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AUGUST 5, 1998
ITEM #1. Call to order.
The meeting was called to order in the Lakeville Council Chambers by Chairperson
Wanless-Sobel at 6:00 PM.
ITEM #2. Roll call.
Present were L. Lulf, C. Warless-Sobel, J. Larson, A. Raymond, C. Bonn and
P. Messinger. Committee member H. Lovelace was absent. Also present were Park
Director Steve Michaud and Recording Secretary Judi Ryan.
ITEM #3. Minutes of July 15, 1998.
The minutes of the July 15, 1998 Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee meeting
were discussed. There were no additions or corrections and the minutes were
approved as printed.
ITEM #4. Citizen comments.
There were no citizens present for items not on the agenda.
ITEM #7. - Review prototype of park identification signage for Lakeville
park system.
Item #7 was brought forward on the agenda to accommodate Administrative Assistant
Jake Sedlacek. Committee members had received information in their packets
concerning various materials and options available for park identification signage and
received an additional handout which further compared costs and durability. Jake
showed an example of a painted and stained redwood sign. This is the least
expensive option explored and has the best creativity options. The sign is expected to
last 15-20 years with refinishing needed every three to four years.
A foam sign material, similar to styrofoam, is available and would be fmished with a
polymer coating. The life expectancy would be five to six years. This sign material
seemed as though it would be subject to vandalism.
Flanagan Sales markets apre-cast concrete sign which is very strong and durable.
This type of sign is expected to last at least 12 years with repainting needed every
three years. This type of sign may not offer as much creativity. There is also a need
for a full concrete base, which will add to the cost. The material is very difficult to
mark or scratch, making it fairly vandalism resistant.
Parks and Ra:~atzo~z Advisory Camp Meietrng
Augz~st S, 1998 ~tuige -2-
A company called Imaginality offers an aluminum sign material which would have a
glossy, baked enamel finish and be seated on an oval cast aluminum base. The cost
would be about $4,000 fora 4 X 6 sign. The product has not been on the market
long enough to have withstood a time test and may also be subject to vandalism.
Earl F. Anderson has proposed a material called Cylex, a synthetic granite, for the
park signs. This product has become very popular, especially for golf course
markers. The signs are easy to maintain and would cost approximately $4,000 each.
Jake also talked to some cities which are experimenting with a recycled plastic
product, which Lakeville has used in the construction of picnic tables. The cities
which are using this material as signs have had good luck with it, although the oldest
sign is only three years old. It may be difficult to repair vandalism to this material
because it cannot be sanded down, but because the product is already colored, only
the letters and logo would need to be painted. Recycled plastic and rough cut cedar
are approximately the same cost.
Staff stated there is $5,000 in the budget for signs this year. It was suggested that
one or two could be completed each year at the larger community parks, with less
expensive, smaller signs at the neighborhood parks. It was stated that if a cedar or
redwood sign were used, a high quality paint or stain would be imperative to prolong
the life of the sign and minimize maintenance.
Committee members felt the sign foam and aluminum signs would be too prone to
vandalism, and the pre-cast concrete was very durable but too expensive. Committee
members liked the synthetic granite, possibly for the larger community parks and
athletic complexes. Painted signs using redwood or recycled dimension lumber
would work nicely for the neighborhood parks. A similar design could be used for
both types of signs.
ITEM #5. Staff reports and summary of current projects.
• There has been some conflict with the retaining wall on the new Flagstaff Avenue
trail and a second contractor has been scheduled to complete the wall. It is
anticipated that the paving contractor will be able to complete his portion of the
project by the end of the week.
• The AAU tournament is taking place at Quigley-Sime this week. Games were
cancelled on Monday due to the rain, but fortunately were able to be made up that
evening under the lights at Lac Lavon. The tournament is going very well and the
fields at Quigley-Sime are in excellent condition.
Parks and R~ Aclvrsof
y C,crr~rritt~ Me~etirig
August S, 1998 page -3-
• Some drainage problems are being experienced at Parkview and plans are being
made to crown all the fields. It was also mentioned that Dodd Trail Park should
be inspected for similar drainage difficulty.
• Park Maintenance will be spending the next few weeks working on several fencing
projects along trail easements and accesses.
