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June 3, 1999
The June 3, 1999 Planning. Commission meeting was called to order by Chair Drotning at
6:00 p.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers.
Roll call of members was taken:
Present: Kot, Moates, Drotning, Comer, Wulff, Ex-Officio Knutson.
Absent: Bellows, Rieb.
Staff Present:. Robert Erickson, City Administrator; Michael Sobota, Community and
Economic Development Director; Daryl Morey, City Planner; Frank
Dempsey, Associate Planner; Ron Mullenbach, Associate Planner; Tim
Hanson, Assistant City Engineer; Rita Erpelding, Economic Development
Specialist; Joel Jamnik, Assistant City Attorney; and .Donna Quintus,
Recording Secretary.
Chair Drotning requested the May 20, 1999 Planning Commission Meeting minutes
reflect that written comments regarding the Cherry Highlands final plat were received
from Commissioner Wulff who was absent from that meeting. Staff noted that Ms.
Wulff's concerns were addressed in the stipulations for approval of the Cherry Highlands.
final plat. The minutes of the May 20, 1999 Planning Commission Meeting were
S approved as modified.
Community and Economic Development Director Michael Sobota requested the addition
Commission agreed to amend the June 3, 1999 agenda as requested.
ITEM 5: PUBLIC HEARING: Conditional Use Permit
Shirley Hagen, 17401 Kodiak Avenue
Chair Drotning opened the public hearing for consideration of the application of Shirley
Hagen for a Conditional Use Permit to allow an addition to anon-conforming single family
home located at 17401 Kodiak Avenue. Assistant City Attorney Jamnik attested that the
legal notice had been duly published and mailed in accordance with state statutes.
Associate Planner Ron Mullenbach presented an overview of the application of Ms.
Shirley Hagen, 17401 Kodiak Avenue, for a conditional use permit to allow the
construction of a 17' x 16' addition onto the rear (Orchard Lake side) of the existing
house located in an R-1, Low Density Single Family Residential District and Shoreland
Overlay District. Upon review of the survey identifying existing site conditions, staff
identified the following four (4) non-conformities of the subject property: 1) The existing
house is set back 9.48 feet from the northerly side yard property line rather than the 10-
foot ordinance requirement; 2) an existing 8' x 14' accessory building does not meet the
75-foot setback from the ordinary high water level (OHWL) of Orchard Lake or the 5-foot
setback from the northerly side property line; 3) the existing driveway does not meet the
..Planning Commission Meeting Minutes
June 3, 1999
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5-foot setback from the northerly property line; and 4) an existing 13' x 20' detached deck
is located within the shore impact zone (50% of the 75' structure setback).
Associate Planner :Mullenbach indicated that Ms. Hagen's proposal includes the removal
of the existing non-conforming detached deck to be replaced with a 32 square foot
landing area and retaining wall in conformance with the Shoreland Ordinance. The
proposal also includes the relocation of the existing accessory building to meet the
setbacks from the OHWL of Orchard Lake, side yard property line, and setback from the
existing house. Five feet of bituminous driveway has already been removed to meet the
side yard five-foot property line setback. Mr. Mullenbach indicated that the proposed
addition will meet all setback requirements for the zoning district and, therefore, will not
increase the non-conformity.
Mr. Mullenbach indicated that Mr. Pat Lynch, of the Department of Natural Resources
has reviewed the proposal and supports the request provided the accessory building is
brought into conformance for the Shoreland District and the proposed landing area is
constructed no more than 36" above grade.
Ms. Hagen was present and indicated her agreement to the seven stipulations as
recommended by staff as outlined in the May 27, 1999 Planning Report. Ms. Hagen's
building contractor was also present to respond to questions regarding this proposal.
Commissioner Wulff requested clarification regarding the materials and design of the
landing proposed to replace the existing deck. Ms. Hagen indicated that the landing area
will be poured concrete...
There were no comments from the audience.
99.60 MOTION by Kot, Second by Wulff to close the public hearing at 6:10 p.m.
Roll call vote was called on the motion
Ayes: Kot, Moates, Drotning, Comer, Wulff.
Nays: 0.
