall 432 square foot detached garage will be removed prior to construction of the
new proposed detached garage.
Commissioner Wulff indicated that she had some questions for the applicant and since
the Smiths were not present to respond to her concerns she requested tabling action
and continuing the public hearing.
99.45 MOTION by Wulff, Second. by Skipton to table action on the application of Charles and
Marietta Smith and continue the public hearing to allow the applicant to be present to
respond to questions from the Commission.
Roll call vote was called on the motion
• Ayes: Comer, Wulff, Bellows, Skipton, Drotning, Rieb.
Nays: 0.
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May 6, 1999
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ITEM 8: PUBLIC HEARING: St. Francis Woods:
Rezoning, Preliminary Plat, Easement Vacation
Chair Drotning opened the public hearing for the applications of Dale and Fran Pexa for
consideration of: 1) the rezoning of property from R-2, Single Family Residential
District and B-4, General Business District to PUD, Planned Unit Development District;
2) the preliminary plat of 22 single family lots, 123 townhouse units, and two
commercial lots; and 3) the vacation of public utility and trail easements and street right-
of-way. Assistant City Attorney Poehler attested that the legal notices had been duly
.mailed and published in accordance with state statutes.
City Planner Daryl Morey presented an overview of the applications of Dale and Fran
Pexa for the preliminary plat of St. Francis Woods. The proposed subdivision consists
of 22 single family lots, 123 townhouse units, five common open space lots, and two
commercial lots on 80 acres of land located south of 205t" Street and east of Kenrick
Avenue.. The preliminary plat request includes an application to rezone a portion of the
subject property from R-2, Single Family Residential District and B-4, General Business
District to PUD, Planned Unit Development District, as well as an application to vacate
public utility and trail easements and street right-of-way.
City Planner Morey noted that the property is currently zoned R-2 and B-4. Morey
indicated that the rezoning request consists of rezoning the townhouse portion (31.65
. acres) of the preliminary plat to PUD to accommodate the proposed townhouse
.development to allow for: 1) each townhouse unit to be located on its own separate lot;
2) common open areas to be owned and maintained by a homeowners association; and
3) building setback flexibility.
City Planner Morey indicated that the developer's request for vacation of existing
easements and street right-of-way is consistent with City policy. The vacated
easements and street right-of-way will be re-established on the St. Francis Woods final
City Planner Morey noted that the St. Francis Woods preliminary plat includes the
1) 22 single family lots on one block (12.88 acres) which is currently zoned R-2, Single
Family Residential District;
2) 123 townhouse. units consisting of 27 three-unit buildings and 21 two-unit buildings
(31.65 acres) which is proposed to be rezoned from R-2 and B-4 to PUD;
3) six outlots; and
4) two commercial lots.
Planner Morey indicated that St. Francis Woods is proposed to be developed in three
phases with the 22 single family lots and 32 townhouse units proposed to be completed
• in the first phase. The remaining townhouse units and two commercial lots will be
developed in future phases.
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May 6, 1999
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Planner Morey presented details of the St. Francis Woods development proposal as
outlined in the April 30,-1999 Planning Report, including the following:
? townhouse building setbacks;
? outlots;
? public and private street layout/design;
? landscaping;
? consistency with the Comprehensive Land Use Plan; and
? drainage & utility plan as outlined in the April 30, 1999 Engineering Report.
Commissioner Skipton requested the preliminary plat be revised to include the
surveyor's signature and license number, address encroachments, and include a
boundary determination for the townhouses.
Commissioner Wulff indicated her desire for additional landscaping/screening to be
provided along the south end of the project, abutting Technical Methods, Inc. in the
Fairfield Business Campus, and foundation plantings/landscaping around- each of the
townhouse buildings. Commissioner Wulff further indicated her opinion that a fence
should be installed between the private road along the northerly boundary of the project
(townhouse portion) and 205t" Street for separation between the public right-of-way and
a the townhouse units. Commissioner Wulff also expressed concern regarding the
location of the northerly private street abutting the 205t" Street right-of-way indicating
her belief that the private street could be used as a short cut/frontage road to the
proposed commercial lot to the west of the townhomes.
Ex-officio Commissioner Knutson indicated his concern for traffic on the proposed
private road and 205t" Street and the impact of vehicle headlights to oncoming traffic on
205t" Street. Commissioner Knutson expressed his preference that some kind of
physical barrier (landscaping or fencing) be provided between these two streets to
reduce the impact of headlights to opposing traffic.
