HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-19-99 work session Meeting Notes Planning Commission Work Session 5:00 p.m. -Thursday, August 19, 1999 Administration Conference Room Present: Chair Karl Drotning; Commissioners Laurie Rieb, Jerry Comer, Chris Moates, Bruce Skipton, Wendy Wulff, and Sharon Kot. Absent: Commissioner David Bellows, and ex-officio member Tim Knutson. Staff: Community & Economic Development Director Michael Sobota; City Planner Daryl Morey; Associate Planner Ron Mullenbach; Assistant City Engineer Tim Hanson; City Attorney Roger Knutson; and Planning Consultant David Licht. Chair Drotning called the work session to order at 5:00 p.m. Planning Consultant Licht stated that the purpose of the work session was to give the Planning Commission an update on the status of the R-5A District update. On July 13`h, the City held a meeting to discuss the proposed townhome performance standards with potential townhome developers. Following the meeting, several developers submitted • :written comments on the proposed standards. Planning Consultant Licht stated that the input from the Planning Commission at their July 15`h meeting was very helpful in the further development of the performance standards. These included the comments from the July 13`h meeting with developers as recommended by the Planning Commission. The Planning Commission agreed that it has also become. evident that much more extensive modifications to the Zoning Ordinance text are needed. In addition, Planning Commission members felt that it is unlikely .that projects could be constructed in 1999 following approval of the new standards. Therefore, staff is seeking direction from the Planning Commission prior to discussing the subject with the City Council at their August 30, 1999 work;session. Pursuant to the Planning Commission's discussion and comments from developers, Licht stated that he is recommending that three alternatives for processing townhome developments be incorporated into the zoning ordinance update. All mid-density designated land would be zoned R-5A and subject to specific performance standards. Developers would then have the option to develop under the specific R-5A performance standards, request an R-5 District conditional use permit which would allow incentives for density based on defined criteria, or request a rezoning to PUD - Planned Unit Development. This approach would include a degree of flexibility in processing residential subdivisions that the Planning Commission and development community have indicated that they desire. The zoning ordinance update would then include specific criteria for when a PUD or CUP could be used. Most importantly, Planning Consultant Licht stated that the townhome standards should be developed to ensure consistency with all residential zoning districts. Commissioner Kot asked why developers currently must rezone to PUD for. a townhome project. Mr. Licht indicated that the 1992 Strategic Growth Management Task Force recommended the removal of the CUP/PUD process to prohibit the PUD from being utilized to reduce lot sizes through the averaging of densities over an entire plat. Commissioner Rieb stated that it was important that the City and developers not lose the flexibility they. need to produce quality projects. Mr. Licht stated the three alternatives approach would provide flexibility in processing residential subdivisions. As market trends continue to change the type of housing units proposed, specific performance standards .may prohibit flexibility. The result would be "cookie-cutter" developments. City Planner Morey indicated that new housing types (both .attached and .detached), including zero lot line homes, have been proposed and need to be'accounted for in the zoning ordinance update. Licht stated that the R-5A District ultimately will represent one of several mid-density residential zoning districts that would be available to developers. Planning Commission members agreed that including flexibility in processing residential subdivisions is important. Planning Commission members agreed to consider a motion during the regular Planning Commission meeting later in the evening regarding this discussion. The work session was adjourned at 5:40 p.m. Respectfully submitted, ~fil Ron Mullenbach, Associate Planner