99.61 .MOTION by Wulff, Second by Kot to recommend to City Council approval of the
application of Ms. Shirley Hagen for a conditional use permit to allow the construction of
an addition to anon-conforming single family home in the R-1, Low Density Single Family
Residential District and Shoreland Overlay District located at 17401 Kodiak Avenue, Lot
8, Block 1, Ken Con Estates First Addition, subject to the seven (7) stipulations as
outlined in the May 27, 1999 Planning Report and approval of the Findings of Fact and
Recommendation dated June 3, 1999.
Roll call vote was called on the. motion.
Ayes: Moates, brotning, Comer, Wulff, Kot.
Nays: 0.
Planning Commission Meeting Minutes
June 3, 1999
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Community and Economic Development Director Michael Sobota noted that as part of
the Economic Development Commission's (EDC) Strategic Plan and at the direction of
the EDC, the City of Lakeville authorized Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc. to conduct a
study of the major transportation corridors and gateway points into and throughout the
City. This study was initiated to develop a vision for major transportation corridors and
gateways into the City to promote the community's identity, maintain a positive aesthetic
image, and distinguish. Lakeville from other communities in aIF seasons. The resulting
design guidelines will serve as a reference for future development along the 13 corridors.
and 20 gateways identified by the study.
Sobota indicated that the study involved the establishment of a vision and theme for the
City as it relates to the enhancement of the designated corridors and gateways. This
function involved public participation with the citizens of Lakeville, EDC, and city staff in
an ideation workshop which guided the development of design criteria for the corridors
and gateways. Sobota indicated that after establishing the design guidelines and
developing a funding and implementation strategy, a document was prepared compiling
the findings for distribution to the Planning Commission and other advisory committees to
review the design guidelines and recommend that the City Council receive and approve
the document.
• Mr. Sobota introduced Mr. Joel McElhany, Barton-Aschman Associates, who presented
an overview of the proposed design guidelines for the Corridor and Gateway Design
Study. Mr. McElhany noted that the City of Lakeville Corridor & Gateway Design. Study is
comprised of three major parts: 1) an outline of Design Influences; 2) the Corridor and
Gateway Design Concepts; and 3) Funding and Implementation Strategies. Mr.
McElhany discussed the details of the document including the project area inventory,
project area analysis, design process, and design influences.
Specific design criteria were presented for each of the roadway classifications as defined
in the 1994 City of Lakeville Transportation Plan, including prototypical intersection
gateway treatments and interchange gateways. Mr. McElhany included in his
presentation the details and elements of the style and construction materials for walls
and fences, landscape hedges, proposed planting materials, cloister motif scheme,
historic plaque design, boulder retaining walls, and water features.
Commissioner Wulff expressed her hope that architectural designs for monuments and
signs as guided in the Corridor & Gateway Design Study should. be considered. by
commercial and industrial developers for incorporation into their site design and
proposed identification signage in the future development or redevelopment of their
properties. Sobota stated that the intent is for the proposed Zoning Ordinance revisions
to include corridor and gateway requirements based on the study for all private
developments along corridors and at gateways.
• Commissioner Wulff indicated she would like to see Plate 1 include a design standard for
fences. Ms. Wulff stated that including fence criteria on Plate 1 would not necessarily
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June 3, 1999
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i require fencing; however, it would provide a consistent design for a fence should fencing
be considered as part of a design along specific urban roadways.
Chair Drotning stated his major concern is for maintenance of all the proposed design
standards. The Commission concurred that long term maintenance be a consideration
for landscaping tree and plant materials, berms, and. building materials for the proposed
decorative elements including fencing, walls,, retaining walls, signs and architectural
Sobota indicated that when specific projects are proposed, soil conditions are a critical
issue in determining the hardiness of specific plant materials. Sobota suggested that
"Soil Conditions" be added as part of the design criteria for determining plant material
selections. Mr. McElhany indicated that soil types and ph levels can be added to the
existing plant matrix in Appendix B.
Members of the Planning Commission stated support for this effort citing long term
benefits to the community.
99.62 MOTION by Wulff, Second by Kot to recommend to City Council receipt and approval of
the City of Lakeville Corridor & Gateway Design Study as presented and modified in
accordance with the modifications proposed by the Planning Commission as discussed
Roll call vote was called on the motion.
Ayes: Drotning, Comer, Wulff, Kot, Moates.
Nays: 0.