Assistant City Engineer Tim Hanson responded regarding staff's review of the proposed
private throu~h-street versus a cul-de-sac design and the existing and proposed future
grade of 205 Street related to the proposed townhouse grades..
Mr. Joel Cooper, James R. Hills Associates, responded to questions and provided
clarification regarding the St. Francis Woods preliminary plat. Mr. Cooper indicated the
developer will agree to amend the landscaping plan to include foundation plantings and
additional landscaping along the southerly boundary of the project.. Mr. Cooper
indicated his preference to provide additional landscaping rather than fencing as a
barrier between 205t" Street and the proposed private street noting his agreement with
Commissioners Drotning and Rieb that fencing can sometimes become a detriment to
property when not properly maintained.
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May 6, 1999
Page 6
The Commission acknowledged receipt and accepted for the record a memorandum
from City Planner Daryl Morey relaying the voice mail comments from Ms. Cathleen
Randall, 10887 203~d Street, which indicated her opposition to the proposed preliminary
plat for St. Francis Woods. Ms. Randall stated it was her understanding that this site
was to be a park and that it was her opinion that the site will end up looking like the
cluster housing and little boxes that go out through all Lakeville.
Chair Drotning invited comments from the floor.
Mr. Wally Potter, 10691 205th Street West, expressed concerns regarding proposed
drainage patterns noting this area is a major drainageway for the area. Assistant City
Engineer Tim Hanson responded that the proposed drainage pattern identified in the
preliminary grading plan matches the existing drainage patter of the area and noted that
St. Francis Woods will also construct a stormwater management ponding area in the
northwest corner of the subdivision which is consistent with the City's stormwater
Management Plan for the treatment of runoff from areas west of the proposed
Mr. Potter also expressed concern that the higher density townhome development, in
combination with future commercial uses and the extension of Kensington Boulevard
will generate more traffic resulting in major safety issues at the intersection of
Kensington Boulevard/Kansas Avenue and 205th Street. Mr. Potter requested details
. regarding the pedestrian trailway and what is proposed for this area noting he has
observed high traffic on the existing trailways by children and bikers. Assistant City
Engineer Hanson responded with details regarding existing and proposed trailways.
Doug and Joyce Mohr, 20608 Jupiter Path, expressed concern that the St. Francis
Woods development proposes too many townhouse units that will add to congestion at
major intersections in the area. Mr. Mohr indicated his support for the proposed single
family development and expressed his preference that more single family lots be added
while reducing the number of proposed townhomes. Mr. Mohr asked if the proposed.
development will reduce the number of trees existing on the subject property.
Community and Economic Development Director Sobota provided information
regarding the City's Tree Preservation policy and the design of the subdivision to save
the highest percentage of trees.
Chair Drotning responded that the 1998 Strategic Growth Management Task Force
studied current demographics and determined there is a need in Lakeville to provide a
wide variety of lifecycle housing, including mid to high density development for empty
nesters. The study indicated that current City residents will likely choose to move from
single family homes to smaller and more convenient. units. Typically, studies have
shown that townhouses are being occupied by empty nesters and young professionals
with no children which translates into less impact on local traffic and school district
student enrollment. Staff also responded that the property has been "guided" for
medium density for many years.
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May 6, 1999
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Clay Van De Bogart, 16165 Huron Path, introduced himself as the Chair of the
Environmental Affairs Commission and stated his personal concern for the units
proposed to be slab on grade. Mr. Van De Bogart indicated that with last year's spring
and summer storm events and tornado weather already experienced in Oklahoma and
Kansas this year, it was his concern that townhouse residents will not have a place to
go for safety in the event of violent weather. Mr. Van De Bogart stated his
understanding of the drainage issues of the site, but recommended that everything
possible be done to provide basements with each of the townhouse units. Assistant
City Engineer Hanson responded by defining the City's requirements for draintile and
other requirements to alleviate drainage issues and provide opportunities for
construction of basements where possible. Community and Economic Development
Director Sobota indicated there were other developments within the City where slab on
grade construction has occurred to address groundwater issues.
There were no further comments from the audience.
99.46 MOTION by Bellows, Second by Comer to close the public hearing at 7:55 p.m.
Roll call vote was called on the motion
Ayes: Wulff, Bellows, Skipton, Drotning, Rieb, Comer.
Nays: O.
• City Administrator Robert Erickson complimented the developer and City staff in
resolving several issues regarding this project and suggested methods to address
issues identified by the Commission and the public at this public hearing.