ITEM #6. - Continue discussion of naming various parks in the City of
Committee member Bonn needed to leave the meeting early and wished to express
her opinion about a park name. Bonn feels the name "Dodd Pointe Park" has some
historical value and has become familiar to the neighbors and she would like to have
the park name stay the same. Committee members also suggested "The Pointe" and
"Pointe Park" would be appropriate.
Committee members directed staff to notify the public through an article on the
"Messages" page that the following park names may be changed. Following public
input, names will be presented to the City Council for approval.
Juno Trailways Minnewaukan Trail, Lake Marion Trail, Juno Trailway
• Pexa property: Jupiter Park, Kensington Park
South Soccer Complex: McGuire Soccer Park, McGuire Soccer Complex, South
Soccer Park
Dodd Pointe Park: Pointe Park, Dodd Pointe Park
Cherry View Park: Cherryview Park
Cherry View Pond: Cherryview Conservation Area, Island Pond Conservation
Greenrcdge property: Greenridge Park
Meadow Brook Park: Quail Meadows Park, Quail Park
ITEM #8. - Unfinished business.
Committee members received a copy of correspondence with a young Lakeville
resident who was inquiring about the addition of an outdoor pool to the park system.
ITEM #9. - New business.
Preliminary discussion was held concerning possible 1999 Park Dedication projects.
Staff reminded committee members that as of January 1, 1999 there will be one fund
for park and trail improvements. Among the projects that were mentioned for
possible 1999 construction were:
• Pexa property -possibly do final grade, a playground and internal trails. This -
project is becoming a priority as population develops in that area.
Parks and Ra~rnatzon Aa~visory ~,arnrn'tt~ Me~etmg
Augr-rst S, 1998 page
• Soccer field development -Lakeville Soccer had over 2,000 registrations for
soccer, the need for more fields is growing. Several acres of park property exist
on the east side of Aronson Park which could possibly be developed. A feasibility
study would need to be completed first.
• Trail links are needed to the outlying fields at King Park for pedestrian and
handicapped accessibility.
• A pedestrian bridge is needed over the drainage channel from McGuire Junior
High to the South Soccer fields.
• Annual budget of $20,000 for STS labor and materials.
• Update of comprehensive park and open space plan.
• Klamath Trailway construction.
• Annual reserve for northeast sector community park purchase.
• 1999 seal coating program.
• Annual picnic table construction.
• Playground upgrades -possibly Orchard Lake Beach and other older structures.
• Various hockey rink lighting upgrades and additional park security lights.
• Assessments for roadway improvements.
• Installation of sewer and water to Quigley-Sime Park building (probably in 1998.)
• Possible drain-tile and storm pipe project at Highview Heights.
• Lake Marion surface water zoning sign.
• Contribution to .repair volleyball floor plates at Kenwood Trail Junior High.
• Park, identification signage.
• Possibly additional hockey rink paving. Suggestions were Meadows and Rolling
• Installation of bollards at several new park parking lots.
• Committee member Messinger stated there are still some sidewalk connections
which are needed in the Valley Park area, especially Gerdine Path near Bunker
Hill Park and the 170th Street area near Cedar and Gerdine. Staff will take a look
at those areas.
The 1999 Park Dedication expenditures will be placed on the next Parks and
Recreation Advisory Committee agenda for further discussion.
Chair Warless-Sobel commended City Forester Mick Higgins for his knowledge and
helpfulness when she and her husband needed to contact him concerning a dying tree.
Staff notified committee members that the Minnesota ReLeaf Grant agreement was
approved by City Council this week. The City will administer the $10,000 matching
• grant to continue the oak wilt suppression program. An article will be printed on the
"Messages" page notifying residents of availability of funds.
Parks acrd R~ Advisory Carrmitt~ Meeting
August S, 1998 page -S-
Committee member Larson stated that he has witnessed a parking issue at King Park
with cars driving onto the grass. Staff stated that car stops are needed and will be
installed when time allows.
The Fall Community Fair will be held on Saturday, September 12th from 9:00 AM to
noon. Committee members were asked to call the Park Dept. office if they would be
able to volunteer to help at the Parks and Recreation Dept. booth.
Patty Dexter has been hired to fill the Recreation Supervisor position. She will begin
her duties on August 10, 1998.
ITEM #10. - Announcements.
The next meeting of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee is scheduled for
August 19, 1998 at 6:00 PM.
ITEM #11. Adjournment.
The meeting adjourned at 7:45 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Ju kith A. Ryan, Record Secretary
Colette Warless-Sobel, Chairperson