Mrs. Janet Sapp (wife) was present to answer questions and make statements on behalf
of Mr. Timothy Sapp. Associate Planner Frank Dempsey indicated that he has had
several discussions with Mr. Sapp, 10419 163rd Street West, regarding his proposal for a
variance to allow him to keep anon-conforming shed in its present location on his
property. In the summer of 1998, a City Building Inspector noticed the existing shed
under construction and contacted the property owner that a building permit must be
received and the shed would have to comply with zoning requirements. Mr. Sapp
claimed that the previous shed was damaged in a storm in 1998.
Planner Dempsey noted that the subject property is zoned R-2, Single Family Residential
District and accessory structures are required to be a minimum of 10 feet from all other
structures. An on-site inspection by City staff determined that the existing shed was 3
feet from the west wall of the house and that the shed could be moved into a location
that would meet the minimum zoning ordinance requirements. Community and
Economic Development Department staff had previously indicated to Mr. Sapp that staff
could not support his request for a variance as long as other options to bring the shed
• into compliance are available. Mr. Sapp requested informal discussion and preliminary
comments from the Planning Commission prior to their submittal of an application for a
Planning Commission Meeting Minutes
June 3, 1999
Page 5
Mrs. Janet Sapp was in attendance representing her husband's proposal to allow the
non-conforming shed to remain in its present location on their property located at 10419
163~d Street West. Mrs. Sapp indicated that they had purchased the home in 1993 and
constructed a shed in approximately the same location as the new existing shed. The
shed that was built in 1993 was destroyed in one of last summer's severe storms and,
therefore, the Sapps proceeded to reconstruct the new shed in the same location. Mrs.
Sapp indicated that alternative locations for placement of the shed would impact a
significant tree or ponding area in their rear yard. Mrs. Sapp also noted that she had
contacted her neighbors and they had indicated their preference for the current location
of the shed. In addition, Mrs. Sapp stated that their property abuts County Road 46 and
when the expansion of the roadway was occurring the County acquired a temporary
easement on their property which would have precluded the construction of the shed to
conforming setback in the rear yard.
Planner Dempsey noted that construction of the shed in both 1993 and 1998 were
completed without a building permit. Therefore, there was no opportunity for staff to
inform the property owners of ordinance requirements for placement of the shed. An
initial letter, dated September 1, 1998, was sent to the property owners noting that the
accessory building was being constructed without a permit and indicating that accessory
buildings must receive site plan approval prior to construction on the property.
Subsequent notices were sent on September 21, 1998, December 15, 1998, January. 7,
1999 and May 4, 1999 outlining the options for bringing the detached shed into
conformance with the minimum setback requirements. A June 1,.1999 deadline was set
for the property owner to comply with ordinance requirements or submit a request for a
variance. Associate Planner Dempsey provided a 1992 site survey of the subject
property delineating the area of the rear yard that could accommodate the shed and
meet the setback requirements.
Commissioner Wulff requested clarification of the location of the existing tree and
ponding area in the rear yard. Staff responded.
Chair Drotning stated that the current Zoning Ordinance governing the placement of
sheds has been in effect and consistently enforced since 1980.. He noted that staff and
the Commission have been consistent in their efforts to bring current non-conforming
properties into compliance with the current zoning and building requirements. For the
most part enforcement of the Zoning Ordinance has been successful with the
cooperation of the property owners, Because it has been determined that the shed can
be accommodated on the property in an area that will comply with current ordinance
requirements and no significant hardship of the property has been identified, Chair
Drotning indicated he would not be inclined to recommend a variance to the City Council.
Commissioner Wulff indicated that she is proud of how the City of Lakeville is able to
work with property owners to achieve overall consistency with the Zoning Ordinance.
Variances are granted- only under very rare conditions where hardships are unique to the
• property and no viable alternatives can be pursued.
The Planning Commission indicated their agreement with Chair Drotning and
Commissioner Wulff. Staff informed Mrs. Sapp that since they had been given a
Planning Commission Meeting Minutes
June 3, 1999
Page 6
deadline of June 1, 1999, a decision whether to apply for a building. permit indicating
when the relocation of the shed will be accomplished or to pursue a variance should be
made within the week to avoid any further enforcement action.
City Planner Daryl Morey reviewed a proposed draft "checklist" for types of verbal
information a developer should provide in his/her introduction of a project to the Planning
Commission. The developer guidelines were prepared upon direction from the Planning
Commission at the May 20th meeting. The Planning Commission had discussed
amending the public hearing format to address concerns that there is a perception that
staff "recommendations" to the Planning Commission at public hearings appear as
though the City is acting as an advocate for projects under review.