After further discussion, the Commission agreed to the following additional stipulations
regarding the St. Francis Woods preliminary plat:
20. Staff shall perform a detailed analysis of the Kensington Boulevard/Kansas
Avenue/205th Street intersection roadway design and make recommendations for
staging of improvements prior to City Council consideration of the Phase 1 final
21. The landscape plan shall be revised to include additional berming and
landscaping on the west side of the plat abutting the commercial lots and on the
south side of the plat adjacent to the Technical Methods site in Fairfield Business
22. Commercial Lot 52, Block 2 shall be rezoned to a low intensity commercial use as
a condition of the Phase 1 final plat application..
23. A boundary survey shall be prepared to identify any encroachments on the St.
Francis Woods preliminary plat site. All encroachments shall be removed prior to
City Council consideration of the Phase 1 final plat.
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May 6, 1999
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• 24. The preliminary plat shall be signed by a registered land surveyor prior to City
Council consideration of the preliminary plat.
25. Prior to City Council consideration of the Phase 1 final plat, City staff shall study
the design options for the proposed private street located adjacent to 205t" Street
to determine if a cul-de-sac design would discourage through traffic from
Kensington Boulevard to commercial Lot 52, Block 2.
26. The developer shall provide a detailed screening plan with perspective drawings
from street elevation and townhome elevation for the area located between 205t"
Street and the adjacent private street as a part of the Phase 1 final plat submittal.
99.47 MOTION by Rieb, Second by Skipton to recommend to City Council approval of the
applications of Dale and Fran Pexa for: 1) rezoning from R-2, Single Family residential
District and B-4, General Business District to PUD Planned Unit Development District;
2) the St. Francis Woods preliminary plat; and 3) the vacation of permanent public utility
and trail easements and street right-of-way all on property generally located south of
205t" Street and east of Kenrick Avenue subject to the 19 stipulations recommended by
staff and listed in the April 30, 1999 Planning Report with the addition of stipulations No.
20 through 26 as listed above and the Findings of Facts, dated May 6, 1999, for the
approval of the PUD rezoning request.
Roll call vote-was called on the motion
Ayes: Bellows, Skipton, Drotning, Rieb, Comer, Wulff.
Nays: 0.
Chair Drotning called for a brief recess and reconvened the May 6, 1999 Planning
Commission meeting at 8:50 p.m.
Associate Planner Dempsey indicated that Mr. Charles Smith, applicant for the
conditional use permit for his property at 8655 Upper 206t" Street, was now present to
answer questions from the Commission regarding his application. Dempsey requested
the Commission reconvene the public hearing listed as May 6, 1999 Agenda Item 7.
99.48 MOTION by Rieb, Second by Skipton to reconvene the public hearing for consideration
of the application of Charles and Marietta Smith.
Roll call vote was called on the motion
Ayes: Skipton, Drotning, Rieb, Comer, Wulff, Bellows.
Nays: 0.
Mr. Charles Smith, applicant, was present to respond to questions from the
Commission regarding his application for a Conditional Use Permit to allow the
construction of an oversized, detached accessory building on his property at 8655 Upper
206t" Street.
Commissioner Wulff expressed her opinion that the proposed 896 square foot
accessory building and 18-foot height was excessive and did not appear to be
Planning Commission Meeting Minutes
May 6, 1999
Page 9
compatible with surrounding residential uses noting this. building was much larger than
any of the other detached accessory buildings in the area. Commissioner Wulff stated.
that she felt the increased height and building size would have a negative impact on the
abutting property owners.
Mr. Smith stated that he had informed his immediate neighbors of his plans to construct
the oversized detached structure and they did not indicate any problem with his
.proposal. Mr. Smith stated his opinion that the proposed 18-foot accessory building
height will be more architecturally compatible with the existing home (constructed in
1915) and other structures in their neighborhood. The proposed exterior treatment of
the accessory structure will match the existing house.
There were no further comments from the audience.
99.49 MOTION by Skipton, Second. by Bellows to close the public hearing at 9:00 p.m.
Roll call vote was called on the motion
Ayes: Drotning, Rieb, Comer, Wulff, Bellows, Skipton.
Nays: O,
99.50 MOTION by Rieb, Second by Skipton to recommend to City Council approval of the
application of Charles and Marietta Smith for a Conditional Use Permit to allow an
• accessory building area in excess of 656 square feet and a height in excess of 15 feet
in the R-3, High. Density Single Family Residential District on property located at 8655
Upper 206th Street West subject to the six stipulations as listed in the April 30, 1999
Planning Report and approval of the Findings of Facts dated May 6, 1999.
