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APRIL 15, 1998
ITEM #1. Call to order.
The meeting was called to order in the Lakeville Council Chambers by
Chairperson Warless-Sobel at 6:00 PM.
ITEM #2. Roll call.
Present were H. Lovelace, L. Lulf, J. Larson, C. Warless-Sobel, A. Raymond,
C. Bonn, and P. Messinger. Also present were Park Director Steve Michaud and
Recording Secretary Judi Ryan.
ITEM #3. Minutes of April 1, 1998.
The minutes of .the .April 1, 1998 Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee
meeting were discussed. There were no additions or corrections and the minutes
were approved as printed.
• ITEM #4. Citizen comments.
There were no citizens present for items not on the agenda.
ITEM #5. Staff reports and summary of current projects.
~ Staff briefed committee members on the bid opening for four park improvement
projects which had taken place on April 14th. The apparent low bidder had
withdrawn his- bid shortly after the opening due to an omission error. The
project will either be re-bid or awarded to the second lowest bidder.
~ The portion of Klamath trailway to the Orchard Lake Elementary School has
been paved. This project is progressing in a timely manner.
~ The owners of the Body Dryland Hockey School agreed in concept to the
conditions for use of McGuire Junior High rink facilities for their program,
however, .they did not get their agreement signed in time for the Apri120, 1998
Ciry Council meeting. The agreement will be considered by Council at their
May 4th meeting.
~ The Lakeville Baseball Association is preparing to begin construction of the
new storage/concession/restroom building at Quigley-Sime Park. An August 1,
1998 completion date is planned.
~ Current Park Maintenance projects include repairs to the parking area at
Cherryview Park, preparation of fields at Aronson Park for this weekend's
Parks andR~at~ion Ac~viwry C,armn'tta'Mra~utrs
A~rril 1 S, 1998 Page -2-
LBA tryouts, construction of additional picnic tables for the park system, new
lifeguard chairs at all beaches, planting of donated trees at Cherryview
Neighborhood park, and field preparations at King baseball complex.
~ The high water table in many areas has had an effect on spring field
~ The Summer Recreation Brochure will be distributed to residents via the
Lakeville Life and Times this weekend.
ITEM #6. Review Dodd Valley Estates revised preliminary plat and
make park and trail dedication recommendation to City Council.
The revised preliminary plat of Dodd Valley Estates has been expanded to consist
of 98 single family lots. The plat is located on the south side of Dodd Blvd.
between Flagstaff Avenue. and Pilot Knob Road. Staff feels that existing park
facilities which are within athree-quarter mile radius are sufficient to serve the
residents of this plat. As areas to the east which are currently outside the MUSA
continue to develop, there may be a need for a small neighborhood park of two to
three acres. Staff stated there are several nearby recreational facilities including
• Dodd Trail Park, Independence Park and Meadow Brook Park and opportunities
for safe roadway crossings and trails are provided.
Committee member Messinger stated that she anticipates future residents of Dodd
Valley Estates may feel that area parks are too far to walk to and .may make
requests for a park in their area. Staff stated that a search area is not within this
plat and the sidewalk along Fairgreen Avenue and numerous trails in the area will
provide access to parks and other recreational facilities.
98.16 Motion was made by Raymond, seconded by Bonn, to recommend City Council
approve the revised prelminary plat of Dodd Valley Estates -and require a cash
contribution to satisfy the park and trail dedication requirements. In addition it is
recommended that the developer be required to construct afive-foot sidewalk on
the west side of Fairgreen Avenue and escrow funds for future trail development
along Dodd Boulevard.
Aye: Lovelace, Lulf, Larson, Warless-Sobel, Raymond and Bonn.
Nay: Messinger voted nay because she is concerned that future residents of
this plat will be dissatisfied with the distance to area parks.
Motion passed.
Parks andRa:~ation Advisory C.arnnitxe? Ming
April 1 S, 1998 .Page -3-
ITEM ~l'1. Review Hypointe Crossing 7th Addition final plat and make
park and trail dedication recommendation to City Council.
Hypointe Crossing 7th Addition is located south of Interlachen Boulevard and east
of Crystal Lake Golf Course. Several parks and school recreation facilities are
within a short distance to serve the residents of this plat, including Hypointe
Crossing Park in the Hypointe Crossing 2nd Addition, North Park, and Crystal
Lake Elementary School. Residents will be able to take advantage of trails to
access these facilities.
98.17 Motion was made by Larson, seconded by Lovelace, to recommend Ciry Council
approve the final plat of Hypointe Crossing 7th Addition and require a cash
contribution to satisfy the park and trail dedication requirements.
Motion passed.
ITEM #8. Review Zweber Farms Second and Third Addition final plats
and make park and trail dedication recommendation to City .Council.
Zweber Farms Second and Third Additions consist of a total of 54 lots. Park
dedication requirements for all additions were met with the dedication of ten acres
• of wooded park land with the first addition. The developer will still be required to
pay a cash contribution for trails and will be required to escrow for future trails on
Highview Avenue. In addition, staff is working with the developer to benchcut a
trail through the Zweber Woods park property.
98.18 Motion was .made by Messinger, seconded by Lulf, to recommend Ciry Council
approve the Zweber Farms Second and Third Additions final plats and require a
cash contribution to satisfy the trail dedication requirements. It is also
recommended that the developer be required benchcut a trail through the Zweber
Woods park property and to escrow for future trail along Highview Avenue to be
installed when that roadway is upgraded. The developer will further be required to
install two paved public accesses to the school property and plant trees and
screening materials along both accesses in conformance with standard trail access
Motion passed.
ITEM ~9. Unfinished business.
Committee members are being asked to participate in the next phase of the
Comprehensive Plan update by attending neighborhood meetings. Committee
• members received a list of locations and volunteered to attend various meetings.
In order to give committee members an opportunity to attend the Urban Service
Parks and Rarer Aa~rny C,arnrn°tt~ tYlrnr.~s
April 1 S, 1998 Page -4-
Area Comprehensive Plan update meetings on May 6, 1998, it was suggested that
the start of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee meeting be delayed until
6:30 PM.
98.19 Motion was made by Larson, seconded by Bonn, to change the meeting time of the
May 6, 1998 Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee to begin at 6:30 PM in
order to accommodate the Urban Service Area Comprehensive Plan update
neighborhood meetings.
Motion passed.
ITEM #10. New business.
Committee members received a report from the Building Inspections Department
demonstrating the high level of residential and commercial building activity which
is occurring in the city.
ITEM #11. - Announcements.
The next meeting of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee is scheduled
for May 6, 1998 at 6:30 PM.
ITEM #12. Adjournment.
The meeting adjourned at 7:15 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Cl. .
Ju 'th A. Ryan, Rec ing Secretary
le I ~ S S 1 ~G
Colette Warless-Sobel, Chairperson