Ghair Drotning acknowledged an email from Commissioner Comer suggesting a draft
format for a typical developer presentation incorporating the items as outlined in the May
28, 1999 Planning Report. The Planning Commission agreed that Commissioner
Comer's proposed sample presentation was an excellent example of a format to be
followed by developers.
Mr. Morey also presented four options for "closing statements" for staff presentations on
development proposals/applications.
Commissioner Wulff expressed her desire that the developer present a brief history of
his/her proposal stating what was originally proposed and what modifications were made
to meet City ordinances and/or what, if any, concessions or compromises were made by
the developer in addressing staff issues and concerns regarding the original proposal.
City Administrator Robert Erickson expressed his support for this suggestion noting that
this would provide information to the public and those attending the public hearing
regarding the process that each potential development must undergo prior to the project
ever being brought before the Planning Commission and City Council for consideration.
The Commission agreed that Item 1.f. be amended to include the presentation of a
synopsis of the "original proposal" in relationship to the proposed project that is the
subject of the public hearing.
After discussing the four options for "closing statements", the Planning Commission
agreed that Item 2.b. more appropriately addressed their concern that a staff
recommendation at a public hearing not give the impression that the project is a "Done
Deal." The intent is for the written planning reports to retain their current format which
states a specific staff recommendation; however, the verbal recommendation would be
The Planning Commission opted to not send a letter to individuals who address the
• Commission during public hearings thanking them for their input. The Commission
concurred that they would prefer not to initiate this practice at this time due to the fact
Planning Commission Meeting Minutes
June 3, 1999
Page 7
that many attendees of public hearings do not speak and the timeliness of the response
relative to scheduled action by the City Council
99.63 .MOTION by Wulff, Second by Kot to recommend Planning Commission Meeting operating
procedures include developer presentations to the Planning Commission in the formaf
outlined as Items 1.a. through 1.i. in the "CHECKLIST", with an amendment to Item 1.f.,
as discussed, and Item 2.b. "CLOSING STATEMENT" as presented in the May 28, 1999
Planning Report .
Roll call vote was called on the motion.
Ayes: Comer, Wulff, Kot, Moates, Drotning.
Nays: 0.
Community and Economic Development Director Sobota requested input from the
Commission in identifying specific properties with the potential to have conflict in the.
process of rezoning for consistency with the City's Comprehensive Land Use Plan. Staff
will pursue additional research of these properties to address any issues prior to rezoning
Commissioner Wulff identified the property located at Dodd Boulevard and Glacier Way
currently zoned Planned Unit Development. Ms. Wulff also indicated that the property at
167th Street West and Kenrick Avenue be researched for zoning options other-than B-4
General Commercial zoning.
Chair Drotning identified the property located north of 175th Street in the Argonne Farms
area as an area that has a potentiaF for neighborhood conflict.
OTHER BUSINESS: Sobota informed the Planning Commission that a meeting was held
with Independent School District. (ISD) 194 representatives, U.S. West and City staff
regarding concerns raised by the Planning Commission about the cellular telephone
tower east of Kennedy Elementary School. Sobota stated that the developer and ISD
194 agreed to move the tower approximately 200 feet south taking it out of the
playground. area and place it next to the ball field and, therefore, eliminating any conflicts
with the play area. Planning Commission members agreed that this was an
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:20 p.m.
Resp ctfully submi e ,
on a Quintus, Re ording Secretary
Karl Drotning, Chair
WHEREAS, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority in and for the. City of
Lakeville (the "Authority") has proposed Modification No. 5 of the Housing
Development Project Plan and Modification No. 5 of the Housing Tax Increment District
No. 8 "Southfork 1 Apartments" Financing Plan. pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Sections
469.001 and. 469.047, inclusive, and Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.174 to 469,.179,.
inclusive; and
WHEREAS, the Project Plan and Financing Plan have been submitted to the
Lakeville Planning. Commission pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.027 and
Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.175, Subd. 3(3); and
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has reviewed the proposed Project Plan:
and Financing Plan to determine the consistency of the Plans to the Comprehensive Plan
of the City.
• NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Lakeville Planning
Commission that`the Project Plan and Financing Plan are consistent with the Lakeville
Comprehensive Plan and. the Commission recommends forwarding of the findings to the
Lakeville City Council.
Adopted: , 1999