Roll. call vote was called on the motion
Ayes: Rieb, Comer, Bellows, Skipton, Drotning.
Nays: Wulff. Commissioner Wulff stated her negative vote was due to the proposed
size of the structure. Commissioner Wulff stated her opinion that the
proposed structure should be treated the same as a main structure
(house) in terms of setbacks because of its size and that she believes the
proposed detached accessory structure will impede the passage of light
and air to neighboring properties and .evidence is not provided for the re-
use of the building as a single family related structure.
Motion passes.
ITEM 9: PUBLIC HEARING: U.S. West Wireless /ISD No. 194:.
Planned Unit Development /Conditional Use Permit
Chair Drotning opened the public hearing for the application of U.S. West Wireless,
L.L.C. and ISD No. 194 for a Planned Unit Development/Conditional Use Permit.
Assistant City Attorney Poehler attested that the legal notices had been duly mailed and
published in accordance with state statutes.
• Associate Planner Frank Dem se resented an overview of the a lication of U.S.
p Y p pp
West Wireless, L.L.C. in conjunction with Independent School District (ISD) No. 194 for
Planning Commission Meeting Minutes
May 6, 1999
Page 10
a planned unit development/conditional use permit (PUD/CUP) to allow the construction
of a 90-foot tall cellular telephone mono-pole and equipment support structure on
property located at 21240 Holyoke Avenue. The ISD 194 site includes the John F.
Kennedy Elementary School, McGuire Junior High School and the ISD 194
administrative offices. The property is zoned R-6, Medium Density Residential District
and I-1, Limited Industrial District and the zoning ordinance requires aPUD/CUP when
more than one principal structure is proposed on the property and when an antenna
tower is higher than 15 feet.
Planner Dempsey presented an overhead indicating the "search area" provided by U.S.
West, L.L.C. which included two other possible locations for the mono-pole structure.
However, Community and Economic Development staff and ISD 194 support the
proposed location as being the most suitable area within the cellular grid identified by
US West Wireless, L.L.C.
Associate Planner Dempsey noted that the U.S. West proposal includes the
construction of two five-foot tall mechanical support structures adjacent to the mono-
pole. The tower and equipment would be located within an enclosed area surrounded
by a six-foot tall chain link fence. The proposed antenna will be 90 feet in height and is
proposed to be located 100 feet west of the property line and 50 feet east of the John
F. Kennedy Elementary School building.
• Associate Planner Dempsey indicated that Bernard D. Reisberg, Goodin Company, in
their letter dated April 28, 1999 requested additional information regarding the.
construction of the proposed cellular telephone tower to determine if there would be any
adverse impact on the value of their vacant property located immediately east of the
ISD 194 property and zoned I-1, Limited Industrial District. Community and Economic
Development staff provided information to Goodin Company and there has been no
response or request for further information from them.
There were no further comments from the public.
99.51 MOTION by Rieb, Second by Wulff to close the public hearing at 9:25 p.m.
Roll call vote was called on the motion
Ayes: Comer, Wulff, Bellows, Skipton, Drotning, Rieb.
Nays: O.
Steven Mangold, Real Estate Manager for U.S. West , L.L.C., was present and
indicated that U.S. West is in agreement to the conditions recommended by staff. Mr.
Mangold responded to questions from the Commission. regarding the application..
Commissioner Comer requested information regarding the "search area" and the
criteria used to identify the area. Mr. Mangold stated that the "search area" was
determined by a Radio Frequency Engineer who was not present to respond to
Commissioner Comer's questions. Commissioner Comer questioned whether the data
Planning Commission Meeting Minutes
May 6, 1999
Page 11
for determining the "search area" had been submitted to the City for review by staff.
Community and Economic Development Director Sobota responded.
Commissioner Comer recommended that a stipulation be added for approval of the
mono-pole that would require removal of the pole structure within a specific amount of
time when the pole is no longer needed or used for telephone transmission. The
Commission agreed to a modification to Stipulation No. 8 to read as follows:
8. The lease agreement between US West Wireless, L.L.C. and Independent School
District No. 194 shall reflect the stipulations outlined in the Conditional Use Permit.
At expiration of the lease agreement the tower shall be removed from the site.
Commissioner Wulff expressed concern for the proximity of the proposed mono-pole
-and equipment support structure to the elementary school playground area. Staff
responded that the proposed location also contained mechanical equipment for the
school, as well as the dumpster and trash enclosure.
99.52 MOTION by Bellows, Second by Skipton to recommend to City Council approval of the
planned unit development/conditional use permit to allow the installation of a 90-foot tall
cellular telephone tower on ISD 194 property located at 21240 Holyoke Avenue subject
to the eight stipulations recommended by staff and listed in the April 30, 1999 Planning
Report with a modification to Stipulation No. 8 as discussed and approval of the
Findings of Fact dated May 6, 1999.
Roll call vote was called on the motion
Ayes: Bellows, Skipton, Drotning, Rieb.
Nays: Wulff, Comer.
Commissioner Wulff stated that she did not oppose the installation of a mono-
pole as requested by U. S. West and ISD 194;. however, her negative vote was
due to her belief that the specific location was not appropriate because of its
proximity to the elementary school building and playground area.
Commissioner Comer indicated his negative vote was because he was unable
to acquire information from the applicant regarding criteria and. process for
determination and identification of the search area for the location of the mono-
Motion passes.
ITEM 10: PUBLIC HEARING: Zweber Farm -Easement Vacation
Zweber Farm Seventh Addition -Preliminary/Final Plat
Chair Drotning opened the public hearing for the applications of D.R. Horton, Inc. -
Minnesota for the following: 1) the vacation of permanent easements; and 2) the
Zweber Farm Seventh Addition preliminary plat. Assistant City Attorney Poehler
attested that the legal notices had been duly mailed and published in accordance with
• state statutes.
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May 6, 1999
Page 12
City Planner Daryl Morey presented an overview of the application submitted by D.R.
Horton, Inc. -Minnesota for the vacation of boundary drainage and utility easements, a
public sanitary sewer easement, and a public street right-of-way in the Zweber Farm
development. The proposed vacations are being requested in conjunction with the
Zweber Farm Sixth and Seventh final plats. The existing sanitary sewer easement,
originally established in 1994 to allow the construction of a sanitary sewer line to serve
the City's water treatment facility,. will not be needed because the sewer line will be
located within easements and street rights-of-way in the Zweber Farm Sixth and
Seventh final plats.
City Planner Morey further indicated that the boundary drainage and utility easement
and public street right-of-way vacation request pertains to the replat of two lots currently
located within the Zweber Farm Second plat that will become a part of the Zweber Farm
Sixth final plat. The vacated boundary drainage and utility easements and public street
right-of-way will be re-established with the Zweber Farm Sixth final plat.
City Planner Daryl Morey presented a comprehensive overview of the applications of
D.R. Horton, Inc. -Minnesota for the Zweber Farm Seventh preliminary plat and Phase
One final plat. The Zweber Farm Seventh preliminary plat consists of 43 single family
lots on 21..88 acres of land located south of 175t" Street and west of Highview Avenue.
The developer is proposing to develop the Zweber Farm Seventh preliminary plat in two
phases. The first development phase consists of six single family lots located in the
southwest corner of the preliminary plat. The second development phase will consist of
the remaining 37 single fam+ly lots on property that will be designated as Outlot A on the
Zweber Farm Seventh final plat.
Dick Krier and Steve Harvey, RLK Associates, Ltd. representing the developer, were
present and responded to questions from the Commission and staff. Mr. Krier indicated
that the developer is in agreement with the stipulations recommended by staff as listed
in the April 30, 1999 Planning Report.
There were no comments from the audience.
Commissioner Wulff requested additional information and clarification regarding the
following: 1) type of barricade proposed at the terminus of the trailway proposed to be
located along the southeastern portion of the plat that extends south from 178t" Street
to the future Dodd Boulevard alignment; 2) traffic projections for Dodd Boulevard; 3)
dimensions of proposed Lot 1, Block 4, of the Zweber Farm Seventh final plat; and
proposed berming along Dodd Boulevard. City Planner Morey and Assistant City
Engineer Hanson responded.
Assistant City Engineer Hanson noted that the proposed grading plan adjacent to the
future Dodd. Boulevard alignment does not consider the future grades of Dodd
Boulevard. Staff is requiring the developer to grade the future Dodd Boulevard
alignment with the platting of the lots that will abut the future Dodd Boulevard
alignment. This will allow a privacy berm to be established along those lots that will
abut the future Dodd Boulevard alignment.
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May 6, 1999
Page 13
Commissioner Skipton requested that the Zweber Farm Seventh preliminary plat meet
the minimum requirements of the subdivision ordinance by including the name and
signature of the surveyor and that any encroachments on the site be identified and
removed prior to City Council consideration of the final plat.
There were no comments from the audience.
99.53 MOTION by Wulff, Second by Bellows to close the public hearing at 9:55 p.m.
Roll call vote was. called on the motion
Ayes: Bellows, Skipton, Drotning, Rieb, Comer, Wulff.
Nays: O.
Following further discussion, the Commission agreed to add the following stipulations
for approval of the applications for the Zweber Farms Seventh preliminary and final plat:
11. The Zweber Farm Seventh preliminary plat shall be shall be signed by a
Registered Land Surveyor prior to City Council consideration. A comprehensive
boundary survey shall be conducted to identify any encroachments for removal
prior to City Council consideration of the preliminary and final plat.
12. Earth berms shall be constructed at the rear of the lots along the future Dodd
Boulevard alignment and perspective drawings showing the view from Dodd
Boulevard and from the lots along Dodd Boulevard shall be submitted for review
prior to City Council consideration of the Phase Two final plat.
99.54 MOTION by Rieb, Second by Skipton to recommend to City Council approval of the
boundary and utility easement, sanitary sewer easement, and street right-of-way
vacation request subject to the recording of the Zweber Farm Sixth and Seventh final
plats and approval of the Zweber Farm Seventh preliminary plat and Phase 1 final plat
subject. to ten stipulations as listed in the April 30, 1999 Planning Report with the
addition of Stipulations No. 11 and 12 as listed above.
Roll call vote was called on the motion
Ayes: Skipton, Drotning, Rieb, Comer, Wulff, Bellows.
Nays: 0.
Associate Planner Frank Dempsey indicated that Community and Economic
Development staff have met with the owners of the Farmers Union Cooperative Oil
Association regarding the Farmer's Co-op station property located near the southwest
intersection of 202nd Street and Dodd Boulevard. The Farmer's Co-op representatives
have been working on a proposal to remodel and expand the retail and fuel facility
operations at this site. In reviewing the proposed expansion plans, Staff had identified
several non-conforming issues with the property that need to be addressed if the
owners intend to expand their present facility.
Planning Commission Meeting Minutes
.May 6, 1999
Page 14
• Farmer's Co-op representatives requested a meeting with the Planning Commission for
an informal review of possible plans for the expansion of the Cenex facility operation.
Mr. Kevin Sexton, representing the Farmer's Union Cooperative, provided a historical
overview of the Cenex site which was built approximately 42 years ago. Mr. Sexton
indicated that the site. currently consists of eight gas pumps, a kerosene pump, a retail
store, two 1,000 gallon propane tanks, and several bulk oil tanks that they would like to
keep as part of their business. The co-op would like to pursue improvements to the
property such as a re-orientation of the retail store to face County Road 50 and the
relocation of the eight pumps to four on each side of the store.
The Commission discussed the current multiple uses of the site and the potential for
conflict for each of these uses. Chair Drotning asked if the Farmer's Union Cooperative
has determined what the principal use of the property will be, such as fuel facility,
convenience store, or bulk plant? The B-4 zoning of the subject property will restrict
some of the uses, such as the outside storage of the propane and bulk oil tanks, as well
landscaping and green space requirements, site lighting, and structure setbacks.
The Commission further agreed that any on-site fuel storage and structure non-
conformities will be required to be brought into compliance with state and city building
and fire codes. The Commissioners noted that the community, City Council and
Planning Commission have identified specific policies and ordinances with the intent to
make motor fuel uses compatible with surrounding neighborhoods. Also, the
Commissioners agreed that it is important that all projects be reviewed from the
perspective of consistency so as to minimize the need for variances. It was
recommended that the Farmers Union Cooperative prepare an detailed plan and site
design for the Cenex site that address as many issues as possible that meet current
codes for building, fire, and ordinance requirements. These plans can then be
submitted to the City for review and determination of the best design and use for this
Thee being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:45 p.m.
Respectfully submitted
Donna Quintus, Recor ing Secretary
Karl Drotning, Chair
Item No._~_
DATE: MAY 5, 1999
Cathleen Randall, 10887 - 203rd Street, left the following message on the City's
public hearing information line for the St. Francis Woods preliminary plat:
"I don't like this plan. We bought our house with the understanding this
area was going to be a park. I think it would be a much better use of the
• area and I'm really terribly afraid its going to end up looking like the cluster
housing and little boxes that go out through all Lakeville. t really oppose
this plan and I want to be on record on that."
/d m